Saturday, July 22, 2017

Review: WORTH THE WAIT by Lori Foster!

Release Date: July 25th, 2017

Reading Order:
Book 1: Don't Tempt Me - See my review HERE!
Book 2: Worth The Wait

My Review: I am going to start this review by stating how much I love Hogan and Colt. Hogan is fantastic, and made me like the whole single-dad trend, which was never one of my interests before. And Colt.. Colt was absolutely perfect, and well written. Sometimes it's hard to write a believable teenager/young adult, but Lori Foster is a wonderful writer, and proves she can do anything - even write the perfect teenager.

Now to what I wasn't a huge fan of - Violet. I tried to like her, but she just seemed so self-serving. There were times I didn't really believe she liked Hogan, it just felt like she wanted him for what he could do for her or the diner. There were elements of their story that were cute and sweet, but the majority of the time, Violet just felt like a jerk to me.

Like with the first book, there was a secondary romance happening alongside the main couple. I think Nathan and Brooklin's story was probably the better one. I loved these two together, and it was so good to see Nathan get a happy ending, which was something I was hoping for since the first book. And as good as that secondary romance plot was, the small third romance was even better - Colt gets his own chance at love! And maybe he deserves a happily ever after most of all.

I loved Don't Tempt Me so much, so that could be why this book felt like such a let down in comparison. I think this is the first Lori Foster book I've read that hasn't gotten a four or five star rating. She remains one of my favorite authors, but I have to say I was disappointed with this book.

About the book: Single dad Hogan Guthrie is getting his life back on track, and working as the "barbecue master" at a local diner is just a temporary detour. He and restaurant owner Violet Shaw constantly butt heads…until one night they end up mingling other parts instead. Hogan thought he had the recipe for happiness all figured out. But loyal, carefree Violet is daring him to trust his impulses…and see just how sweet small-town living—and loving—can be.

Nathan Hawley traded his SWAT team credentials for a sheriff's badge, but a gorgeous new neighbor is shaking up his orderly life. Nathan has a hunch there's more to Brooklin Sweet than meets the eye—but given her caution about getting involved, he has his work cut out for him. Still, there's something about the elusive beauty Nathan can't walk away from—and helping her come to terms with her past might pave the way to the future they both secretly long for.

Cover Lovin': An excellent cover, and works perfectly with the first book.

Recommendation: Worth The Wait can work just fine as a stand-alone, but I personally recommend reading Don't Tempt Me because it was so good!

Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE stars (3.5/5)! A little bit of a let down after the first book, but the secondary characters and their romances definitely make this worth a read.

Get your copy of Don't Tempt Me and Worth The Wait today!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Review: EYES ON YOU by Laura Kaye!


From New York Times Bestselling author Laura Kaye, comes EYES ON YOU, a new novella in her Blasphemy Series, brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights! Be sure to grab your copy today!

My Review: I'm going to start with what didn't work for me, which works out since its the beginning of the book. I get that Wolf and Liv meeting is supposed to feel like fate, a perfect chance meeting that became something amazing.. But alas, it just felt cheesy, fake, and forced. After having read several Laura Kaye books now, this is far from the norm for her. She's usually great and making everything feel real and genuine. But I guess she saved all that for the steamy scenes.

Like the previous books in this series, the sex scenes are beyond hot. My windows were fogging up here, people - and that's saying something, because Wolf and Liv's kink is not my own. I also have to give major kudos for the treatment of BDSM and especially consent. This is hugely important, and Laura Kaye doesn't skimp on the explanations and safety. And once I got past the cheesy "meet cute," the romance itself was sweet, and just an overall good story.

Cover Lovin': Fits with the rest of the 1001 Dark Nights Series.

Recommendation: This can be read as a stand-alone, though multiple characters from previous books play small roles.

Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE stars (3.5/5)! The two of them meeting, instead of feeling like fate, felt cheesy and staged. But the romance was beautifully sweet, and the sex scenes steaming hot!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

About EYES ON YOU (Blasphemy #3):

She wants to explore her true desires, and he wants to watch… When a sexy stranger asks Wolf Henrikson to rescue her from a bad date, he never expected to want the woman for himself. But their playful conversation turns into a scorching one-night stand that reveals the shy beauty gets off on the idea of being seen, even if she’s a little scared of it, too. And Wolf loves to watch.

