Friday, August 11, 2017

Release Blitz: WICKED WISH by Sawyer Bennett!

Jorinda Pearce thought she did everything right – graduated from college, married her long-time sweetheart, established a career. But what does she have to show for it now? A degree she doesn’t use, a job she hates, and an ex-husband that broke her heart. Looking for a long overdue adventure, Jorie takes a walk on the wild side and attends a masquerade event at The Wicked Horse Vegas. It’s exactly the escape she’s looking for, and even better, she can explore anonymously. Drawn to the man masked in black leather with the body of a god, Jorie finds the greatest pleasures of her life at the hands of a stranger. Walsh Brooks is the most sought after man in The Wicked Horse. Sex is nothing but a game to him and he’s the type that will always leave at the end of the night without looking back. Unfortunately for Walsh, there’s no way he can walk away from the mysterious green-eyed beauty behind the mask of sapphire feathers, because he knows exactly who she is. Jorie is his best friend’s little sister and there’s not another woman in the world that’s more off limits.    

Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Google Play | Kobo | Paperback

  “Want another drink?” I ask Micah as he lounges on my couch and takes the final swallow of his scotch. He flew in about an hour ago, and we’re waiting for Jorie to arrive to go out to dinner tonight. My nerves are on edge. I definitely want another drink. “Nah, man,” Micah says as he pushes up from the couch and moves to take his glass back into the kitchen that opens straight from the living room. “Tonight’s not about getting drunk. It’s about hanging out with my two favorite people in the world.” I smile at him and nod, my stomach clenched. “But just so you know,” he says with a laugh. “Jorie’s my first favorite, you’re my second.” “As it should be,” I reply, and hope that sounds casual enough. Micah rinses his glass out and sets it on the counter. As he walks back into the living room, he says, “And besides… I figure tomorrow night, you and I are going to hit the town, right?” “You know it,” I say as I push up from the chair, head straight to the wet bar, and replenish my vodka. There is not enough alcohol in the world to get me through this weekend. I take a healthy slug as soon as I cap the bottle. “Dying to go to The Wicked Horse,” Micah says with excitement in his voice. “Want to meet Jerico, too. He and I have been emailing about testing out some more of my designs in his club. Plus, you and me, dude… we haven’t had a woman together in a long time. Your stories about the stocks… we’ve got to hit that, man.” My shoulders tighten and my gut rolls with nausea. How in the fuck I am going to weasel out of this is beyond me, but I’ve got to figure something out. I don’t want another fucking woman other than Jorie. “Walsh?” Micah says in question, and I turn to look at him. “We good with going there tomorrow night?” “Damn straight we are,” I say with a smile. “A night of debauchery for the both of us.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Just then, the elevator doors give a slight hiss as they open, and Jorie is standing there. She looks fucking amazing, wearing a dress done in large black-and-white zebra stripes that’s loosely belted around her waist and comes down to her knees. She’s got on a pair of sexy-as-shit taupe heels to go with it and my mouth waters as I take in what they do to her legs. Hair in that sleek, angled bob that hangs halfway in between her jaw and shoulders, and that thick crop of bangs straight across her eyebrows make her green eyes brighter than ever. I swallow hard and try to appear casual. Her eyes go immediately to Micah, and she gives a squeal of excitement. He rushes to her, picks her up, and swings her around. The skirt of her dresses rises a bit in the back, and I look away guiltily. “God, I missed you, squirt,” Micah says with a choked voice. My guilt intensifies over the naked display of love and affection he has for his sister. Jorie’s voice quavers with equal love. “I missed you, too.” She hugs him hard and looks over his shoulder at me. Her eyes are wary and nervous. When Micah releases her, I step up and casually say, “Got a hug for me?” It’s a shameless move to touch her, but not something that would raise Micah’s eyebrows. I’ve hugged Jorie a million times over our lives together growing up. “It’s good to see you again,” she says to me as she walks into a very brotherly hug. I make the mistake of inhaling her scent, and I’m hit with a jolt of lust for her. After we quickly release each other, she steps back and surveys my apartment as if it’s her first time. She told Micah we met for breakfast one day, but he sure as shit doesn’t know I’ve fucked her on almost every piece of furniture in this apartment. He’ll never know she went to her knees right where we’re standing in front of the elevator and swallowed every drop of cum I gave her. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I have an overwhelming urge to fake a stomachache, a migraine, a goddamn stroke for all I care at this moment, and beg off from this entire weekend. Instead, I put a smile on my face and tell them, “Come on. We’ve got prime seats in Moulineaux tonight. I’ve not eaten there yet, but heard it’s amazing.” Jorie smiles back at me before turning to hook her arm through Micah’s. She leans over and puts her head on his arm as she’s too short to reach his shoulder. They both stroll into the elevator. This night can’t get over with fast enough for me.                 Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, in January 2013, Sawyer Bennett has released more than 30 books and has been featured on both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists on multiple occasions. A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to erotic contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone. Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the good of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great work-out, cake, or a combination of the two. WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | BOOKBUB | AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE | INSTAGRAM

