Friday, May 20, 2016

Weekly Reading Update 5/13 - 5/19/16

 ( As always, click the link to get more information about each book! )

This was a big graphic novel week for me - mostly because I got back from vacation and had so many holds ready for me to pick up from the library! So I read all the graphic novels first thing, so that I could read them and return them quickly. I went through Guardians Team-Up Volume 1: Guardians Assemble and Guardians of the Galaxy: New Guard Volume 1: Emperor Quill. Both were fun reads, but I'm partial to the "Emperor Quill" book - it has Kitty Pryde in it! I'm a huge Shadowcat fan.

I then moved on to two non-superhero graphic novels. Giant Days: Volume 2 by John Allison, which I absolutely loved. This series is awesome - three girls becoming friends in their first year of college. It's well written, and the illustrations are great! I highly recommend it! Next was Patience by Daniel Clowes - this one was a little trippy. It was definitely an interesting read, but I can't see myself wanting to read it again in the future.

Working in a library, I see a lot of interesting titles go by. And sometimes, they're just so ridiculous that I can't pass up the chance to read them - like the next book, The Detective's 8 lb 10 oz Surprise by Meg Maxwell. It's a Harlequin title, and while I admit to totally binging on them every so often, I usually stick to the Presents line. This book was part of the Special Edition line, which has never been one of my favorites - but this was a pleasant surprise. It was pretty cute! And I even want to read the next book when it releases.

I actually had Wednesday off this week, so I decided to re-read an all-time favorite - Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell! Sometimes you just need a comfort read. I originally read this when I borrowed it from the library. And the second I finished it, I went to Amazon and bought a copy. Last year, Rainbow Rowell was at a local book convention - and alas, I had to work that day. But my friend was able to go, and took my copy of Fangirl! So I have it signed, with a note from Rainbow saying "I'm sorry I missed you!" It makes me smile every time I see it.

I finished the week off with some more comics. Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man 1: Revival by Brian Michael Bendis. Followed that up with Descender, volume 2: Machine Moon by Jeff Lemire - this series is absolutely amazing. But then, it's Jeff Lemire, and he knows what he's doing! Next up was Groot by Jeff Loveness - and yes, that is Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy! Second to last was Jessica Jones: Alias Volume 1 by Brian Michael Bendis. And last, but not least, was Rat Queens, Volume 3: Demons by Kurtis J. Wiebe. Rat Queens is an all-time favorite series. It's a bit like Dungeons and Dragons... but with a lot of four letter words.

It was a very graphic novel week for me, clearly! I read a few actual books as well, I promise - you'll see proof of that next week when my reviews post!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Cover Reveal: HITCHED by Kendall Ryan!

Hitched, Volume 1
Release Date: July 5

Marry the girl I’ve had a crush on my whole life? Check.

Inherit a hundred-billion-dollar company? Check.

Produce an heir… Wait, what?

I have ninety days to knock up my brand-new fake wife. There’s only one problem—she hates my guts.

And in the fine print of the contract? The requirement that we produce an heir.

She can’t stand to be in the same room with me. Says she’ll never be in my bed.

But I’ve never backed down from a challenge and I’m not about to start now.

Mark my words—I’ll have her begging for me, and it won’t take ninety days.

On the heels of her smash hit and New York Times bestselling SCREWED series, Kendall Ryan brings you HITCHED, a romantic comedy that delivers heart and heat. A NYC playboy turned business mogul has ninety days to win over the woman he's always desired in order to save his father's company. One tiny problem: She hates his guts.

iBooks Preorder:
Paperback Preorder:

Hitched, Volume 2
Release Date: July 19

Hitched, Volume 3
Release Date: Aug 2

​Early Praise for HITCHED:

"Charming, swoony and playful, Kendall Ryan's Hitched left me salivating for more. More Noah, more Olivia, more of this series which already has my heart all aflutter, my smile perma-pinned to my face, and my mind aching for answers." -- Give Me Books

"Hitched was a perfect non-stop read!” – Jacqueline’s Reads

"Childhood friends and now frenemies forced to wed and make a baby in mere months? I’m IN!" - Bookalicious Babes Blog

"Fun, flirty and steamy, Hitched will have you addicted from the first word! Kendall Ryan delivered big time, I'm practically salivating for more!" - Angie, Angie and Jessica's Dreamy Reads

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Interview: KAT MARTIN, author of "Into the Whirlwind!"