In the wake of discovering her fiancé’s infidelity, florist Olivia Foster never expected to find someone who not only understood her wildest, darkest fantasies, but would bring them to life. As Wolf introduces her to his world at the play club, Blasphemy, Liv finds herself tempted to explore submission and exhibitionism with the hard-bodied Dom even as she’s scared to trust again.

But Wolf is a master of getting what he wants—and he’s got his eyes set on her…


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Laura Kaye’s EYES ON YOU – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
July 19th
Booked All Night – Review & Excerpt
EDGy Reviews – Review & Excerpt
JordansBookReviews – Review & Excerpt
My Girlfriends Couch – Review & Excerpt
Only One More Page – Review & Excerpt
Reads All the Books – Review & Excerpt
The Book Hammock – Review & Excerpt
July 20th
Four Chicks Flipping Pages – Review & Excerpt
Krista's Dust Jacket – Review & Excerpt
Lightning City Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Mybookarcsblogspot – Review
Shayna Renee's Spicy Reads – Review & Excerpt
July 21st
Books Need TLC – Review
DC Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
Novel Addiction – Review
Oh My Growing TBR – Review & Excerpt
Ripe For Reader – Review
July 22nd
Evermore Books – Review & Excerpt
Knotty Girl Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm – Review & Excerpt
The Reading Cafe – Review & Excerpt
July 23rd
Bookgasms Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Dog-Eared Daydreams – Review & Excerpt
Lovinghotbooks – Review & Excerpt
Reads & Reviews – Review
Renee Entress's Blog – Review & Excerpt
Shellby – Excerpt
Sweet Red Reads – Review & Excerpt
July 24th
Bobo's Book Bank – Review & Excerpt
Deluged with Books Cafe – Review & Excerpt
Lit. 4 Ladies – Review & Excerpt
MammieBabbie – Review & Excerpt
Red Hot + Blue Reads – Review & Excerpt
Sofia Loves Books – Review & Excerpt
Wickedcoolflight – Review & Excerpt
July 25th
Becky on Books – Review & Excerpt
Literary Gossip – Excerpt
Pardon My Blurb – Review & Excerpt
Roxs Reads – Review & Excerpt
Wicked Babes Blog Reviews – Review & Excerpt
July 26th
Books According to Abby – Review & Excerpt
Cara's Book Boudoir – Review & Excerpt
Feeling Fictional – Review & Excerpt
Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt
Tanya the book obsessed momma – Review & Excerpt
July 27th
Provocative Pages – Review
Spoons, Hooks, and Books – Review & Excerpt
WickedGoodReads – Review
July 28th
A Naughty Girl's Novel World – Review & Excerpt
Kdrbck – Review
Kick Back & Review – Review
Love Drug Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Love Notes Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Romance Reviews and More – Review & Excerpt
True Story Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Wicked Reads – Review & Excerpt
      About Laura Kaye: New York Times and USA Today bestseller Laura Kaye is the author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Laura grew up amid family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses, cementing her life-long fascination with storytelling and the supernatural. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day. Laura is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Maryland Romance Writers, and she is past president of the RWA-Contemporary Romance Writers.    

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Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Review & Except: TRUST by Kylie Scott!

 My Review: I... guys, I don't know if I have enough words. I am writing this review seconds after finishing the book, and I am in an absolute giddy phase. Kylie Scott is one of my favorite authors. And this book is just another example of how amazing she is. First off, she gives her readers an immediate punch to the chest, and then we get to spend the rest of the book trying to recover. But you know what? She can hit me again whenever she wants.

I will admit, I was nervous how this book would turn out - after all, Kylie Scott is most definitely an adult writer. I wasn't sure she could pull off a young adult novel - it takes a special author to conquer both. But she did it. She crossed that bridge with elaborate fanfare, and I feel like a fool for even thinking of doubting her. It takes a little time, but her humor and snarkyness comes through, and fits her young adult characters just as well as her adult ones.

Trust is well written, absolutely engrossing, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
 Cover Lovin': Yum, indeed.

Recommendation: Trust stands alone. This is listed as Young Adult, but I would firmly list it as 16+, for some mature content.

Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE stars (5/5)!! I'm in love with this book. It's action packed, exciting, suspenseful, funny, and just everything I didn't know I needed.

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Being young is all about the experiences: the first time you skip school, the first time you fall in love…the first time someone holds a gun to your head.

