Haha, can I just say how much I love this title? Genius!
Disclaimer: This book was borrowed from the library. I did not receive this book, or any sort of compensation, in exchange for a review.
Type: Series, Romance, Paranormal Romance, Shifters, Vampires, Werepanthers, Weretigers, Psychic Powers, Puddles of... is that what I think it is?!
Why this book?: Originally this book was on my "I'll read it if I see it somewhere for cheap" list, but the lovely ladies at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books mentioned a particular scene (the word "splooge" was used.. a lot) and, well.. I had to see what they meant.
About the book: Caitlyn Whelan has just reconnected with her sister after being kept apart for years. Now, not only will they remain in touch, they'll be working for the same company. Caitlyn has always had a very useful psychic gift - being able to communicate with humans and most animals, no matter what the language. And she always had a thing for stray animals. Carlos is a werepanther, one of the last few left in the world. And he just got a tip that there might be some more werepanthers in a remote region. Despite fighting the decision, and his attraction to Caitlyn, she is assigned to be his translator on the trip. Now the two must battle the harshness of the jungle, and a group of mysterious men who all have the same odd tattoo...
For the longest time, I couldn't make myself read anything by this author. I'm not sure why, maybe because I didn't like one of the earlier books in this series. But since then, I have read "The Undead Next Door," "The Vampire and the Virgin," and now "Eat Prey Love," and it's been all good experiences. Kerrelyn Sparks is definitely on her way to being an author I love. And "Eat Prey Love" was definitely another good installment in the series. I loved the banter between the two characters - Caitlyn was quippy, amusing, and the two played off each other perfectly. Caitlyn knew she liked Carlos, knew that he liked her too but wasn't going to act on it, so she took it upon herself to flirt. And it was brilliant. Caitlyn is the kind of person I want to be friends with, and not just because she can talk to animals (which would be awesome!). And Carlos - well, he'd definitely be more than a friend.
I did feel like the ending felt a bit rushed, however. The book had some excellent descriptions (the "splooge cave" scene included), but suddenly the excitement was over, and it seemed like the author only had a short amount of space left, so she had to tidy up and get through it too quickly. Don't get me wrong, it's a satisfying ending, but it just seemed everything happened too quickly, and we were getting a summary of the events, rather than actually reading them as it happened.
So all in all, I did enjoy this book. I look forward to reading more of this series and seeing some of the characters we meet (weretiger!) in future books - maybe he'll get his own story, which would be nice. And this novel has definitely been the book that made me want to go back and read more of the series, maybe even give the one I read and didn't like a second chance.
Recommendation: Definitely recommending this to fans of good Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. And people who just enjoy awesome snarky female characters.
Final rating: FOUR out of FIVE (4/5).
Have you read this book? Or maybe more of the series? Share your thoughts in the comments! Want to read it? Pick up a copy at Amazon.com!
Have a great Monday, and of course, Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, aka Morning Glow ~!~