Kat Martin is promoting her newest book, "Into The Whirlwind" - release May 31st, 2016!! She was able to drop by to answer a few questions - check out her answers, and be sure to pre-order your copy of "Into The Whirlwind" today!

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing? 
Everything about writing is challenging!!  Staring at 500 blank pages on the computer screen and thinking about how I am possibly going to fill them up with a story that makes sense--that is definitely challenging.  Plotting is difficult, making the clues come together; description is difficult, trying to make it sound fresh.  Sex scenes are difficult, making them exactly fit the hero and heroine.  So , yes, there are plenty of challenges in writing.

Who are your go-to authors for a good read?
Cindy Gerard, Nora Roberts, Laura Griffin, Dana Marton, Heather Graham.  I read some of the big bestselling authors like Dean Koontz.  Lots of good writers out there.

Which if your heroes is your favorite?  
My current hero is always my favorite!  If I can’t fall in love with him, how can I expect my readers to do that?  Dirk Reynolds is a particular favorite because is such a combination of tough and really sweet.  And I loved his deep feelings for Meg.

What inspired you to write your first book?
My boyfriend at the time (later my husband) had written a novel.  I started helping him polish it and got hooked.  I started thinking maybe I could write a novel, too, and so I did.

If you decided to give up writing (please don't!!), what would your next choice career be?
I used to joke and say I wanted to be an astrophysicist.  I’m clearly not smart enough for that, but I am interested in the stars and planets and all that goes along with that.

Did you have to learn anything new while writing this book?
I learned a ton of new stuff!  Part of the story deals with the Nazis who fled Germany after World War II.  I found the information fascinating and some of it wound up in the book.

When you're writing, do you see yourself as a character in the book? 
Good question.  I don’t think I exactly see myself as a character, but I’m pretty deeply in my characters’ heads.  I love writing men.  Living in Montana, I’m around a lot of men so I feel comfortable in my hero’s head, maybe more comfortable than writing from the heroine’s point of view.

Are you a ketchup or mustard person?
Ketchup for sure.

Hello Friends,
Next up for me is INTO THE WHIRLWIND, the second of my BOSS Inc, novels!  It’s Megan and Dirk’s wild and tumultuous story; one of personal favorites.  And ya gotta love the cover!! It hits the shelves May 31st. I just received the review from RT BOOK REVIEWS, and thought I would share it with you along with a peek inside the cover of INTO THE WHIRLWIND.

“The second in the BOSS, Inc. series continues to excite! If you enjoy taught page-turners with powerful and protective alpha males, you’ve found one. The main characters have fiery chemistry and are evenly matched, making the intensity and intrigue all the more thrilling. Readers have come to expect steamy sex and plenty of suspense from Martin, and this series provides it in abundance!” —RT BOOK REVIEWS