After being held hostage during a robbery at the local convenience store, seventeen year old Edie finds her attitude about life shattered. Unwilling to put up with the snobbery and bullying at her private school, she enrolls at the local public high school, crossing paths with John. The boy who risked his life to save hers.

While Edie’s beginning to run wild, however, John’s just starting to settle down. After years of partying and dealing drugs with his older brother, he’s going straight—getting to class on time, and thinking about the future.

An unlikely bond grows between the two as John keeps Edie out of trouble and helps her broaden her horizons. But when he helps her out with another first—losing her virginity—their friendship gets complicated.

Meanwhile, Edie and John are pulled back into the dangerous world they narrowly escaped. They were lucky to survive the first time, but this time they have more to lose—each other.


Amazon US | Amazon Aus | Amazon UK | iBooks US | iBooks Aus | Kobo | Nook

      TRUST by Kylie Scott (Official Book Trailer) from FILM 14 on Vimeo.    
“You were going to give it up to Duncan Dickerson?” he sneered. “Are you serious?”
I halted, staring at him. This was not good. “How do you know about that?”
“Anders overheard you and Hang talking.”
“Well?” he demanded, acting all authoritarian. Idiot.
“To be fair, I didn’t know his last name was Dickerson,” I said. “That’s unfortunate. Though, I wasn’t actually planning on marrying him, so . . .”
“Not funny.”
I shrugged.
“You barely know the guy.”
“Um, yeah. None of your concern. We’re not talking about this.” How mortifying! My face burned bright. People should just gather around and cook s’mores. “I appreciate that we’re friends. You mean a lot to me. But this is going to have to fall under definitely none of your damn business, so go away please.”
“We’re talking about it.” He advanced a step.
“No we are not.” And I retreated.
“You were going to let a complete stranger touch you.” Advance.
Retreat. “People do it all the time. You do it all the time.”
“But you don’t,” he said, taking the final step, backing me up against the side of his car and getting all in my face. “Edie, this is your first time we’re talking about. Isn’t it?”
“Yes, and it’s going to be messy and painful and probably horribly embarrassing and I just want it over and done with.” I tried to meet his eyes but failed, settling for a spot on his right shoulder. “You’re not a girl; you wouldn’t understand. Also, last time I checked, you’re not the gatekeeper of my hymen, John Cole. So back the fuck off.”
He said nothing.
Deep, calming breaths. “Look, someday I’ll meet someone I really like and we’ll have a deep and meaningful relationship and go at it like bunnies. But I don’t want to be the dumb virgin in that scenario.”
He slowly shook his head.
“Also, I do not want to die a virgin.”
“What? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Hey, you and I both know death can occur at any time.”
“This is crazy.”
“I’m seeing a therapist!” I told his shoulder. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m a little bit messed up these days. It’s hard for me to trust people. That’s not going to change anytime soon.”
He screwed up his face at me. “Wha—”
“I’m just trying to be practical.”
“Well, you’re being ridiculous. None of this makes sense.”
“It does to me.”
Again, he said nothing.
In fact, he said nothing for so long that I finally looked him in the eye. The anger had left him, replaced by an emotion I didn’t recognize. Worst of all, he still smelled like summer. A little sweat and the open night air, everything I loved. Liked. I meant liked.
“What?” I said, finally.
He let loose a breath. “I’ll do it.”
                  kyliescottimageKylie is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013 & 2014, by the Australian Romance Writer’s Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet. You can learn more about Kylie from   FACEBOOK | TWITTER | FACEBOOK FAN GROUP | INSTAGRAM | GOODREADS | NEWSLETTER  

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cover Reveal: TAMED BY A TIGER by Felicity Heaton!

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 13) by Felicity Heaton – Cover Reveal

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 13)
Felicity Heaton
A snow leopard shifter in the prime of his life, the last thing on August’s mind is tying himself to one female. He welcomes a different one to his bed each night, or at least he had until five months ago when he became alpha. The duties and pressures of running his pride have his libido dead on arrival—until a trip to London to discuss business with the former alpha lands him in the path of a beautiful, bewitching tigress who awakens a passion in him that flares white hot and a need of her that consumes his every moment.
Promised at birth to a male she has never met, Maya has left her pride behind to go to the tiger alpha who is to be her mate, but she can’t leave without saying goodbye to her older brother, Talon. A stop in London at Underworld to see him one last time turns out far different, and far more dangerous, than how she had imagined it when she sets eyes on an alluring crimson-haired stranger who stirs new, unbidden feelings in her, desires that rouse her fiercest and most frightening instincts and demand she stake a claim on him—her fated mate.
Will Maya be strong enough to place her pride and her family’s safety before the desires of her own heart? And will August unravel his feelings for the black-haired beauty before it’s too late and he loses her forever?


