Friday, August 4, 2017

Fantastic Fiesta: HANNAH FIELDING's Andalucian Nights trilogy & GIVEAWAY!

*** Make sure to check out the GIVEAWAY link at the bottom of this post! ***

The Andalucían Nights trilogy by Hannah Fielding

The award-winning epic Andalucían Nights Trilogy sweeps the reader from the wild landscapes of Spain in the 1950s, through a history of dangerous liaisons and revenge dramas, to a modern world of undercover missions and buried secrets. Romantic, exotic and deeply compelling, and featuring a memorable cast of characters, including a passionate young gypsy, a troubled young writer and an estranged family, The Andalucían Nights Trilogy is a romantic treat waiting to be discovered.
Buy link: Amazon

Hannah Fielding bio

Hannah Fielding is an incurable romantic. The seeds for her writing career were sown in early childhood, spent in Egypt, when she came to an agreement with her governess Zula: for each fairy story Zula told, Hannah would invent and relate one of her own. Years later – following a degree in French literature, several years of travelling in Europe, falling in love with an Englishman, the arrival of two beautiful children and a career in property development – Hannah decided after so many years of yearning to write that the time was now. Today, she lives the dream: writing full time at her homes in Kent, England, and the South of France, where she dreams up romances overlooking breath-taking views of the Mediterranean.
Hannah is a multi-award-winning novelist, and to date she has published five novels: Burning Embers, ‘romance like Hollywood used to make’, set in Kenya; The Echoes of Love, ‘an epic love story that is beautifully told’, set in Italy; and the Andalusian Nights Trilogy Indiscretion, Masquerade and Legacy – her fieriest novels yet, set in sunny, sultry Spain.

You can find Hannah online at:
Twitter: @fieldinghannah
Facebook: Hannah Fielding Author Page
Goodreads: Hannah Fielding

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Review: PERILOUS TRUST by Barbara Freethy!


My Review: I'm a little torn about this. The overall story was very well done, and had me hooked. I had to know what was going on with the FBI, a possible mole, how Damon fit in, etc. So that, I liked... a lot. What I had a problem with was how easily distracted Damon and Sophie would get by each other. Sophie's father just died and she's on the run.. but oh, Damon had pretty eyes so let's think on that for now. It just seemed out of place.

The best way I could explain it is that it seems the author was really pushing the romance, instead of making it happen organically within the story. But as the plot progressed, it smoothed out and I was so engrossed in what was happening that I didn't care about anything else. All that mattered was Sophie and Damon.

Cover Lovin': Ooooh, suspense-y.

Recommendation: Book one, no prior knowledge necessary.

Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5)! Would have been a four, but it felt like the author was pushing the romance too hard too fast.

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

In PERILOUS TRUST, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Barbara Freethy brings you the first book in a new romantic suspense series! OFF THE GRID: An FBI Series offers five breath-stealing books filled with action-packed plot, heart-stopping romance, and page-turning suspense.
It was one dark night that brought Damon Wolfe and Sophie Parker together. They were two tortured souls, looking for escape, and they weren't supposed to see each other ever again… Four years later, Sophie's FBI father, who is also Damon's mentor, is killed in a suspicious car crash after leaving Sophie a cryptic message to trust no one from the agency. When Damon shows up looking for her, she isn't sure if he's friend or enemy, but she knows he could easily rip apart what is left of her heart. The last thing Damon wants is to get involved with Sophie again. It was hard enough to walk away the first time. But she's in trouble, her father's reputation is under attack, and the lives of his fellow agents are at stake if there's a traitor in their midst. When someone starts shooting at them, they have no choice but to go on the run and off the grid. Everyone in their world becomes a suspect. They want to uncover the truth, but will it turn out to be the last thing they expect? Proving her father's innocence might just cost them their hearts…and their lives…      

