Why this book?: Why are you even asking?! LOVE this series. Love Jill Myles. Please to be writing more Jackie books!

Type: Series, Angels, Vampires, Masters, Succubi, Sometimes Men Really Suck, How's A Girl to Choose?, Paranormal Romance, Can I have the one she doesn't want?
About the book: Well, things are starting to settle down for Jackie. She's working on the archeological dig of her dreams with her Serim master/lover Noah, and the Itch is under control.. mostly thanks to Noah. But Noah has a surprise up his sleeve, and it's not necessarily a good one - it's a ring, and a promise for the two to become much closer. If that wasn't enough to deal with, Jackie gets a call from her best friend, who just happened to be possessed, and now she's right back in the middle of Angel and Vampire politics. With Noah being held by the Serim council for judgement, Jackie is reunited with her vampire master Zane, and the sparks fly once again. How's a girl to choose between the two men that mean so much to her, and still manage to save the world from an evil being?
Review: So author Jill Myles has told us since the beginning that Jackie WILL choose someone, I wasn't sure if it was ever going to happen, and even then, I wasn't sure I could handle it. And guess what, in this book, someone is chosen - and I definitely agree with the decision. I'm not sure if it's the end-all choice, or if something will happen in later books, but IT HAPPENED. However, the road to the choice was paved with shock and a whole heck of a lot of pain. Myles definitely doesn't disappoint with this newest installment in The Succubus Diaries, with just the right mix of humor and paranormal drama, "My Fair Succubi" kept me on the edge of my seat for the whole journey.
The characters are, as always, perfectly done. I love these people, there the type of characters I desperately wished were real so I could meet them. And readers get a great new surprise - a new character to fawn over! Enter Ethan, a nephilim and Enforcer for the Serim Council. Ethan is definitely on my good list, and I can't wait to see more of him in the future. The plot left nothing to be desired, containing it's usual thrillride that makes me love this series so much. Once again, I am left wishing I could talk about my favorite part without giving away anything, but alas that isn't so. And for the fans of all the steamy angel or vampire sex scenes? Don't worry, there are plenty of those in the book as well.
Cover Lovin: Yes. Yes yes. Not only are there wings, but there is a sexy guy attached to them. I'm not sure he totally looked like Zane in my eyes, I see Zane as a little more world-weary... more rough, toughened. But that guy sure isn't bad.
Recommendation: Definitely! Jill Myles' "The Succubus Diaries" series is one of my top favorite series Of All Time. If I could, I would buy a bunch of copies of this series, give them to people, and force them to read it. So... Read it. Suggestion: Definitely read the series in order. Also, check out the freebie reads (which you can find links to on the author's website,
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). Myles had me almost crying at one point, laughing at several, and squeaking in joy near the end.
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