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Review: BENEATH THE TRUTH by Meghan March!

My Review: Oh gosh. I can't even right now. I know that makes me sound ridiculous, but I am speechless. This author has blown me away before, but this book has risen to a whole other level. I'm talking favorites shelf, recommending it to everyone on Goodreads,  and constantly talking about it to my coworkers because I can't stop thinking about it- that kind of awesome. If you think I'm joking or being overly dramatic... I actually checked my heart rate on my fit it when I was reading the climax of the story, and my heart was beating much faster than normal. I could not read fast enough. I had to know what was going to happen.

Meghan March is usually great at luring me into a false sense of security. The romance can be going well, and then she will blindside me with some suspense. But that is not the case here. There were dark undertones throughout this whole book. I was constantly on edge, and it was positively thrilling. I was pretty much so.don't anyways because I love the whole best frI ends younger sister storyline, but this book was so much better than I could have ever dreamed. Rhett  was amazing, Ari was adorable and brilliant, and I could never have seen the bad guy coming. 

I was excited to see that another series will be following this one, featuring a character that showed up a couple times. But I'm also really hoping Rhett's brothers get their own series as well. 

Cover Lovin': Yes, yes, yes!

Recommendation: This book works just fine as a stand alone, but there is a nostalgia chapter at the end that will mostly only make sense to long time fans of the series. 

FI also rating: FIVE out of FIVE stars (5/5)!!!! I loved this so much. My heart was racing, I was desperate to find out what happened, and the romance itself was top shelf. I can't recommend this highly enough!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

From USA Today bestselling author Meghan March comes the final sexy standalone set in the Beneath world of New Orleans. I used to believe there were lines in life you don't cross. Don't lie. Don't cheat. Don't steal. Until I learned people don't always practice what they preach. I turned in my badge and gun and walked away from everything. Then I got the call no one wants, and I’m back in New Orleans. What I don't expect is for her to be here too. Another line you don’t cross? Don't touch your best friend’s little sister. She's always been off-limits. Too bad I don't follow the rules anymore.  

Amazon | iBooks | BN | Kobo

                Wham. My heart slammed against my ribs as it sped up about twenty beats per minute. The heat and delicious woodsy citrus scent radiating from his body did good things to me. Things that made me want to do very bad things to him. I wasn’t a seventeen-year-old virgin anymore. I knew my way around a man, but I had to admit, the hipsters in Cali had nothing on a homegrown Louisiana man like Rhett. When he spoke, he leaned in so close that I could feel his breath on my ear. “You missed that shot on purpose.” My gaze jumped from the sexy five o’clock shadow shading his jaw to his piercing green eyes. “Wha-what are you talking about?” I smacked myself mentally when my old stammer kicked in. Of course he would cause it. “That shot. You missed on purpose. I saw you adjust at the last minute. Why?” I swallowed the saliva pooling in my mouth and decided to take the safest exit from this situation. Lying. “Cue slipped.” His eyes narrowed on me. “You’re lying and you’re terrible at it, just like you’ve always been.” He reached up and pressed his thumb to my left eyebrow. “You get a twitch right here.” Oh my God. Rhett Hennessy is touching me. And what’s more . . . he knows my tell. He noticed me! The fifteen-year-old inside me did a terrible cartwheel at the realization. Okay, more of a round-off. With a tumble in the grass to finish. Whatever. But outwardly, I was trapped in that green gaze until he decided to let me go—or until I came to my senses. I cleared my throat and sidestepped him. “Whatever you say, hotshot. I need another drink.” Focusing on putting one four-inch heel in front of the other without biting it, I escaped to the table and reached for the whiskey glass I’d left behind, interrupting my brother and the waitress. They both stared at me as I chugged the contents. I’d always wondered what it would feel like to have Rhett’s attention, and now I knew. In a word, it was . . . unnerving. “How’s the game going?” my brother asked. “Fine.” Keeping my answer short meant he couldn’t tell that I was lying. Heath wasn’t nearly as observant as Rhett. “You winning?” Thanking the Lord that Heath obviously hadn’t been watching, I shrugged. “I guess.” He glanced toward Rhett and then back to me. “The sister I know and love doesn’t lose at pool. Ever. Even to Rhett Hennessy.” I lowered the glass to the table and straightened my shoulders. “Like they say, things change.” He nodded slowly. “That may be true about most things, Flounder. But you’re a pool shark and we both know it.” Before I could respond, Heath’s attention jumped back to the waitress. I took another ten seconds to gather myself, also known as drinking offensively in my mind, before I crossed the floor to face off against my former obsession. “You all right, Red?” Rhett asked. “Don’t call me that. And I’ve never been better.” His gaze dipped to my feet and dragged up my body. “I can agree with that statement.” Whoa. Who is this guy with the innuendo? A glance at his empty whiskey glass told me he was drinking heavily as well. Was this the booze talking? Or was Rhett Hennessy not just noticing me, but noticing me? Either way, I had to play it cool. Or at least pretend to play it cool, since it seemed I might fall short. “Your turn, hotshot. Better not miss, because I’ll clear the table next time,” I said, but my cocky attitude backfired. Rhett didn’t miss. He sank his balls and then the eight, ending the game almost as quickly as it started. He returned his cue to the rack and turned to face me, all traces of the earlier heat banked, his expression shuttered. “Game over.” What the hell just happened?        
Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She's also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she's ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at

