My Review: Once again Kendall Ryan proves she is the queen. She took one of my all time favorite tropes and made a fun, original, and most importantly - believable, story. Friends to lovers is my jam, people. And she even manages to give us readers some slow burn despite this only being a novella. A queen, I tell you.
Despite the short length, this book doesn't skimp on characterization. Sam and Maggie are fully developed, and even Sam's doofy friends have enough personality to carry this book. I would have love to see her confront her ex, but I would gladly give up that space in the book for all the amazing scenes we got where our hero and heroine come together.
This is the perfect read to start getting you into the holiday spirit - without beating you over the head with a Christmas theme.
Despite the short length, this book doesn't skimp on characterization. Sam and Maggie are fully developed, and even Sam's doofy friends have enough personality to carry this book. I would have love to see her confront her ex, but I would gladly give up that space in the book for all the amazing scenes we got where our hero and heroine come together.
This is the perfect read to start getting you into the holiday spirit - without beating you over the head with a Christmas theme.
Cover Lovin': 1001 Dark Nights classic - but I'm loving the black, pink, and gray scheme!
Recommendation: Each Room Mate book works as a stand-alone!
Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE stars (4/5)!! A wonderful edition to the 1001 Dark Nights world, and another fantastic Kendall Ryan tale!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

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Every now and then, Sam would shoot me a sympathetic look, knowing that I had no idea what they were talking about, but in truth, their company was a welcome break. Between what the woman in the shop had said and the lady on the plane’s insinuation, my mind was going a mile a minute and I was beginning to look at Sam in a way I definitely shouldn’t be. Okay, so, yeah, he was sexy. That was a no-brainer. I shot him a furtive glance, taking in the corded muscles of his forearms and the lock of dark hair that constantly flopped onto his forehead. And sure, he was sweet and attentive. He looked after me and made sure I always had a fresh drink and that I wasn’t cold or hot. He held the door for me and pulled out my chair when we went to restaurants. Hell, he’d been looking forward to this trip for months and he’d sacrificed an entire day just to make sure I got here safe and didn’t spend my time sulking. Still, that didn’t mean he had feelings for me. He hadn’t argued when I’d mentioned us being like brother and sister or anything. No, this whole line of thinking was ludicrous. Sam was a good friend. That was all…wasn’t it? After all, Trevor had loved me once and he never did any of that. Admittedly, that wasn’t the best example, but it proved my point all the same. In Sam’s shoes, Trevor never would have missed the chance to hit the slopes with his friends. He hadn’t even skipped the business trip that fell on my twenty-fifth birthday years back. But Sam was there, my brain supplied helpfully. Again, not an indication that he had feelings for me. People were just different. Sam was one of the good ones. And if he liked me surely I’d have known by now. He’d have told me or…something. “Is that your phone?” Sam turned to me and I blinked, only realizing that I’d been so encompassed in my own thoughts that I’d totally zoned out. “What?” I asked, confused. “Don’t you hear that vibrating noise? I think it’s your phone.” I listened hard and then heard the low, gentle hum he was talking about. “Yep, probably you-know-who again.” I sighed, but fished the phone from my tiny handbag all the same on the off chance it was a family member with an emergency. It wasn’t Trevor, though. He had called—I had seven new missed messages from him since I’d left for the airport, but I also had three missed calls from my friend Deanna. I hadn’t spoken to her in more than two weeks because she’d been away on a long-awaited safari, but now more than ever I really needed to hear her voice.

Disclaimer: I received a copy for review.