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        "Why did you run away from your apartment, your friends, your father's coworkers? Why did you just disappear, Sophie?" Damon asked. "Because someone killed my dad." "It's possible it was an accident." "You don't believe that any more than I do." "Maybe not, but I think something specific spooked you." "You mean like the two men I saw going into my apartment building?" "You saw the men who broke into your apartment?" he asked in surprise. "I don't know if they were the ones, but they could have been." "What did they look like?" "Law enforcement, maybe—I don't know." Damon stared back at her, and she could see him running through her words in his head. "Why would you be afraid of law enforcement when your father is FBI?" "Gut instinct," she lied, knowing she wouldn't have been afraid at all if her father hadn't told her to be. "And it looks like I was right to run. If I'd gone to my apartment, who knows what would have happened?" His lips drew into a hard line. "Look, Sophie, I want to help you." "Why? Why on earth would you want to help me?" His gaze darkened, and the air sizzled between them as they found themselves back in a place probably neither of them wanted to revisit, but they were there all the same. "We're not friends," she said quickly, needing to break the tension. "We're not anything. We haven't seen each other in four years. Why do you care where I am, what I'm doing? Is it because of loyalty to my dad? That has to be it, right? Nothing else could have made you drive all the way up here." "I should have called you after that night," he said. "I'm not looking for an apology." "Aren't you?" "No. Maybe. No," she said, hating to sound so uncertain. "None of that is important now. I have bigger problems." "Then let's talk about now," he said, relief in his eyes as he changed the subject. "I respected your father. He was a mentor to me. I owe him for that, and I know that he would want me to help you. He trusted me, and I hope you can trust me, too." "I don't know if my father trusted you," she said, shaking her head. Surprise and anger flared in his eyes. "Why would you say that?" "Because he told me not to trust anyone from the bureau, and since you're an agent, that includes you. Please, just go. Just leave me alone," she pleaded, desperate to get him out of the cabin before she did something even more stupid—like start to trust him. "I'll disappear. I'll go somewhere no one else knows about. You don't have to worry about me. You've done your duty. You came after me. You did that for my dad. Now do something for me—leave me alone. You've managed it for four years. You can keep going." His mouth tightened. "I'm not leaving you alone. You won't be safe. You can't get help from a friend, because you'll put them in danger, and even if you are very careful, you'll make a mistake. You don't know how to stay off the radar, but I do. You're going to have to trust someone at some point. You're going to have to put your anger aside and let it be me." Before she could answer, she was suddenly hit with a shower of glass from the nearby window. What the hell had just happened? Another pane blew out, and something whizzed by her ear. Damon grabbed her arm and pulled down as a third window exploded. Someone was shooting at her!         Barbara Freethy is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of 60 novels ranging from contemporary romance to romantic suspense and women's fiction. Traditionally published for many years, Barbara opened Fog City Publishing in 2011 and has since sold over 7 million books! Twenty-three of her titles have appeared on the New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Lists, including one title, SUMMER SECRETS, which hit #1 on the NYT. In 2014 Barbara was named the Amazon KDP Bestselling Author of all time! She was also the first Indie writer to sell over a million books on Barnes and Noble. Known for her emotional and compelling stories of love, family, romance and suspense, Barbara is a six-time finalist and two-time winner in the Romance Writers of America acclaimed RITA contest for her novels DANIEL'S GIFT and THE WAY BACK HOME. For more information, visit her website at FACEBOOK | TWITTER | GOODREADS | YOUTUBE | AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017



Prince Diego Navarro is the “spare” to his brother's "heir". While Raoul performs his crown prince duties with the appropriate sense of nobility and poise, Diego’s garnered a bit of a reputation as a playboy - despite the good he does behind the scenes with his favorite charities.

But when tragedy strikes and his sister-in-law is killed in a car accident, Diego knows it's time for the playboy to step up. If not for his brother, then for his niece and nephew, who now find themselves without a mother.

Which is where Rose Walters comes in.

Rose isn't intimidated by money or glitz. The veteran nanny has worked for the rich and minimally famous, but a manor house is no comparison to a castle… or the handsome princes who live there. However, the worst thing she could possibly do is fall for the gorgeous playboy with a surprising heart of gold. He’s a prince; she’s the help. He lives in the tabloids; she loves her privacy. But when her two darling charges start to play matchmaker, Diego and Rose don’t stand a chance.