The special sneak preview for Tamed by a Tiger begins on July 30th, exclusive to Felicity’s mailing list. Every subscriber is entered into the giveaway to win a signed personalised paperback copy of Tamed by a Tiger, with a chance to win a copy in each of the three exclusive sneak peek chapters being sent out on July 30th, August 1st and August 3rd.
Not only will joining her mailing list ensure you’re in with a chance of winning one of the signed copies of Tamed by a Tiger, it means you’ll start receiving her newsletters, where she gives away 2 x $25 Amazon Gift Cards in each issue, and rewards subscribers with exclusive excerpts, teasers, flash fiction and cover reveals, and plenty of fun! Plus, you’ll receive FOUR FREE EBOOKS in her Series Starter Library just for signing up!

“Cavanaugh, take over a moment,” Sherry called over her shoulder, towards the other end of the bar to Maya’s left.
Her eyes leaped there.
Landed on a huge male with short silver hair who stood with his back to Sherry, the lights playing across his broad shoulders changing his white shirt from blue to red as they shifted.
He twisted at the waist to look at Sherry.
Maya didn’t hear what he said.
She didn’t hear the music.
Didn’t hear anything but the thumping of her heart.
She stared at the male Cavanaugh had been talking to at the end of the bar.
A male with flame red tousled hair and piercing silver eyes that captured hers as he lifted them from his beer to her, looking past the bartender.
Heat rushed through her, fire that burst to life inside her so fiercely she couldn’t catch her breath, and she stared at him, transfixed, lost in those silver eyes as they turned liquid, glowed around his irises and pulled her deeper still, narrowing the world down to only him.
Who was he?
In the wake of the fire that blazed through her blood, her instincts flashed to life, sweeping through her in a devastating wave that stripped all control from her.
She snapped and snarled at the females near her, baring her short fangs at them as a need seized her and drove her to obey it.
A need to fight.
She growled at Sherry through gritted teeth, her fangs slicing into her gums as they elongated.
Sherry backed off, her blue eyes shooting wide as she distanced herself.
On a low growl, Maya leaped onto the black bar, and swiped at her, claws cutting through the air. Sherry ducked beneath her blow, narrowly evading it. Maya’s hackles rose, the urge flowing stronger, driving her harder. She needed to fight. She needed to make sure every female in the vicinity left.
This was her territory now.
She would make that clear.
She opened her mouth to roar.
Someone’s hand slammed down over it, and she struggled as strong arms hauled her backwards, dragging her off the bar. The male held her harder, wrestled with her and managed to restrain her arms, pinning them to her sides. She bit into his palm and he growled at her, a warning she wanted to heed but couldn’t manage to obey.
She needed to fight.
“Calm her the fuck down or you are both out of here, family or fucking not,” a male voice barked and she snarled at the owner of it—the jaguar. “Get this shit under control.”
“Come with me,” Sherry said and Maya struggled harder, needed to reach the female and fight her.
Needed to make this her territory.
Grey grunted and his grip on her tightened, and she flinched as pain arced like lightning through her bones. A show of strength. He was stronger than her, but she wouldn’t let him stop her. He could break her bones if he wanted. She would fight.
She kicked at him, battering his shins.
He bowed backwards, bringing her legs up and making it impossible for her to reach him.
Maya lashed out at everyone in her way instead.
All it did was help her brother by scattering everyone in his way, giving him an open route to take as he followed Sherry.
As she drew closer to the male with the fiery red hair, the need to fight grew stronger, drove her out of her mind and terrified her, leaving her feeling trapped inside her own body. She clawed at Grey’s arms, cutting through his coat and scoring his flesh, but all he did was hiss through his teeth. His grip on her remained too strong for her to break.
She needed to break it.
She needed to fight.
The scarlet-haired male’s silver eyes tracked her until she was level with him, and then casually he looked back down at his beer and resumed speaking with Cavanaugh.
Cold swept through her in response.
All of the fight flowed out of her and she slumped in Grey’s arms, reeling but unsure why.



Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.
If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.
If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Sales Blitz: ABBIE ROADS!

