Another week, another update! As always, click the title for more information.
A few weeks ago, I posted about reading Thief of Thieves volume 1: “I Quit” by Robert Kirkman. Well I finally got my hands on Thief of Thieves volume 2: “Help Me” by Kirkman, and Volume 3: Venice by Andy Diggle. I’m still really loving this series. I can’t want to see how he manages to get them out of the next scrape. And even better - I was able to find the next volume! I couldn’t for the longest time, but it turned up on one of my library’s digital platforms. Yay!
I’ve been listening to King Lear by William Shakespeare. Mostly because it counts for my library’s Summer Reading Challenge as an audio book. I figured if I was going to listen to one in a certain format, I might as well go with a classic that I haven’t read in years. And I’m glad I did, because it turns out, I forgot a good portion of the story! There was a whole subplot that had completely slipped my mind. And the audio production was incredibly well done, sound effects and multiple voice actors included!

I'm sure you'll be seeing random or different types of reads from me in the next couple weeks, as I participate in the different challenges as part of the library's summer reading program. And the next book is a prime example of that. I grabbed the book We The Animals by Justin Torres because it fulfilled the "author with the same last initial" spot on the challenge. This was something completely different for me, but I like to try something new now and again. It was good, and I can see why it garnered praise from different critics. But I don't really see myself re-reading it in the future.

I'm almost done with Daring in a Blue Dress by Katie MacAlister, which will be reviewed on Romance Reviews Today. While this is the third book in a series, it works just as well as a stand-alone, considering I didn't read the first two books (yet!), but I still was able to jump into this one just fine. And for long-time fans of Katie MacAlister, I think you'll hear some familiar names in this book. But that's just like her, she loves throwing in little bits like that now and again.

See you next week! And Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~