During Samhain's last anniversary, I won a contest that Ann Cory was running to promote said anniversary, and my prize was an ebook of "Uncovering Egypt." As I've stated before, I love Egypt, so I was aaall for it. Plus, you know, free book!
This is not going to be my traditional review, more like I'm using "Uncovering Egypt" as an example to express how little things can bug me, and you're all welcome to comment and say if you feel the same, or otherwise.
Bug number One: I know the ebook was short (about 59 pages), but that doesn't mean the main character needs to almost immediately believe that the guy approaching her in the hidden chamber is most definitely from ancient Egypt, and not just some whacko in a convincing costume. I mean, if something like that happened to me, I'd be pretty damn confused for a long, long time.
Bug number Two: I'm a little over the "I'll show them I'm not embarassed, so I'll strip and stand proud, but the second they look at me, I'll blush and be modest." Yes, I'm aware there are people that will do that. There's all types of people in the world.. but I think there's more books that say women do that, then there are actual women who would. In my case, I think I just wouldn't strip at all. Or I'd be hiding the important bits the whole time, no false bravado.
Bug number Three: In "Uncovering Egypt".. the main character is put into something the guards called a "body chamber"... basically, some sort of.. uh.. body-shaped-box-like-thing that leaves your head, breasts, and lower bits out in the open, but covers the rest (or at least that's how I saw it). Supposedly, this device was built for torture and punishment, and the Pharoh and guards brought it with them so as to torture whomever stole the bracelet. Yet, when our main character gets in the chamber and it closes, she says it feels tight and snug. The guards expected a male thief.. so if the chamber was snug on a woman, who is most likely smaller, and definitely build different, how did they expect a male to fit in it? And it seemed to fit her body perfectly, wouldn't it be uncomfortable and awkward if it was built to be a torture device thingy?
Bug number Four, or.. Bug, The Last.: The bracelet mentioned above is used to bring the Pharoh to the future so that he may find his next Queen - Cool. And supposedly, it has the power to take them back. And it does, but the main character, when recalling the incident later, mentions that the bracelet just barely had enough power to bring them back. Now, let me clear up something. The Pharoh came with his guards, but when the main character mentions coming back, she doesn't mention the guards. Did they just get left there? What happened to them? After a line said by the Pharoh a few moments before the mini-battle in the future started, the guards are never mentioned again. Maybe I care too much about side characters, but what if they're stuck in the future! I'm not sure they'd be able to handle it. Though Fry from Futurama did okay..
So I'm sure after reading all that, that you probably believe I hated the book. Not true! I thought it was a good read, and I read it in one sitting. It was the perfect book to grab when you're laying in bed and relaxing before you have to go to sleep. Not saying it was boring, but there are just those perfect books for reading in bed.. "Uncovering Egypt" by Ann Cory was one of them.
I think I would give it somewhere between a THREE POINT FIVE and a FOUR out of FIVE. I did enjoy it, I'll probably read it again sometime, but I think I focused a little too much on the little things. I'm not saying I demand perfection, or I will only read authors that have all these little things tied up. I'm not sure it's possible to fix everything like that, and I believe authors should be allowed some creative power. I'm just saying that I think about this stuff. Am I alone in that?
Until next time, Happy Reading!
~!~ Morning Glow
Book won in a contest, not received in exchange for review.
Book cover courtesy of samhainpublishing.com.