     Megan O'Brien parked at the end of the gravel driveway and quietly got out of her compact SUV.  Through the trees, she could hear the roar of a chainsaw, hear see two-by-fours going up to form the sides of the house under construction.
     The garage was already finished, undoubtedly full of Dirk's toys, including a Harley and a custom Dodge Viper.  In the summer, he kept a boat docked on the lake below the house.
     Though two other men were hard at work, her gaze went straight to Dirk.  Hammer in hand, carpenter's belt dangling low on his waist, he was shirtless, though the January air was chill.
     Hard muscle flexed across his back and shoulders as he pounded in a nail with an ease that said how many times he had done it.  Long, sinewy muscles outlined by the soft fabric of his jeans stretched and moved as he worked on his house.
     Meg's gaze went over the familiar dragon tattoo that wound over one shoulder and inched up the side of his neck.  The colored ink seemed right with the sexy, short-cropped, horseshoe mustache that framed his mouth and curved down to his jaw, making him look like the hard, tough man he was.
     Even her terrible fear for her son couldn't block the memories of how it had felt to lie with him.  Couldn't lessen the yearning that burned through her body just at the sight of him.
     On the fashion show tour, Dirk had been her bodyguard, and though every instinct had warned her not to get involved with him, the fierce attraction between them was impossible to resist.
     Once the tour returned home, Meg had ended the affair.  Dirk Reynolds was wild and fierce while she was a single mother with a son to raise.  She had duties, responsibilities.
     She couldn't have Dirk Reynolds.  
     But she had never gotten over Dirk.
     Meg steeled herself and headed along the gravel driveway toward the house he was rebuilding after the fire that had nearly killed him five months ago.  One thing she knew, Dirk Reynolds was a hard man to kill.
     Which was the reason she had swallowed her pride and her heartache and come to him.  She needed him, trusted him as she never had another man.  Her little boy's life depended on gaining this man's help.  This man she had loved and rejected.
     She stepped out of the foliage and started toward him.  With Dirk's usual keen senses, he turned, alert that someone was there, though the buzz of the saw hid the sound of her footsteps.
     For several long moments, he just stared, watching as she approached.  He was six-two, his body lean and sculpted.  Wavy dark brown hair curled at the nape of his neck.  She forced herself to keep walking, even as his jaw locked and a fierce scowl darkened his face.
     Dirk grabbed a faded blue work shirt and shrugged it on, covering most of his amazing chest.  He didn't bother fastening the buttons, just strode toward her, blocking her view of the house.
     He stopped right in front of her.  "What are doing here, Meg?"
     "I need to talk to you.  It''s urgent."
     "You're trespassing.  What do you want?"
     She swallowed, fought to stay strong.  He didn't want her there.  She had known he wouldn't.  Known he thought of her only with contempt.  She wished he would hold her the way he used to when she was afraid.  "I...I want to hire you."
     The corner of his mouth edged into a ruthless half smile.  "What for?  Stud service?"
     She wanted to cry.  She wanted to beg his forgiveness.  Tell him she had never forgotten him.  That she never would. She knew it wouldn't matter to Dirk.  Not anymore.
     It didn't matter.  Nothing mattered, but saving the life of her son.
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New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara where she majored in Anthropology and also studied History.   She is married to L.J. Martin, author of western, non-fiction, and suspense novels.

Kat has written more than sixty-five novels.  Sixteen million copies of her books are in print and she has been published in twenty foreign countries, including Japan, France, Germany, Argentina, Greece, China, Russia, and Spain.
Born in Bakersfield, California, Kat currently resides in Missoula, Montana, on a small ranch in the beautiful Sapphire mountains.

Her last 10 books have hit the prestigious New York Times bestseller list.  AGAINST THE WILD, AGAINST THE SKY, AGAINST THE TIDE and INTO THE FURY her latest release, took top ten spots.

Visit Kat's website at
Or look for her on Facebook  at Katmartin/author.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Release Week Blast: TOO HOT TO HANDLE by Tessa Bailey! EXCERPT

TOO HOT TO HANDLE - RWB banner    

From New York Times Bestselling author Tessa Bailey comes the first novel in her hot, new Romancing the Clarksons Series.

When Rita Clarkson’s Suburban takes its last breath on a New Mexico roadside, rescue roars up on a Harley in the form of smooth-talking honkey tonk owner, Jasper Ellis, a man as mysterious as he is charming. Rita’s cross-country journey to New York City–with her three estranged siblings in tow–is only beginning, but now that Jasper has found Rita, his plans do not include her leaving.

