Why this book?: After reviewing a second book by Jessica McHugh (
Song of Eidolons, click title for review), she asked if I would be interested in reading and reviewing "Rabbits in the Garden." Considering I love Jessica's work - heck yes!
Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for a review.
Type: Speculative Fiction, Stand alone, Fiction, Darker Fiction, Author I love
About the book:
At twelve years old, Avery Norton had everything: a boyfriend who was also her best friend, the entirety of Martha's Vineyard as her playground, and her very own garden to tend. By thirteen, it was all over: The discovery of a secret crypt in the basement starts the Norton family down many unexpected avenues, including one that leads to Avery's arrest for murder and her subsequent imprisonment in Taunton State Lunatic Asylum.
Set in 1950s Massachusetts, Rabbits in the Garden follows Avery Norton's struggle to prove her innocence and escape Taunton with her mind intact.
My Review: I always find it a little tough to review the books I really, really love. I don't want to gush, and what I love about it is always so hard to put into words. I've had that problem with the other books I have reviewed by Jessica McHugh. Her writing style is unique and so incredibly powerful - there were times while reading this book that I was physically shaking - from fear, anger, and plenty of other emotions. Jessica McHugh has a way with words, of crafting the text into something that will make you really feel it.
I absolutely loved Avery Norton. My heart ached for her, and for what she lost out on because of her mother. And on that note, I cannot properly express how much I hated the mother, Faye Norton. These two characters, for good or bad, will stick with me for a long time. And their ending (which I won't give away) was as truly epic as they deserve. The entire cast of characters were brilliant, and to watch Avery's transformation from an innocent young girl to someone so.. well, indescribable, it truly was amazing to watch.
Maybe this sort of novel isn't your idea of a good time, and I can't really blame you for thinking that, I've done the same thing in the past. But I have yet to read a book by this author that hasn't left me going "Whoa." at the end. Every reader gets into a reading rut now and again, feeling like you're reading the same thing over and over - maybe it's time to try something new. So give "Rabbits in the Garden" a shot - and then come back here and tell me about your experience with it because I can't deal with this alone, people!
Cover Loving: I'll admit it, this cover confused the heck out of me until I read the book. However, now it makes total sense.. creepy, creepy sense. But this cover is limited edition! According to the author, "Rabbits in the Garden" is going to get a facelift (or a new face) so go get your limited edition copy now!
Recommendation: Fans of Speculative Fiction, or maybe darker fiction in general will definitely want to pick up "Rabbits in the Garden" by Jessica McHugh. With a flowing, unique writing style, the author will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). Once again, Jessica McHugh blew me away. An excellent story that had me practically shaking with emotion. Be sure to pick yourself up a copy asap - and rush to get the limited edition Rabbit cover!
Have you read "Rabbits in the Garden" by Jessica McHugh? Or maybe one of her other titles? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Would you like to pick up a copy? Get it from Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~