The Playboy Prince and the Nanny is the first book in Donna Alward's royal duology.

Buy Links:

Five Surprising Facts about Diego Navarro

1.      His best friend is an Irishman (Ryan) who occasionally lends his security talents to Diego’s endeavours. Ryan also has a younger sister, Brenna, whom Diego will never date unless he wants to have his legs broken.

2.      He has a degree in European History, which he rarely uses, and a keen mind for bargaining, which he uses frequently when managing the Navarro stables and polo stock.

3.      Despite being part of a centuries-old patriarchy, he’s a feminist and has a foundation dedicated to the education and training of African women to provide for themselves and their families.

4.      His favorite dessert is sticky toffee pudding.

5.      He loved his nanny, Mariana, dearly. When Rose arrives at the palace to care for his niece and nephew, he sees the same qualities he loved in Mariana: kindness, compassion, discipline, affection. What he doesn’t see: their difference in status.

Author Bio:
A busy wife and mother of three (two daughters plus the family dog), Donna Alward believes hers is the best job in the world: a combination of stay-at-home mom and romance novelist. Donna loves being back on the East Coast of Canada after nearly twelve years in Alberta where her romance career began, writing about cowboys and the west. She is the author of Somebody Like You, Somebody's Baby, and Someone to Love.

Release Blitz: PERILOUS TRUST by Barbara Freethy!

In PERILOUS TRUST, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Barbara Freethy brings you the first book in a new romantic suspense series! OFF THE GRID: An FBI Series offers five breath-stealing books filled with action-packed plot, heart-stopping romance, and page-turning suspense.
It was one dark night that brought Damon Wolfe and Sophie Parker together. They were two tortured souls, looking for escape, and they weren't supposed to see each other ever again… Four years later, Sophie's FBI father, who is also Damon's mentor, is killed in a suspicious car crash after leaving Sophie a cryptic message to trust no one from the agency. When Damon shows up looking for her, she isn't sure if he's friend or enemy, but she knows he could easily rip apart what is left of her heart. The last thing Damon wants is to get involved with Sophie again. It was hard enough to walk away the first time. But she's in trouble, her father's reputation is under attack, and the lives of his fellow agents are at stake if there's a traitor in their midst. When someone starts shooting at them, they have no choice but to go on the run and off the grid. Everyone in their world becomes a suspect. They want to uncover the truth, but will it turn out to be the last thing they expect? Proving her father's innocence might just cost them their hearts…and their lives…      

Apple iBooks | Amazon Kindle | Kobo | B&N

      She could see the war going on in Damon's eyes, the need to do the right thing, the desire to feel what they'd felt once before. "I don't want to hurt you," he said huskily. "You won't hurt me." "You said that the last time, but I hurt you then, and I don't want to do it again." "That was different. We know each other better now." "That might be true, but there's something else that's also true—I don’t do love, Sophie. I'm not good at it, and it doesn't work out. I might be exactly what you want in the night, but I will never be what you want in the morning." "In the morning? We don't even know if we're going to have a morning, Damon. You told me that I need to stay in the moment. This is the moment. So, stop fighting. Please, stop fighting." "You're not playing fair, Sophie." "I'm not playing at all," she said, recklessness driving her forward. She pressed her mouth against his, and took what she wanted. It was a heady, glorious, freeing feeling.       Barbara Freethy is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of 60 novels ranging from contemporary romance to romantic suspense and women's fiction. Traditionally published for many years, Barbara opened Fog City Publishing in 2011 and has since sold over 7 million books! Twenty-three of her titles have appeared on the New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Lists, including one title, SUMMER SECRETS, which hit #1 on the NYT. In 2014 Barbara was named the Amazon KDP Bestselling Author of all time! She was also the first Indie writer to sell over a million books on Barnes and Noble. Known for her emotional and compelling stories of love, family, romance and suspense, Barbara is a six-time finalist and two-time winner in the Romance Writers of America acclaimed RITA contest for her novels DANIEL'S GIFT and THE WAY BACK HOME. For more information, visit her website at FACEBOOK | TWITTER | GOODREADS | YOUTUBE | AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE

Monday, July 31, 2017

Review: HOPE RESTORED by Carrie Ann Ryan!