We’re so thrilled to share this sale with you! All three books; Race the Darkness, Hunt the Dawn, and Saving Mercy are on sale for 99¢ (reg $6.15).



Series: Fatal Dreams Series, Book 1 Genre: Dark Romantic Thriller
Cursed with a terrible gift...
Criminal investigator Xander Stone doesn't have to question you-he can hear your thoughts. Scarred by lightning, burdened with a power that gives him no peace, Xander struggles to maintain his sanity against the voice that haunts him day and night-the voice of a woman begging him to save her.
A gift that threatens to engulf them
Isleen Walker has long since given up hope of escape from the nightmare of captivity and torture that is draining her life, her mind, and her soul. Except...there is the man in her feverish dreams, the strangely beautiful man who beckons her to freedom and wholeness. And when he comes, if he comes, it will take all their combined fury and faith to overcome a madman bent on fulfilling a deadly prophecy.
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Her gaze locked with his—locked so hard the entire world vanished and all that existed were her and him and his hand feeling the steady beat of her heart. Whatever the fuck she was about to say, he was gonna believe her. She could tell him he was a two-headed, purple squirrel, and he’d go out, find a nut, and climb a tree. “Xander. I vow to protect you from pain. I vow never to leave you unless you want me to leave. I vow never to hurt you the way Gran hurt your father. Because hurting you would be hurting myself. Your pain is my pain. And my pain is yours. But together we are strong and invincible. Don’t you feel it when we touch? It’s all I can feel. All I want to feel. You and me. Us. Together.” Her words did more than enter his ears; they melded into him as bone-deep truth. He’d never do anything to hurt her and—damn—he trusted that she wouldn’t hurt him. As sick as it sounded, maybe his faith in her was born from the suffering she’d endured. She understood pain. Understood the depth and damage pain caused in a way few others ever would. That kind of knowledge made her incapable of wounding anyone else. “Say something. You’re looking at me funny.” Her voice trembled just a bit. He could practically hear her doubting whether she should’ve spoken the words of her heart. “What you said… Those words…” Christ. He didn’t have experience talking about his feelings. “Everything.” She cocked her head to the side, questions wrinkling her forehead. He was screwing this up. “Your words mean everything to me.” He could show her easier than he could tell her. He slid his hands up her neck, framing her face, staring at her, absorbing every detail. “You’re my…” Fearless. He caught himself before he said the word. To base how he felt on a story wasn’t real. She was real. And the emotions warming him were real. “Everything.” He lowered his mouth to hers. She tasted sweet, of cinnamon and sugar, and for some reason, his heart ached with a fullness of feeling it had never experienced before. He scooped her up in his arms, cradling her to his chest, his mind flashing back to the day he found her—and to holding her this same way. God, she had weighed so little, had seemed so fragile, but she was strong. Stronger than he’d ever be. Knowing what she’s gone through, what she’d survived—yeah. Strong was too weak a word to describe her. He carried her up the stairs to his bedroom, his mouth never leaving hers. With a gentleness born of reverence, he settled her on the bed. He broke the kiss to stare at her once more. Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed, her lips deliciously puffy and pink from a good kissing. He fucking loved pink.  


Series: Fatal Dreams Series, Book 2 (stand alone) Genre: Dark Romantic Thriller
Out of darkness and danger… You can't hide your secrets from Lathan Montgomery-he can read your darkest memories. And while his special abilities are invaluable in the FBI's hunt for a serial killer, he has no way to avoid the pain that brings him. Until he is drawn to courageous, down-on-her-luck Evanee Brown and finds himself able to offer her something he's never offered another human being: himself. Dawns a unique and powerful love Nightmares are nothing new to Evanee Brown. But once she meets Lathan, they plummet into the realm of the macabre. Murder victims are reaching from beyond the grave to give Evanee evidence that could help Lathan bring a terrifying killer to justice. Together, they could forge an indomitable partnership to thwart violence, abuse, and death-if they survive the forces that seek to tear them apart.              
Buy Now