Disclaimer: I received a copy I'm exchange for a fair and honest review. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Blog Tour: TAMED BY A TIGER by Felicity Heaton!

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Paranormal Romance Series Book 13) by Felicity Heaton – Book Tour and Giveaway!

Tamed by a Tiger (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 13)
Felicity Heaton
A snow leopard shifter in the prime of his life, the last thing on August’s mind is tying himself to one female. He welcomes a different one to his bed each night, or at least he had until five months ago when he became alpha. The duties and pressures of running his pride have his libido dead on arrival—until a trip to London to discuss business with the former alpha lands him in the path of a beautiful, bewitching tigress who awakens a passion in him that flares white hot and a need of her that consumes his every moment.
Promised at birth to a male she has never met, Maya has left her pride behind to go to the tiger alpha who is to be her mate, but she can’t leave without saying goodbye to her older brother, Talon. A stop in London at Underworld to see him one last time turns out far different, and far more dangerous, than how she had imagined it when she sets eyes on an alluring crimson-haired stranger who stirs new, unbidden feelings in her, desires that rouse her fiercest and most frightening instincts and demand she stake a claim on him—her fated mate.
Will Maya be strong enough to place her pride and her family’s safety before the desires of her own heart? And will August unravel his feelings for the black-haired beauty before it’s too late and he loses her forever?

Enter the grand tour-wide giveaway to win a $25, $50 or $75 Amazon Gift Card at the Turned by a Tiger book page. This giveaway is international and open to everyone, and ends at midnight on August 20th. Enter now:

