So on with the updates and Wednesday funsies. Winners of my blogoversary celebration - Emails have gone out to either the authors (if you won an ebook) or to you (if you won a print book and your mailing address is needed), so please be on the lookout for those!
Now onto my received goodies!
"Temptation of a Highland Scoundrel" by Sue-Ellen Welfonder
"Sweet Kiss of Summer" by Sophie Gunn
** These will be posted on Romance Reviews Today, so look for the reviews there. **
Author swag and goodies - thanks to Anna!
"Stronger than Sin" - Caridad Pineiro
"Ripe for Pleasure" - Isobel Carr
"If He's Dangerous" - Hannah Howell
Various Amazon.com gift cards - these will come in handy when I get my NEW KINDLE!! That's right, I bought a kindle! The 3G Kindle with Special Offers is only 139! Hurry and get yours if you've been holding off.
"Unearthly" - Cynthia Hand (love this book)
"Original Sin" - Lisa Desrochers
That's it for me this week. Be sure to share what you got!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~