Today we have the blog tour for Carrie Ann Ryan's HOPE RESTORED, the third (and last!) book in the Gallagher Brothers series!

My Review: Don't mind me, I'll just be over in the corner, getting all crazy emotional. I tend to read Carrie Ann Ryan for some good, classic, contemporary romance. And then sometimes she hits me with some real feels, and I just get a little overwhelmed. This is one of those times. I loved Murphy in the previous books, and considering his history, I should have seen this coming. But silly me! Really all of the Gallagher novels are deep, emotional reads - but Hope Restored takes it to another level. I found myself sniffling more than a few times, and I spent much of the latter half of the book alternating between wanting to hug Murphy, Tessa, and the rest of the clan, and wanting to hug my family just so they know I love them.

Once again, this author has made me fall in love with the hero. Carrie Ann Ryan writes some hot, wonderful men. Ones I can't help but wish were real, because I'd like a Gallagher of my own. I really need to check out her Montgomery Ink series, because I'm sure those would be just as amazing. Not only does she write a close family dynamic well, but she does a great job with Murphy's illness. Having lived with and taken care of someone with a life-altering medical issue, I can say that this author wrote the Gallagher's journey with the care it needed and deserved.

The only thing that kept this from being a perfect read for me was the big finale. I could see it coming a mile away, and therefore I didn't find the lead up as suspenseful as it was meant to be. The villain was too over the top when it came to the final evil rant that is required of all baddies.

Cover Lovin': Fits perfectly with the rest of the series, and it's definitely hot!

Recommendation: Technically, Hope Restored could work as a stand-alone, but since the family is such a close knit group, it helps to read the rest of the series first.

Final Rating: FOUR AND A HALF out of FIVE stars (4.5/5)!! Emotional, tear-jerking, and just overall wonderful. I want more Murphy, and really, all of the Gallaghers. This book will definitely be added to the re-read shelf!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

The Gallagher Brothers series from NYT Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan concludes with the final brother who thought he had everything to look forward to, and the one woman who can handle him.

Life isn’t worth living if you don’t fight to live. That’s what Murphy Gallagher learned at a young age when cancer ravaged his body not once, but twice. Over the course of his survival, he lost his parents and his childhood, but he’s been healthy for years and has become a man he hopes his family is proud of. But when his world tilts on its axis yet again, he’ll have to learn what it means to fight not only the unknown but also his attraction to his best friend.

Tessa Stone works hard and plays harder. She’s spent her life trying to figure out who she is in the present rather than looking back. Yet when she’s forced into close proximity with Murphy, she’ll have to not only be his rock but learn how to relax enough to maybe let him be hers, as well. But seduction doesn’t stop when the world seems to, and close encounters of the naked kind might just be the first step in something much more complicated than either of them bargained for. Life, though, is for living, after all.

Add Hope Restored on GOODREADS!


“What the hell? Why are you in my bathroom? Why are you naked and wet in my bathroom? Boundaries, Murphy! Boundaries!” Tessa was rambling, and she didn’t care. She’d just run five freaking miles to get him and his pretty dick out of her mind, and now she had a real image of said dick in her brain, and she’d never be able to think straight again.

Why did the Gallaghers have to be so sexy? Why did this particular Gallagher have to press all her buttons just right and happen to be naked and wet in her bathroom while she was sweaty and naked right in front of him?

The horror, Tessa thought. The horror.

Murphy winced and waved over at the sink where another towel lay. She recognized this as one of Murphy’s, so she threw it at him.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to put it on the floor or on top of your towel so I left it over there.”

“Still doesn’t explain anything, Murphy Gallagher.” She would never be able to get the sight or feel of him out of her head now.

“The showerhead in the guest bath broke off. I wasn’t even touching it. When I went to turn on the water, it fell off and sprayed me in the face. The damn thing hit me on the hip on its way down.” He pointed to a growing bruise on his side, and Tessa’s eyes widened, panic leaping into her throat.