Maya turned the moment she sensed someone enter the room, ready to snap and snarl and drive them away, because this was her room.
Her territory.
Her toys.
She wasn’t going to share them with anyone, had already driven Grey away when he had been the one to suggest she shift and work off some energy.
She stilled when she spotted the scarlet-haired male standing in the doorway.
Heat flared, rushing through her, and she dropped the barrel and growled through her fangs at him.
He was hers.
His silvery eyes brightened, pupils dilating to swallow that precious colour as he stared at her in silence, not moving a muscle.
His heartbeat drummed steadily in her ears, not a trace of a tremble in his powerful athletic body.
He was fearless as he faced her.
As he growled.
Maya was too fired up to heed that order he issued, too far gone to withdraw.
This was her territory.
And so was he.
She sprang at him and he didn’t have a chance to move. Before he could even twitch, she had landed on his chest, her front paws on his shoulders, and he was going down. He grunted as they landed, her weight slamming into his gut, and she felt an echo of his pain.
She growled in his face, flashing her fangs.
He would submit to her.
In a lightning fast move, he had flipped her onto her back and was off her, back on his feet and a metre away. She rolled onto her paws, a growl rumbling through her chest, the need to force him into submission pounding through her together with anger that he had dared to disobey her.
She slowly circled him and he kept pace with her, maintaining the distance between them, those pure silver eyes not leaving hers, tracking her every move so she couldn’t get the jump on him again.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” he husked, voice like honey, a smooth purr that had her shivering with delight.
She knew that.
But he didn’t know just how dangerous this game was.
For both of them.
Part of her was dimly aware that she needed to stop, that she needed to shift and leave, before the hungers he ignited in her became too strong for her to fight and she surrendered to them.
She wanted to fight.
She hunkered down on her front paws and growled again, a need to battle the male growing within her, spreading tendrils through her until it had total control over her and all she could do was watch.
He smiled slowly. “If you want to do things this way, I’m game.”
He reached over his head, grabbed the back of his dark red t-shirt and pulled it over his head.
Maya swayed a little as the glorious sight of him hit her, stunned her and left her reeling, her mouth watering and that hunger flaring hotter, filling her with a need to run her tongue over all that flesh.
Scars littered his chest, faded and silvery, but it was the one on his right shoulder that arrested her eyes. It was thick, cutting across his muscle, and dark pink. Still healing. He had been in a battle recently. She shivered inside at that, her need growing as she imagined him fighting, as she realised he was a warrior.
A strong male.
“You look as if you need a good workout.” There was a flash of something wicked in his silver eyes as he said that, something that told her he wasn’t talking about fighting.
He was talking about the other thing.
Her heart quickened, blood thundering at just the thought.
He fingered the button of his black jeans and her eyes fell there, that heat growing fiercer as he slowly popped each one, teasing her. It burst into wildfire in her veins when he reached the last one and casually, shamelessly, shoved his jeans down his legs.
She growled at the sight of him, unable to contain her reaction.
That smile widened, grew a little cocky.
She had seen countless males naked at the pride before and after they had shifted, more than just her brothers, but none of them had been like him.
He was glorious.
He would be hers.
She leaped at him.
Before she could reach him, he had shifted, stealing her breath away.
Beautiful lush pale silver fur with black broken rings covered his sleek form, his tail thick and bushy, and almost the length of his body, and his eyes gained a gold shimmer.
A snow leopard.
The sight of him caught her off guard.
Left her wide open.
He collided hard with her and tackled her, knocking the air from her as they landed with him on top. She growled and twisted, slapped him hard with her front left paw and then her right, battering his face. He snarled back at her and made a lunge for her throat, and she swiftly bucked up, pushing her paws against his neck and his shoulder. The right one.
He hissed and distanced himself, but only for a heartbeat.
He sprang at her again, and she was ready this time, rose onto her back feet and reached with both paws, managed to get them around his neck as his landed around her ribs. He snarled as she brought her head down, whisker close to sinking her fangs into his throat, and twisted downwards, breaking her hold.
Maya growled and followed it with a hiss as she swiped at him, her ears flattening against her head.
He leaped backwards, only a few feet, and eyed her, studying her closely.
She bared fangs at him.
He would submit to her.

Felicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.
If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.
If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Blog Tour: A TOUCH OF FLAME by Caris Roane!

