Another Friday already? WOOHOO! I like this Friday, I don't have to work the weekend, so it'll be a nice one! Oh sure, I have to get my taxes done tomorrow, but.. still better than work. =)
So welcome to my blog! My own little humble corner of the blogosphere. I do so hope you choose to stick around, I have tons of great content coming up! I have some great contests coming up, authors visiting for blog tours, etc.
Some quick things:
Find me on Goodreads!:
Amanda [Novel Addiction]
Follow me on Twitter!:
Enter my contest to win one of THREE copies of "Night and Chaos" by Naomi Clark by clicking
HERE and filling out the form!
And now the hops!
Where is your favorite place to buy or swap books?: Well, I love Half Price Books, mostly as a way to try books that I'm not sure about. I've found a lot of authors via HPB that I now love and buy all their books brand new. But for everything else, I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon, Kroger, and even Walmart on occasion. As for swapping books.. I haven't really done that before. I did get some things via Paperbackswap once, that was fun!
List five book related silly facts about you: Oh, this might be tough! Alright, let's do it!
1. I will never stop purchasing books.. even though I already own more than I will ever be able to read.
2. I call myself an ebook hoarder. As many print books as I have, I have at least that many ebooks - most of them free ones from promotions, contests, etc.
3. Nothing irks me more than when people edit library books. I borrowed a book from the library, and someone crossed out "snuck" and wrote in "sneaked."
4. I make "bookcases" out of everything. I have a small chest of drawers, and the top drawer has been taken out and books are now in it. And above it is a box turn on it's side so I can use it as another shelf.
5. If an author has multiple series, I have to have all of those series together on a shelf. And while the books are in series order, the series are put in order by which I like best. Favorites on the left, second favorite next, etc.
If you could physically put yourself into a book or series, which would it be and why? The Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost, definitely! I'd either want to be Cat (so I could be close to Bones, of course)... or I'd take Vlad or Ian. I'd LOVE to be the woman to whip Ian into shape. *Snicker*
Well, that's it for me I think. Come back Monday for another contest. Leave a comment with a link to your blog hop and I'll go visiting when I get off work/ get out of rehearsal.
Happy reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~