Another Katie MacAlister book come and gone.. I get so excited on the release day, I buy it, inhale it, then have to wait until the next one... On to the review!
From the back of the book: " May Northcott is a woman at the end of her rope. She'd almost gotten used to her employer, the ex-demon lord Magoth, spending his days hanging around her home and interrupting her private moments with her love, Gabriel. Then trouble appears on her doorstep in the form of a nearly dead man.
With May fighting to control the dragon shard, Magoth wrangling to regain his position and powers, and a mysterious and deadly dragon bent on their destruction, Gabriel has his work cut out for him. Now he'll have to claw his way through all the distractions and convince May that their love is strong enough to conquer all of their enemies. "
"Me and My Shadow" by Katie MacAlister is the next installment in the Silver Dragons series, which followed the Green Dragons series. Katie MacAlister is famous, at least to me, for some great quick reads, because I really can inhale her book in a few hours after buying it. There has been times when I so looked forward to her next book that I made sure the evening of the release day was free and clear of appointments, or whatever else.
I really love Gabriel, and while I wasn't sure about May as a character at first (when we met her in the first book), but I quickly came to enjoy her. As usual, some of the side characters came to annoy me, but this is something I've found happening more often in all the books I read, not just one particular author. Cyrene (May's "twin") was a little too much for me at times. And she has an extremely logical (sort of?) reason for being so.. so.. bothersome? No, that's not the word.. So Argh!, but there were several times I just wanted to punch her and get it over with. I'm interested in reading the next book in the dragons series ("Love in the Time of Dragons") to see what happens with Cyrene. And Magoth.. ahhh Magoth. Except for his temper tantrums, which could indeed be life threatening, I loved having him around to make dirty little comments and just make everyone uncomfortable. The only thing I wish I could have seen more of was some May and Gabriel alone time. Not necessarily sexytimes, but the two main characters were often in separate parts of the world, and would just communicate via phone. I would have preferred to see them together more often, interacting in person.
That said, I give "Me and My Shadow" by Katie MacAlister a FOUR POINT SEVEN out of FIVE. I love Katie MacAlister, she's one of my favorite authors ever, and I will buy and read everything she does, but I'm not sure this book WOWed me as much as she usually does. I still enjoyed it, I still love the characters, and I can't wait to find out what happens next with the dragon septs, I just feel a little.. I feel like it left with a few too many questions, maybe is the problem.
That all said, make sure to check out "Steamed" by Katie MacAlister, coming out February 2nd, 2010. This is her first foray into the steampunk genre. And also coming next year is Katie's "Love in the Time of Dragons," so far scheduled for May 4th, 2010. "Love in the Time of Dragons" is the first book in the Light Dragon's series, and I have a post with the cover and other little tidbits somewhere on the roster.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Morning Glow
Photo courtesy of Amazon.com
Book was purchased by myself, not given in exchange for review.