Without thinking, she reached forward and slid her fingers down his hip right above his towel. “Oh God, Murphy. Are you okay? You’re bruising so quickly.” She held back tears, annoyed with herself for showing weakness in front of the man who was actually going through this whole ordeal instead of just witnessing it.

He put his hand over hers, and she stilled, aware of what she was doing. Blushing once again, she pulled back and tightened her towel around her chest.

“I’ll be fine. I’m headed into the clinic later anyway for my scheduled blood transfusion. That’s why I needed to jump in your shower. I’m going to be late, and I didn’t have the parts to fix the other one anyway. Since part of the showerhead is still on the wall, at least it’s not spraying water everywhere unless I actually turn on the faucet, but I’ll have to shut off the water to the whole house once I start working on the plumbing. It won’t be a hard job.” Murphy blew out a breath and rubbed his face with his hand, keeping his other hand firmly on the towel around his waist. “I’m sorry for using your shower without asking, but you weren’t here, and I figured I’d clean it before you got back. I didn’t imagine you’d literally dance in naked and bump into me.” He winced, but she saw something in his eyes that looked like interest.

God, this was all just a mess, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

“It’s okay,” Tessa said slowly, trying to get images of Murphy and his pierced dick out of her brain. It wasn’t easy since he was still naked and wet in front of her. “Really. We’ll just forget this ever happened and go about our day. Why don’t you, uh, go to your room and get dressed or something, and I’ll shower and put this whole thing out of my mind.” She spoke quickly and hoped he would agree to forget it all as she’d said. Not that she’d actually forget, but she could lie with the best of them. “Do you need me to, uh, go to the hardware store or something and pick up a new showerhead?”

Murphy shook his head. “I can do it. We have a few on-site that could work, and I can get them at cost to save money. I can even bring a couple home with me if you want so you can pick it out. It’s your house, after all.”

Right. It was her house, and he was her roommate. Her naked roommate. She really needed to stop thinking about that.

“I don’t know what I want for that bathroom yet, I haven’t decided on anything. Liz was the one with the plans for the house.”

His gaze softened. “No problem. I’ll bring a couple by, and you can choose. If you don’t like any, then we’ll go to the store together to find one that you like that will also work in the space you have. Again, sorry for using your shower without asking, and for…” He waved between them.

“For slapping your naked body against mine so close I know exactly what your piercing feels like?” Tessa slapped her free hand against her mouth, her eyes going wide.

Murphy let out a rough chuckle that went straight between her legs. “Yes. That. Though we aren’t thinking about that, right?”

Tessa nodded, her hand still over her mouth lest she make things worse.

“Right,” he mumbled. “I’ll just… I’ll go.” He fled the bathroom, careful not to accidentally brush her on his way by, and Tessa lowered her hand, closing her eyes so she could hide from the world and what had just happened.

This was what happened when you roomed with the guy from your sex dreams.

Bad things.

Bad, sweaty, naked, pierced things.

Find Carrie Ann Ryan online!

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Blog Tour: SHAPE OF MY HEART by Khardine Gray!

Title: Shape of My Heart
Series: Standalone
Author: Khardine Gray
Publisher: Khardine Gray
Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill 
Release Date: August 6, 2017
Romance Genre(s): Contemporary, Sports
Words: 75,000 View on Goodreads

About the Book


 Like a Phoenix from the Ashes, True Love Can Arise from Illness and Death. An aspiring fashion designer, Amy’s life changes when her mother suddenly falls ill. Her mother needs lifesaving surgery, and it’s up to Amy to acquire the funds. A famous and highly valued football player, Josh has an incredible lifetime of excellence in his sport. His life crumbles when his mother and sister are killed in a car crash while on their way to see his last game of the season. Distraught with self-loathing and self-blame, Josh descends into a life of alcoholism and loose women that threatens to ruin his football career and possibly his life. Mission Impossible? A friend sets Amy up with a job as a PA at the LA PR Agency which represents Josh’s football team, the Gladiators. Her task is to whip Josh into shape mentally and physically for the next football season. From Worst Person in the World to Love of a Lifetime? Shocked to her core, Amy discovers that Josh is the worst person in the world. His daily protests, unsavory habits and loose women are unbelievable. Josh is equally annoyed with Amy. As Amy gets Josh to see some hope, a spark is kindled… Will that spark grow into a flaming romance? Or will they return to their regular lives?


