YAY! It's time to announce the winner of the contest for an ebook by HP Mallory (winner's choice, even!)
So I consulted the powers that be... (a.k.a. Random.org)... and the winner is...
******* SWEET VERNAL ZEPHYR *********
Congratulations! *^_^*
I'll be sending your email addy to HP Mallory. I hope you enjoy your book, whichever you would choice.
And for everyone else, be sure to check out "To Kill a Warlock" and "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble" by HP Mallory! You can find the links at the author's Smashwords page HERE!! Have a great weekend!
A home for this book addict to review or share any recent reads. Feel free to stick around and comment.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Cover goodness! (Invincible AND Light Dragons!)
C'MON GUYS! Today is the last day to enter my contest for an ebook by HP Mallory. Contest ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm. I will announce the winner Saturday morning. Assuming I can yank myself out of bed earlier enough to do that before work (ugh, work). Enter HERE by leaving a comment. You know you want to.
Now, for the promise cover goodness. Like... delicious cover goodness. First up... the next book in the Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon - "Invincible"!!!
Now, for the promise cover goodness. Like... delicious cover goodness. First up... the next book in the Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon - "Invincible"!!!
Oh my gosh, yum right??? I can't wait. I loved "Infinity."
AND NEXT!!! "The Unbearable Lightness of Dragons" Light Dragons book TWO by Katie MacAlister.

Oh the yummyness!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Review of "The Falling Away" by T.L. Hines
I will say this... I do rather like that cover. It's so.. bright. And wind turbine-y.
Disclaimer: I received this book from Booksneeze, aka Thomas Nelson, in exchange for a review.
Type: Christian Fiction, Thriller, Cults, Adult, Drugs, Cutting.
He's haunted by his younger sister's disappearance, the recent death of a friend, and his impending sense of being chosen for something of great importance. But before Dylan can figure out what it really means to be chosen, and whether he's going to embrace the cost of that calling, he's going to have to slow down and face the demons he's been running from. Demons that are all too real...and aren't about to back down.
Enter a world where things aren't quite what they seem...a novel bursting with supernatural suspense, well-crafted characters, and spiritual insights that will defy your expectations and leave you both breathless and hopeful. "
I'm going to say right off the bat that this was not my sort of book. I was extremely interested in the storyline when I heard about it, hence why I requested a copy to review, but this was not something I enjoyed. I'm still a little amazed I managed to get through it all. And as I said, it did have an interesting storyline, I just couldn't follow the book.
The male main character, Dylan's, story generally moves forward in a straight line. He has moments where he thinks about the past, but mostly in quick little flashback scenes, and the reader knows that's what's going on. But the female lead, Quinn, her story moves all over the place. We meet her in the present, and then each scene after that, the reader has to guess from the actions if that scene is in the present, or her past. Sometimes it's easy to pick up on, sometimes not so much until another character is introduced. I'm usually pretty good about keeping track of characters and where they are in different timelines, being a fan of science fiction... that can happen a lot. But I will admit to getting lost several times throughout the course of this book.
Not only was it hard to follow, but there was another big issue I had - it seems the members of The Falling Away (which seemed rather cult-ish to me, and therefore incredibly creepy), all have a compulsion (or need) to do something. With one guy it's obsessively washing his hands, with Quinn it's cutting or hurting herself. I'm an adult, I can deal with things like that, people have these problems, I get it. But I did not like that these issues were considered okay and even a good outlet for the members of The Falling Away to deal with the stress of their lives. Cutting or hurting yourself should not be seen as okay or acceptable. There was one scene where Quinn was toying with a staple she has pushed into her arm and just left there. That scene alone was hard to get through.
As I said, I didn't really enjoy this book. I won't go into any more detail to avoid any possible spoilers.. so I'll just get right into the rating. I'd rate it a ONE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (1.5/5). It was confusing, but the story was interesting.. just done poorly in my opinion. But feel free to check it out for yourself and find something to prove me wrong.
Have you read it? Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Want to read it? Find it at Amazon.com
Until next time, Happy Reading
~!~ Morning Glow
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Heroes I can't live without: Part II
First off, don't forget to enter my contest for an ebook by HP Mallory! Read the rules, and comment to enter on this post!
Now! Welcome to Part II of my spotlight on Heroes from Romance, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, etc etc, that I just can't live without. Want to check out Part I? Click here.
First up... BONES from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. We meet Bones in book one - "Halfway to the Grave".. and every Cat book features this total dreamboat. Even the Night Huntress World novels.. Bones has a couple cameos. Thank goodness. I can't imagine life without Bones. Even when Bones made me sooo mad in one of the books (NO SPOILERS!).. I still really loved him. Sigh. I want a Bones in my life... well, not A Bones.. just Bones. Please? Who doesn't want a vampire bounty hunter? One who only hunts the bad guys. And he loves so deeply and so.. sexily.
