Welcome everyone! This week, Novel Addiction is celebrating its SECOND BLOGOVERSARY! I'm also celebrating my birthday, so it's a super fun week! Today is the last day, but there's still fun content. Today, I'm lucky to offer you a guest post from Angela Steed, author of "1080 Kiss", and "Betrayal: The Awakening"! And Angela has kindly provided an ecopy of her book "1080 Kiss" to giveaway - there will be ONE winners! See below for details.
Birthdays and Gift Giving
by: Angela Steed
I've always loved gift giving. Whether it's for Christmas, a wedding, anniversary, or a birthday, I get excited about shopping for the perfect gift. I've never really been that great at picking gifts out, but I've always been told it's the thought that counts. (Tell that to the girl that I gave my old pink fuzzy sweater to. )
I was only seven years old at the time. I had no money to buy anything. But I knew I had to give my friend something for her birthday! She definitely looked like she could use a warm fuzzy turtle-neck sweater. So I wrapped the garment up in some Christmas paper that I found in my mother's closet then gave it to her at her birthday party. I wonder why she never invited me to any more parties after that?
All crappy gifts aside, have you ever received a gift so wonderful that you wonder what you did to deserve such a thing? I suppose I've received a few things that made me feel all squishy inside, like the guitar and amp my parents gave me on my sixteenth birthday. Then there was the tornado lamp that my boyfriend bought me for Christmas one year. I loved that thing. But there was one present that stood out above any other, one present that meant so much to me that it actually made me cry, and that was my first published novel 1080 Kiss.
1080 Kiss just happened to come out on my birthday. Talk about an amazing feeling! To hold something that I worked hard for in my hands was a special kind of gift that I'll never forget.
Now here I am at Novel Addiction during a birthday bash and anniversary. I'm so excited that I get to celebrate with everyone that I feel the need to give. I don't own any pink fuzzy sweaters to give away or any used twirling tornado laps (the thing broke after a year of continuous use). But I do have an e-copy of 1080 Kiss to give away to someone in hopes it'll brighten their day.
Thanks for inviting me Amanda! Happy Birthday and anniversary!
Be sure to check out Angela's website!

Now for the GIVEAWAY! Angela is offering ONE ecopy of her book "1080 Kiss," so there will be ONE lucky winner!
~ Fill out the form below to enter. Comments do not count as an entry.
~ There will be ONE winner.
~ Contest ENDS Sunday, July 17th at 7 PM EST. Winners will be announced Monday, July 18th.
~ You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
~ Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail, or authors/publishers failing to deliver prizes.
+1 For following Novel Addiction.
+1 For commenting on the Guest Post.
Be sure to check out Day 1 of my Blogoversary! Lisa Beth Darling, author of "The Heart of War," stopped to talk about anniversaries, and offers up an ecopy of her book to one lucky winner! Go HERE to enter.
Check out Day 2, author Jessica McHugh stops by to talk about the ending of her epic fantasy series, and is offering a LIMITED EDITION PRINT copy of "Rabbits in the Garden!" Go HERE to check it out.
Day 3, author Alison Holt visits to talk about realistic cops in fiction, and is offering THREE winners their choice of her ebooks! Go HERE To read the post and enter the contest.
Day 4, author Sonnet O'Dell stops by to talk about how little things can help with characterization. Be sure to visit HERE and read the post!
And don't forget my giveaway for THREE print books by Lori Foster. One winner will get all THREE of Lori's new releases! Visit THIS POST to read the rules and enter!
Want to get me a present for my birthday? *Wink wink* Here's my RAK Wishlist!
Happy Reading! And thank you to everyone that helped me celebrate my Blogoversary and Birthday!!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Be sure to check out Angela's website!
Now for the GIVEAWAY! Angela is offering ONE ecopy of her book "1080 Kiss," so there will be ONE lucky winner!
~ Fill out the form below to enter. Comments do not count as an entry.
~ There will be ONE winner.
~ Contest ENDS Sunday, July 17th at 7 PM EST. Winners will be announced Monday, July 18th.
~ You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
~ Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail, or authors/publishers failing to deliver prizes.
+1 For following Novel Addiction.
+1 For commenting on the Guest Post.
Be sure to check out Day 1 of my Blogoversary! Lisa Beth Darling, author of "The Heart of War," stopped to talk about anniversaries, and offers up an ecopy of her book to one lucky winner! Go HERE to enter.
Check out Day 2, author Jessica McHugh stops by to talk about the ending of her epic fantasy series, and is offering a LIMITED EDITION PRINT copy of "Rabbits in the Garden!" Go HERE to check it out.
Day 3, author Alison Holt visits to talk about realistic cops in fiction, and is offering THREE winners their choice of her ebooks! Go HERE To read the post and enter the contest.
Day 4, author Sonnet O'Dell stops by to talk about how little things can help with characterization. Be sure to visit HERE and read the post!
And don't forget my giveaway for THREE print books by Lori Foster. One winner will get all THREE of Lori's new releases! Visit THIS POST to read the rules and enter!
Want to get me a present for my birthday? *Wink wink* Here's my RAK Wishlist!
Happy Reading! And thank you to everyone that helped me celebrate my Blogoversary and Birthday!!
~!~ Amanda ~!~