A series of female giggles pierced the silence. She looked upstairs to where the sound resonated and saw two women in barely there bikini’s running down the steps. Behind them was Joshua Mancini himself wearing a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. He was chasing the women. Amy geared herself up to meet her new employer. Even if she was appalled at the state of the house she had to make that first impression a good one. As he got closer she saw that he was truly handsome indeed with his sleek muscle and untamed pride. What she saw online was totally drool-worthy, but those images had nothing on the real-life Joshua Mancini who was six feet six, extremely well built with a ridged wall of a chest that bulged against the soft fabric of his t- shirt. He was breathtaking to look at with his black shiny, spiky hair, tanned skin and piercing eyes with an unusual mix of blue and green. Turquoise. That was the color. It was turquoise like the sea in somewhere like the Caribbean. Not that she’d ever been, but she’d seen enough pictures. He was the kind of man that made you want to stare, even against your will. She quickly adjusted herself and her focus. It would do her no good to go all girlie weak-kneed and turn into some babbling buffoon in front of him. She had to look professional. He looked her over with appreciation as he made his descent down the stairs and stopped a few paces away from her, making her feel like a dwarf even in her heels that added an extra two inches to her mere five feet and four inches. The women joined him and giggled as they tried to fix each other’s hair. “Good, the stripper’s here,” he said with a wide smile that revealed super gorgeous dimples in his exotic high cheek bones. It took her a second or two to realize that he was referring to her. “No, no I’m from the agency,” she replied quickly. “I’m Amy, your new PA.” That was when he looked up at her and narrowed his eyes. “If you could just point me in the direction of the office I’ll get started.” There, that was professional. To her surprise, however, he started to laugh. It was the usual sort of off balanced laughter you’d expect from someone who was truly wasted and didn’t know what they were even laughing at. “Those people are jokers.” “This is no joke. I’ll take care of all your paperwork and everything.” She offered a smile. “Ha, ha. Everything? Well you can start in there.” He set his square jaw in a firm line and pointed to the mess in the living room. “Clean that up will you.” Her mouth dropped. She attempted to protest but he just walked away, leaving her there to gawk at the crazy mess.

Buy Links

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About Khardine Gray

Author Bio

KhardineGray Khardine Gray is a contemporary romance author who lives in England with her husband and two kids. She is well travelled, cultured, and a woman with a passion for dancing and ice skating. When not writing you can catch her shopping, indulging on pizza and hot chocolate, or hanging out with her family and friends. No need to spend money on an airline ticket. Simply pick up one of Khardine's books to become immersed in the fascinating stories and characters she creates.

Connect with Khardine

Website | Facebook | Twitter


Khardine Gray is giving away an e-copy of her latest release, The Shape of My Heart. For your chance to win, simply enter via the Rafflecopter below. The contest closes at midnight EST on August 11, 2017, and is open to entrants worldwide. Good luck!

Tour Stops

July 31: A Naughty Book Fling
Novel Addiction
Kitty's Book Spot
Obsessed by Books
Loves Great Reads
Fictional Rendezvous August 1: Book Lovers 4Ever
I Heart Reading
Books, Dreams, Life
Shh, I Am Reading
NerdGirl Official August 2: Happy Ever After
The Bookworm Lodge
Written Love Reviews
Abibliophobia Anonymous
Voluptuous Book Diva
Life at 17 August 3: Those Crazy Book Chicks
Up 'Til Dawn
Liz's Reading Life
Romance Novel Giveaways
Outrageous Heroes of Romance
CelticLady's Reviews August 4: EskieMama Reads
Lisa's Book Blog @ LEL
Fabulous and Brunette
Dandelions Inspired
Suzanne Jenkins' Blog
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Tour Hosted by LoveBound Promotions