RANGER! MORELLI! That's right, this section is a two-fer. Because who I would pick really depends on my mood.. so therefore I would take both.. at different times (or both at once, if it was one of those days *wink* ). I love the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Morelli is.. safer. When I have the mood to settle down and cuddle, I want Morelli. He symbolizes that happily ever after. Ranger on the other hand... He's mysterious, he's dangerous.. if I'm in the mood to be a rebel or a wild girl, I'm definitely in a Ranger mood.
Frankly, I don't think Stephanie needs both of them. She's more than welcome to toss one (or both even) to me. On that note... DIESEL! I'll take him too. He's not technically one of her guys, I'll take him. And continuing on that line.. look for my review of "Wicked Appetite" in the near future.
And finally (for this installment, anyways...) LUCIAN ARGENEAU!
I love the Argeneau series by Lynsay Sands, but Lucian is probably my favorite of them all.. so far, anyways. Lucian is.. well, quite old, and therefore a little out of touch with the present. But he know how to take care of his family, and will do anything for them. I think my favorite scene is a toss between him shirtless, wearing a pink apron and cleaning the floor of his sister in law's house... or when he's wrestling with his sister in law's huge dog, trying to give the dog his medicine, and even though the dog bites him, he just pats him on the head and sends him on his way. Lucian, despite how strong and (sometimes) overbearing he is, he's still the best. At least that's my opinion.
That's it for today, folks! Six (or technically seven?) that I can't live without... but guess what, there's still more! There will be another installment in "Heroes I can't live without" in the near future.
Have a great day! And until next time, Happy reading!
~!~ Morning Glow
Now! Welcome to Part II of my spotlight on Heroes from Romance, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, etc etc, that I just can't live without. Want to check out Part I? Click here.
First up... BONES from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. We meet Bones in book one - "Halfway to the Grave".. and every Cat book features this total dreamboat. Even the Night Huntress World novels.. Bones has a couple cameos. Thank goodness. I can't imagine life without Bones. Even when Bones made me sooo mad in one of the books (NO SPOILERS!).. I still really loved him. Sigh. I want a Bones in my life... well, not A Bones.. just Bones. Please? Who doesn't want a vampire bounty hunter? One who only hunts the bad guys. And he loves so deeply and so.. sexily.
RANGER! MORELLI! That's right, this section is a two-fer. Because who I would pick really depends on my mood.. so therefore I would take both.. at different times (or both at once, if it was one of those days *wink* ). I love the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Morelli is.. safer. When I have the mood to settle down and cuddle, I want Morelli. He symbolizes that happily ever after. Ranger on the other hand... He's mysterious, he's dangerous.. if I'm in the mood to be a rebel or a wild girl, I'm definitely in a Ranger mood.
Frankly, I don't think Stephanie needs both of them. She's more than welcome to toss one (or both even) to me. On that note... DIESEL! I'll take him too. He's not technically one of her guys, I'll take him. And continuing on that line.. look for my review of "Wicked Appetite" in the near future.
And finally (for this installment, anyways...) LUCIAN ARGENEAU!
I love the Argeneau series by Lynsay Sands, but Lucian is probably my favorite of them all.. so far, anyways. Lucian is.. well, quite old, and therefore a little out of touch with the present. But he know how to take care of his family, and will do anything for them. I think my favorite scene is a toss between him shirtless, wearing a pink apron and cleaning the floor of his sister in law's house... or when he's wrestling with his sister in law's huge dog, trying to give the dog his medicine, and even though the dog bites him, he just pats him on the head and sends him on his way. Lucian, despite how strong and (sometimes) overbearing he is, he's still the best. At least that's my opinion.
That's it for today, folks! Six (or technically seven?) that I can't live without... but guess what, there's still more! There will be another installment in "Heroes I can't live without" in the near future.
Have a great day! And until next time, Happy reading!
~!~ Morning Glow
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Review of "Sinful Surrender" by Beverley Kendall
After reading a blurb about this book, I so couldn't pass up the chance to read it. A girl who's in love with her older brother's best friend? I'm so there.
Disclaimer: This book is on loan from my local library system. I was not given this book, nor any monetary incentive, in exchange for a review.