    TOO HOT TO HANDLE - cover

The roof! The roof! The roof is…literally on fire.
Rita Clarkson stood across the street from Wayfare, the three-star Michelin restaurant her mother had made a culinary sensation, and watched it sizzle, pop, and whoosh into a smoking heap. Some well-meaning citizen had wrapped a blanket around her shoulders at some point, which struck her as odd. Who needed warming up this close to a structural fire? The egg-coated whisk still clutched in her right hand prevented her from pulling the blanket closer, but she couldn’t force herself to set aside the utensil. It was all that remained of Wayfare, four walls that had witnessed her professional triumphs.
Or failures, more like. There had been way more of those.
Tonight’s dinner-service plans had been ambitious. After a three-week absence from the restaurant, during which she’d participated in the reality television cooking show In the Heat of the Bite—and been booted off—Rita had been determined to swing for the fences her first night back. An attempt to overcompensate? Sure. When you’ve flamed out in spectacular fashion in front of a national TV audience over a fucking cheese soufflé, redemption is a must.
She could still see her own rapturous expression reflecting back from the stainless steel as she’d carefully lowered the oven door, hot television camera lights making her neck perspire, the boom mic dangling above. It was the kind of soufflé a chef dreamed about, or admired in the glossy pages of Bon Appétit magazine. Puffed up, tantalizing. Edible sex. With only three contestants left in the competition, she’d secured her place in the finals. Weeks of “fast-fire challenges” and bunking with neurotic chefs who slept with knives—all worth it, just to be the owner of this soufflé. A veritable feat of culinary strength.
And then her bastard fellow contestant had hip-bumped her oven, causing the center of her divine, worthy-of-Jesus’s-last-supper soufflé to sag into ruin.
What came next had gotten nine hundred forty-eight thousand views on YouTube. Last time she’d checked, at least.

Amazon ** Barnes & Noble ** iBooks ** Kobo ** GooglePlay

When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble . . .

The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn't seen in years. When rescue shows up---six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle---Rita's pretty certain she's gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he's about to be sorely tempted. There's something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn't just for tonight---he's forever.

    RWB Teaser 1       Tessa Bailey - headshotAbout Tessa Bailey: Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days. Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention. She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eight years and four-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.  
    RWB Teasr 2     InkSlinger PR - blogger banner

Monday, May 16, 2016

Review: ALL IN: PAYING HIS WAY by Lane Hart

Release Date: May 7th, 2016

Type: Contemporary Romance, Series (Sort of), Works as a Stand alone, Glad I'm an Only Child, Sibling Rivalry to the max, Babies complicate things, Novella

About the Book: One girl. 

Too young, too sweet, and too much of a past with my little brother. They share a son. 

I shouldn’t think twice about Maggie Frasier. When she needs my help though, there’s no way I can ignore her and my nephew. They don’t have anyone else to turn to since my brother refuses to own up to his responsibility. 

But somehow I went from helping her to holding her to loving her. 

Now everything has changed, and I want to keep these two in my life, permanently. My brother certainly doesn’t give a shit about them, and therein lies the problem. 

The truth can only be hidden for so long, and once it’s out there’s no going back. 

No family, no future, and no life with the woman I love. 

However, not everything is as it seems. And by the time I realize my mistake, it just might be too late to get her back.  [Description from]

My Review: This is a new-to-me author, and I probably never would have heard of her if this hadn't been offered for review. And let me tell you, I would have seriously missed out. This emotional, drama-from-start-to-finish novella made the my commute fly by. This isn't some happy romance story, so if you want a quick and easy happily ever after, you need to move along. Jordan and Maggie have a rough journey from start to finish - with family drama thrown in to complicate things further.

This story is not for the faint of heart. You need to be able to handle drug use, attempted rape, and sibling-hopping (not exactly what happens, but it's the best way I can quickly describe it without giving too much away). If you're looking for the next romance that is going to fly to the top of the charts, this isn't the book for you. But if you like your love stories with a heaping side of drama, and you just want a good, quick and dirty read - look no further. I will definitely be checking out more by this author in the future!

Cover Lovin': This cover gives away nothing of the story contained therein... but it's certainly good eye candy!

Recommendation: While this is technically part of a series, it can definitely be read as a stand-alone. It also deals with some possible trigger warnings (sex while under the influence, possible rape, etc) - so read at your own risk.

Final Rating: THREE AND A HALF out of five stars (3.5/5). A good, dramatic novella that I couldn't put down!

Make sure to get your copy of "All In: Paying His Way" by Lane Hart from today!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. Thanks Lane Hart!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Review: WHEN I BECOME YOURS by Rae Daniel

Release Date: May 1st, 2016

Type: Series, Book 2, Contemporary, Romance, New Adult, Novella, Smartypants

About the Book: Ben’s been in love with Renee from day one. At the same time, she’s kept him at a distance due to reasons only a select few know. 

That all ends. Now. Because nothing will stop him from getting what he wants. 


There’s no one else for him and there is definitely no one else for her, not as long as there is a breath left in his body. When she tries to date, Ben quickly ends any and all attempts of her being with someone, other than him. 

Follow Ben and Renee through some serious alpha male episodes paired with a side of light hearted humor and steamy encounters, hot enough to make your Kindle fog over! 

‘When I Become Yours’ is book two in The Richmond Series but it does not need to be read in order. This is a stand alone book in a series that will follow four girlfriends through their crazy and hilarious antics in addition to their passionate love lives. Each friend will have their own stand alone. [Description from]

The Richmond Series:
Book One: When I Make You Mine (Anne and Jim) - Out now!
Book Two: When I Become Yours (Renee and Ben) - Out now!
Book Three: When We Become One (Marisa and David) - Soon to be released
Book Four: When I’m Ready (Amber and Brian) - Soon to be released

My Review: Another new-to-me author, and another success story! I'm incredibly grateful that I get to be part of blog tours like this, and discover new and awesome authors. Unfortunately, there's just so much out there that entertaining reads like this could fall through the cracks. While this book is part of a series, I'd say it can totally be read as a stand-alone, though I'm sure you, like myself, will want to check out Anne and Jim's story since they are hilarious secondary characters in this book.

I knew going into this story that it was a novella, which means short and sweet. I just really wish it could have been a little longer - I wanted more of that delicious build up between Ben and Renee. Their attraction and compatibility was obvious, and well-written, but I wanted more of that slow burn. Not that their coming together wasn't hot - I think my kindle was smoking at one point - but I just wanted more. Or rather, I needed more. I'm super hopeful that we will see more of Renee and Ben in When We Become One, Marissa's story. Since Anne and Jim played a pivotal role in When I Become Yours, there is hope that I can see Ben and Renee again soon.

Cover Lovin': *Fans self* What a cover! Definitely caught my eye!

Recommendation: I didn't read the first book in the series, but I got through this book just fine. That said, I'm a little sad I missed out on some of Renee and Ben's backstory, so I'd love to check out book one!

Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5) stars! This was a fun, fast read. I wasn't ready to let Ben and Renee go, so I'm sure I will find myself re-reading this in the near future.

Rae Daniels Bio:
Born in the midwest, Rae Daniel has been telling stories her entire life. After earning her degree in History from Old Dominion University, she found her niche in the professional world as an analyst. In her analytical roll, she found that compiling her research into “stories” for her upper management team, gave her the confidence to start to write all the other stories that were running around in her head.

Rae is also the founder of, a romance book review website. Within the first six months of operation she was being asked to write reviews for independent, USA Today, and NY Times best selling romance authors from around the world.

When she is not writing, she is living a charming life in North Carolina with her husband and two kids. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading and drinking wine. (PS, not necessarily in that order) :)


Author Website:

Make sure to get your copy of When I Become Yours by Rae Daniel from today!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.