While he hauled his motorcycle onto the road, he didn’t look away from her. She stood bereft in the middle of the pavement, staring out over the pasture. Emotions infused the air around her. Shame. Hate. Embarrassment. Sadness. Fear. Desperation. He recognized that tangled combination of scents. Knew them intimately. Knew the feeling of being hurt and vulnerable and powerless to stop the pain. Knew how memories, like the one he witnessed, had left wounds on her soul and Junior had just ripped off all the scabs. She was raw, bleeding emotionally in front of him and yet holding it together by a spider’s thread. He could see the effort in the way she stood straight and stiff. Fury simmered low in his gut. After he got her squared away, maybe he’d pay a visit to Junior. Show the asshole what it felt like to be the victim. He walked the bike to her. After he straddled the seat, he held out his hand to her. She grabbed him, her grip hungry. “Climb on up.” She tossed her leg over the seat, using his hand to balance her weight. He sat at the same time she did, her body settling against his back. Holy Jesus. He couldn’t activate the ability to think—his brain short-circuited from her nearness. Everything disappeared but the feeling of her open thighs wrapped around his ass with nothing but a tiny pair of black shorts and his jeans between them. Her sweet musky scent, almost like honey, but better—way better—folded around him like a celestial pair of wings. The scent of her entered his nose, flowed into his lungs, then out to his extremities, spreading a cooling wave of solace that he wanted to savor, but couldn’t. Not with her perched behind him, waiting for him to drive down the road. He placed her hand against his stomach, pressed it tightly to him. His abdominal muscles twitched under her touch. “Hold on.” He let go of her hand and she slid her other arm around his waist. She pressed her front to his back, holding as tightly to his body as she’d held his hand. She was a clingy little thing. Not that he minded. Her touch felt like—what was the word he wanted to use—kismet. Exactly as he’d always imagined a lover’s touch. Two pieces fitting perfectly together. He kicked the machine in gear, trying to ease it forward instead of his normal burst of speed. She rested her head on his spine, nestling her cheek across the fabric of his shirt before settling. His heart grew, straining against his chest wall, threatening to come up his throat in a shout of absolute ecstasy.  


Series: Fatal Truth Series, Book 1 Genre: Dark Romantic Thriller

He’s found her at last…
Cain Killion knows himself to be a damaged man. His only redeeming quality? The extrasensory connection to blood that he uses to catch killers. His latest case takes a macabre turn when he discovers a familiar and haunting symbol linking the crime to his horrific past—and the one woman who might understand what it means. Only to lose her to a nightmare Mercy Ledger is brave, resilient, beautiful—and in terrible danger. The moment Cain finds her the line between good and evil blurs and the only thing clear to them is that they belong together. Love is the antidote for blood—but is their bond strong enough to overcome the madness that stalks them?              
Buy Now