Type: Historical Romance, London, Aggravating men who don't know what they want, Strong women who do
From the back of the book: " Millicent 'Missy' Armstrong is entering her third London Season, but not for lack of suitors. Since her debut three years ago, Missy has received twenty marriage proposals. But she is interested in only one man - her brother's best friend, James Rutherford. As a child, Missy looked up to James. As a grown up, her admiration has blossomed into the longings of a beautiful, sensuous woman - and she won't rest until James admits his love - and desire - for her...James Rutherford rues the day he let his physical weaknesses get the better of him by kissing Missy. His best friend has made it clear that Missy is off limits, and though he's avoided her for three years, he hasn't forgotten the feel of her soft lips pressed against his--and it seems neither has she. For no matter how much James tries to discourage Missy, he keeps winding up in her arms, sharing heated caresses that promise the most delirious pleasure. "
This is another one of those books I just inhaled in one sitting. Mind you, I promptly fell asleep afterwards due to over-reading. But all the same, it wasn't something I wanted to put down. Put down, no... throw across the room? Maybe. Missy and James frustrated me... SOOO much. Missy wasn't really frustrating until the end, but James.. I wanted to shake some sense into that man. So much denial in such a nice tight package, it was amazing. But it wasn't just the denial that got me. It was his wishy washy nature. He would basically hide from Missy, then when they met up again, he'd give in to his desires and make out with her (or more, *gasp!* ), and then promptly yell at her and leave. I probably would have enjoyed him more as a hero if he would have at least been nicer to her sometimes. We learn he was around when Missy was younger, and had been incredibly sweet and friendly with her in years past, but all I saw of him as an adult was a big fat meanie jerk.
On the flipside, I did enjoy Missy's character for most of the book. She was driven, knew exactly what she wanted, and she had a basic plan of how to get it. Mind you, I think she might have taken it a bit too far now and again, got wrapped up in things she probably shouldn't.. she had a goal and would do anything to achieve it. And then we get to the end of the book.. in which point I switch from liking Missy more to liking James more. James went from being a jerk to finally realizing what he wants, and Missy falls into stubborn-jerk mode. I'll admit to being nervous about the end. I mean, I'll say so much as it all works out (would you doubt that anyways, in a romance?), but it was suddenly near the end of the book, and there wasn't much space left to wrap it up. I was almost amazed so much happened in such a short amount of time.
Frankly, I don't know how I feel about this book - this has been happening a lot lately, actually. I mean, I was wrapped up in the story enough to keep reading, but I so wanted to strangle... almost everyone involved. I didn't hate it, and I certainly didn't think it was a bad book. It just didn't jive with me, I suppose. And for that reason, I'm going to give "Sinful Surrender" by Beverley Kendall a THREE out of FIVE (3/5). But what do you guys think? Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Want to give this book a shot? Find it at Amazon.com!
Until next time, Happy Reading!
~!~ Morning Glow
Monday, September 13, 2010
Giveaway! Win a book by HP Mallory!
************************ CONTEST CLOSED ******************************
Hello all! How about we start the week with a nice giveaway!! The wonderful author H.P. Mallory has offered up an ecopy of one of her books to one lucky reader.
First off, we have "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble." You can find my review of this book here.
A little about the book:
A self-deprecating witch with the unique ability to reanimate the dead. A dangerously handsome warlock torn between being her boss and her would-be lover. A six hundred year old English vampire with his own agenda; one that includes an appetite for witches. The Underworld in a state of chaos. Let the games begin.
And here we have "To Kill A Warlock."
A bit about the book:
The murder of a dark arts warlock. A shape-shifting, ravenous creature on the loose. A devilishly handsome stranger sent to investigate. Sometimes working law enforcement for the Netherworld is a real bitch.
To purchase "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble" go here.
To purchase "To Kill a Warlock" follow this link.
To go to the author's website: Urban Fantasy Novels
And finally, the author's blog: HP Mallory
Now for the rules:
- Leave a comment to enter, please include your email address so I can notify you if you won.
- Contest is open until 11:59 PM Friday, September 17th.
- Winner will be announced here on Saturday Morning.
- Winner will be selected by random number.
- You do not have to be a follower to enter, but it's always a nice gesture.
Extra entries!
- Want to get an extra chance at the prize? Become a follower of H.P. Mallory's blog. Make sure to add a +1 to your comment.
Hello all! How about we start the week with a nice giveaway!! The wonderful author H.P. Mallory has offered up an ecopy of one of her books to one lucky reader.
First off, we have "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble." You can find my review of this book here.
A little about the book:
A self-deprecating witch with the unique ability to reanimate the dead. A dangerously handsome warlock torn between being her boss and her would-be lover. A six hundred year old English vampire with his own agenda; one that includes an appetite for witches. The Underworld in a state of chaos. Let the games begin.
And here we have "To Kill A Warlock."
A bit about the book:
The murder of a dark arts warlock. A shape-shifting, ravenous creature on the loose. A devilishly handsome stranger sent to investigate. Sometimes working law enforcement for the Netherworld is a real bitch.
To purchase "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble" go here.
To purchase "To Kill a Warlock" follow this link.
To go to the author's website: Urban Fantasy Novels
And finally, the author's blog: HP Mallory
Now for the rules:
- Leave a comment to enter, please include your email address so I can notify you if you won.
- Contest is open until 11:59 PM Friday, September 17th.
- Winner will be announced here on Saturday Morning.
- Winner will be selected by random number.
- You do not have to be a follower to enter, but it's always a nice gesture.
Extra entries!
- Want to get an extra chance at the prize? Become a follower of H.P. Mallory's blog. Make sure to add a +1 to your comment.
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