If you'd like to follow me on Goodreads or Twitter, check out the links on my left hand sidebar. AND! Next week is a big CELEBRATION with author guest posts and giveaways, to celebrate both my birthday and Novel Addiction's 2nd anniversary! Make sure to go check out the schedule. And you never know, I might throw in another something extra. Now, the hops!

Promote a giveaway - and it can't be your own! I found a good one! Reading Between the Wines Book Club has a giveaway for "Beg for Mercy" by Jami Alden. I looooved this book. Definitely go check it out and try to win a copy! Go HERE to enter.

Let's step away from the besties. What's the worst book you've ever read that you actually finished? Oooh, tough one! Well, I'd have to say either the entire run of the Twilight series - I know this book has a lot of fans, and I'm sorry, but there were a lot of themes in this book that made me very upset - and "The Blue Enchantress" by M.L. Tyndall - the hero constantly looked down on the heroine, and even when she found god, and "made everything better".. he's like "Oh well, she's still tainted though." yet ended up marrying her.

Blogger confession: What's the last book you could not finish, or had a hard time finishing? The very last book was "Infernal Affairs" by Jes Battis. I was excited about it at first, but I had not been assigned/read the first books in the series, and it was just too tough to read and review this one, way too confusing. I also couldn't finish "Halo" by Alexandra Adornetto.. it just felt like nothing happened.
Can't wait to go hopping. Have a wonderful weekend. And as always, Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~