The rain came down gray and thick as a shroud, blurring his vision of the world. He flipped on the wipers and pulled out of the hospital parking lot onto the road. Fat blobs of smacked the windshield loud as marbles being tossed against the glass. Was that hail? As if it mattered. His car was trashed. Cain had covered the passenger seat and all Mac’s blood with a blanket he kept in the trunk. Even though his view of all that crimson was blocked, his mind knew it was there and his eyes kept wandering to the blanket, calling up the image of the dark stickiness coating the seat and the floor. All that blood was playing touchy-feely with his sanity. And he wasn’t in the mood for games. He drove past a gas station, a fast food restaurant, a person walking alongside the road. His foot hit the brake before his brain had a chance to talk him out of it. Mercy. Her hair was slicked to her skull, her clothes—his clothes—were sucked to her body, doing a shitty job of hiding her curves. At least the T-shirt she wore was black, not white. He pulled over to the berm and watched her in the rearview mirror. She stopped walking, stared at the car—knew it was him—but didn’t move. Could he blame her for not wanting to be around him after what he’d said to her? Not really. And yet, he couldn’t leave her alone and walking in the rain with Payne still out there. Not to mention that she didn’t have anyone or anywhere to go. She still hadn’t moved from her spot. He left the car running, opened his door and got out. The rain slapped him—frigid, bordering on icy, soaking his clothes and dripping in his eyes. The pressure of it hitting the wounds in his bicep and shoulder made him wince. But that was all the attention he’d give to the pain. “Get in the car.” The words came out harsher than he’d intended. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, lifted her head, and somehow managed to stare down her nose at him even though she was almost a foot shorter. “No.” She said the word as if it didn’t matter that they were standing in the middle of a downpour. “Get in the goddamned car.” This time the words came out loud and angry sounding. Like that was going to win her over. What was his problem? “Fuck you.” She looked miserable—all wet and shivery and yet feisty and taking none of his crap. He should soften his tone. He should try to be nicer. He should, but his inner asshole seemed attracted to her inner bitch. “Where are you going? No where. You don’t have anywhere to go. You don’t have any money. You don’t have friends.” His voice softened and filled with some emotion he couldn’t name. “You don’t have anyone looking out for you, caring for you, able to help you in a pinch. You got no one.” He sucked in a breath and when he spoke next his voice was soft and pleading. “Except me.” The moment he finished speaking he wanted to retract every goddamned one of those words he’d spoken. “I’m…Shit…” He ran a hand through his soaking hair. “Goddamn it. I’m a dick. Okay?” He softened his tone. “Now will you please get in the car?” Her shoulders straightened, her chin lifted, and she walked forward without looking at him. He expecting her to stomp past the car, but she yanked open the passenger door and got in. Seconds passed where he just stood here, getting even more wet, and staring at the back of her head poking above the headrest. “Now what?” He asked himself. Just what was he going to do with her? Drop her on Dolan? Yes. No. Yes. No. No. No. The last time he tried dropping her on someone she’d almost gotten hurt. If Mac hadn’t been able to keep her safe, he sure as shit wasn’t going to trust Dolan with her. He got back in car. Every inch of him soaked. He brushed his hair back off his face and wiped the water from his eyes. She stared out the passenger window, refusing to look at him. He reached over and touched her shoulder. Underneath his hand, her body tensed, then trembled. Shit. Was he scaring her? He wrenched his hand off her and wanted to use the damned thing to slap himself around a little. Maybe then he’d get it through his stupid brain that she was fucking frightened of him. Too many words flooded his mind and he didn’t know which ones to say. The I’m-sorry ones. The I-won’t-hurt-you ones. The I’m-an-asshole ones. The I-don’t-know-what-to-do ones. She turned to him. Rain slicked her cheeks. Or was that tears? Her beautiful eyes were the color of tropical waters—deep and fathomless. He held up his hands in a show of surrender and she flew across the console at him. He closed his eyes, braced for the blows, but none came. Instead, slender arms wrapped around him, her hair, cold and wet dripped against his chest, but her cheek over his heart was warm—so warm. Maybe he’d had a stroke or something because this felt like she was hugging him. And that couldn’t be. Could it? He opened his eyes and looked down at her. Yep. She was wound tight around the front of him. And suddenly his brain let him feel the total sensation of it. Of being held tight as if he mattered to her. He let his arms fall around her and squeezed, pressing her tighter to him. Damn, this felt good. She felt good. It was oddly comforting to have her clinging on to him so tight. He closed his eyes and memorized the pressure of her arms around him and the way her hands pressed into his back. The way she felt in his arms, the subtle ripple of her spine and ribs underneath his fingers, the way her skin felt warm against his when every other part of him was cold. If he’d been given a Stop Time button. This was the moment he would’ve used it. Here, holding her—the gentle lullaby of rain playing in the background—was the only perfect moment of his entire life.

About Abbie Roads

Abbie Roads is a mental health counselor known for her blunt, honest style of therapy. By night she writes dark, emotional novels always giving her characters the happy ending she wishes for all her clients. SAVING MERCY is the first book in her new Fatal Truth Series of dark, gritty, romantic suspense with a psychological twist.
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Monday, July 17, 2017

Release Blitz: BEAUTIFUL MISTAKE by Vi Keeland!

  The first time I met Caine West was in a bar. He noticed me looking his way and mistakenly read my scowling as checking him out. When he attempted to talk to me, I set him straight—telling him what I thought of his lying, cheating, egomaniacal ass. You see, the gorgeous jerk had wined and dined my best friend--smooth talking her into his bed, all along failing to mention that he was married. He deserved every bit of my tongue-lashing and more for what he'd done. Especially when that lazy smile graced his perfect face in response to my rant. Only it turned out, the man I'd just told off wasn't the right guy. Oops. My mistake. Embarrassed, I slunk out without an apology. I was never going to see the handsome stranger again anyway, right? That’s what I thought…until I walked into class the next morning. Well, hello Professor West, I’m your new teaching assistant. I’ll be working under you…figuratively speaking. Although the literal interpretation might not be such a bad thing—working under Professor West. This was going to be interesting… ADD TO GOODREADS  

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                                                Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author. With more than 1.5 million books sold, her titles have appeared in over eighty Bestseller lists and are currently translated in sixteen languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. Website | Facebook Fan Group | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram