What's that? Another book with an angel? Yes.. yes it is. Shush it, I am not changing the blog name to "Glow's Angel Addiction." We talked about this. That would be weird. Now hush, we have a review to do.
Disclaimer: This is a book borrowed from my local library. I was not given it or any monetary incentive for a positive review.
Type: Paranormal Romance, Angels!, Guardians, Kids, Agoraphobia, Yellow Brick Road, I want a house like this, Awww puppies
From the back of the book: " When Queisha Saint-Denis agreed to be a surrogate mother for a jet-setting - but childless - couple, she never dreamed she'd see a return on her gift. Literally. But now she's looking at two adorable orphans, who come with a lot of baggaged: there's a battle brewing over who "inherits" them and their huge fortune, plus an unwanted (and alarmingly attractive) guardian, who she's sure has been hired by the dueling family members to keep and eye on her more than the children. Chance Godricson is keeping an eye on Queisha. In fact, he's her guardian angel. Ever since he gave his life to save hers, Chance has felt an undeniable connection to Queisha. And now that he's back on Earth, in her house, surrounded by two scene-stealing moppets and a woman he finds irresistible, Chance is about to discover that helping Queisha and still staying angelic is not going to be easy... "
Sometimes I feel a little weird when young children are secondary characters. I don't know if it's because they don't seem real, or maybe because they don't act like I expect children that age to act. These children, Lace and Skye, came pretty close, but there was still a few moments where I wasn't sure if they felt too young for their age, or maybe too old. Of course, I'm not a parent, I'm not really around kids this age very much, so maybe they're spot on. I'll admit it, after a while, I started to ignore the kids' part in the story, except when it came to the inevitable fight for custody. Then stuff started to get interesting.
And occasionally, I wasn't sure which character was talking, or what they were talking about. But obviously I was interested enough to keep reading.. and I suppose I could say it paid off in the end. Along these lines, there were a few powers/abilities that just seemed weird to me. I wasn't sure who all had what powers. And the fact that a certain someone could just make a whole trail of bricks pop up and wind itself around the yard? Who has that power? I mean, who's like "Yes... Yes I must have the power to create brick trails for people. Include that in my list of super useful powers.. like the ability to glue pieces of paper together, and have one over-ly rubbery arm." Do you get the picture I'm painting there? Basically I'm saying it's a random, weird power. Obviously not totally useless, but a little weird.
As for the characters. Queisha was quirky, which is totally good, but there were a few times I just wanted her to hush. Or maybe act.. differently. I wanted her to just shut up about the kids being taken away from her and just enjoy it. She told herself so many times to not think about the fact that the kids will probably get taken away, and to just enjoy the time she had with them. That's wonderful... DO IT. As for Chance... Chance is the type of hero that I love - sarcastic and strong. I'm not saying he didn't have his faults - honest to the point of needing a good shaking - but he was someone I'd want to be around, maybe even hang with on occasion. And I did love how he was slowly losing his feathers.
Up until almost the very end, this book was going to be one of those "good, not great, but okay" kind of books. But there was an otherwise not-that-big-a-deal paragraph in the last chapter or two that made me sniffle, and I even had to show a friend. And because of that (Everlasting puppies were involved!), this book was pushed into a different category. So with that, I give you the rating..
So I'm going to give "Bedeviled Angel" by Annette Blair a FOUR out of FIVE (4/5). I did enjoy it, and for the most part, I loved the two main characters. I don't think I could deal with Queisha's neuroses, but I'd definitely want to cuddle up with Chance. And his backstory was a real winner (I LOVED his backstory.. but no spoilers from me).
Have you read the book? Or are you a fan of Annette Blair? Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Want to check this book, or maybe another book by this author, out? Find it at Amazon.com.
And check out my review for "Naked Dragon" here.
Catch ya on the flipside!
~!~ Morning Glow