A Touch of Flame
Flame Series 5
By Caris Roane
Caris is giving away A Purple PNR bracelet (International Winner Receives Gift Card), A $25 Amazon Gift Card, A $15 Amazon Gift Card. to randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here
WOW! Something extra from Caris Roane! 
Just leave a comment for a chance to win!
Caris Roane here and I'm so glad you're touring with me. Be sure to visit as many blogs on my tour as you can and leave a comment at each one to be entered into this WOW giveaway! Don't worry if you miss a couple of blogs, visiting every blog isn't required, it just increases your chances of winning! I'll be creating a second bracelet for the WOW giveaway (International winner receives gift card) similar to the bracelet in the Rafflecopter. I will choose the winning blog then choose the winning comment some time after midnight, September 5th, Arizona time. I will use Random dot org to make the selection. Let's support our bloggers who give us so much! Hugs, Caris
A powerful alpha wolf. A gifted witch. Each haunted by death. Can passion drive them to an everlasting love? Or will the enemy forge a hopeless chasm? Braden should have died in the Graveyard, but the witch, Maeve, saved him. The call of his wolf is on him and he wants her. She can be his alpha-mate. But she has powers that can destroy him and a disrupted memory that holds the answers to his wife’s murder. Can he ever trust a woman who can kill with the power she streams from her bare hands? Maeve has known only horror, death and destruction since her arrival in Five Bridges as a transformed alter witch. She goes to the Graveyard nightly to rescue those left for dead by the evil rampant in all five territories of her new world. She fears the power she possesses and the gaps in her memory frighten her more than anything else. But when she rescues Braden from an attack in the Graveyard and she realizes she’s drawn to the handsome wolf, the nightmare really begins. ~*~*~*~*~*~ EXCERPT:
Chapter One
The Graveyard was not the place Mark Braden thought he’d breathe his last. He was sure he’d die in the pine forest of Savage Territory, chasing a drug-runner and getting hit by a spray of bullets.
Instead, he’d been ambushed.
He lay face down on the hard, rocky ground. Blood streamed from a deep gash in his skull and pooled in the debris beneath him. The rogue wolves kicked him, but he barely registered the blows anymore. One or two of his ribs had snapped and punctured his left lung. He had a deep stab wound in his abdomen. His heart felt like a bird fluttering wildly in his chest, nothing more.
The Graveyard was a cess-pit, a central place in Five Bridges used for dumping bodies at night. In the morning, Tribunal clean-up crews would arrive to cart off the dead, catalog them with unfailing carelessness, then send them to the crematory.
“He’s gone.” Ely Gammet, a powerful warlock, stood over him. The bastard had been one of six who’d drawn him to the Graveyard with the promise of information about his wife’s killers.
A few more kicks, and the crew started walking away. He had a dim view of their boots and heard the crunch through the loose rocks. Braden flared his nostrils to take in the warlock’s scent. He catalogued it in his shifter brain for future recall.
He almost laughed. What future?
His breaths were shallow now, small jolts of air he brought into lungs that barely worked anymore.
Maybe it was for the best...
Author Info:  Hi, Everyone! Caris Roane here! I'm a NY Times Bestselling Author and I write super-sexy paranormal romance books. With every book I create, my goal is to take you away ~ far, far away ~ from the difficulties and frustrations of your life. I began my career with Kensington Publishing and wrote Regency Romance as Valerie King. In 2005, Romantic Times Magazine honored me with a career achievement award for my Regency work. To-date, I've published eighty-nine books. Thirty-nine of those are paranormal romances, some self-published and some with St. Martin's Press. Though my stories conjure up hunky PNR warriors, like vampires and wolf-shifters, the romance is everything, including a satisfying Happily Ever After. My hope is that you'll become engrossed in the lives of my tortured heroes and my worthy women as they wage war, as they make love, and as they face the tough issues of life and relationships!  I live in the Phoenix area, in the city of Buckeye. When not writing, I’m a real homebody. I love gardening, sewing, and cooking. (Um, cleaning, not so much!) I also enjoy creating jewelry and I frequently offer my handcrafted, PNR bracelet giveaways to my newsletter and blog subscribers. You can sign up for both on my Home Page. My motto: Live the Fang! Caris Roane

Monday, August 7, 2017

Review: THE WRIGHT MISTAKE by K.A. Linde!

    My Review: Wow, this was good. And so emotional! I might have teared up a little, I'll admit. Since we met Austin in the previous books, it was obvious he enjoyed drinking, but in his own story, it's so much deeper than just having a few too many now and again. K.A. Line does a fantastic job with Austin's addiction. It can be hard to write an addict, and possibly even harder to write a recovering one, but I have to admire how well it was done.

Austin's addiction over shadows everything else in this book, leaving Julia's main suspense angle feeling rushed. I could definitely see the whole crazy-ex thing coming from a mile away. But I can't be angry about that, or feel let down, because I think the relationship woes between Austin and Julia were strong enough to carry the book on their own.

Each time I read one of the Wright books, I think it's the best one so far. When I started Landon's book, I was sure it wouldn't compare to Jensen, but then I was proved wrong. And once again, with this book, I didn't think Austin could surpass Landon.. but he did. This series just keeps getting better, but each Wright brother has a special place in my heart. But I will admit being very excited for the sisters to get their turn in the spotlight!

Cover Lovin': Fits wonderfully with the rest of the series.

Recommendation: Part of a series, but can work as a stand-alone.

Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE stars (4/5)!! The suspense angle loses its punch when compared to Austin's addiction.. but overall, this book was a fantastic, one-sitting read!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

A new stand alone enemies-to-lovers romance by USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde...

I spent six weeks screwing Austin Wright’s brains out and all I got was this broken heart.

He can’t be trusted. Not with my body or my heart. Yet, two years have passed and I still crave him like an addict needing a fix.

The last time we tried this, it nearly ruined me. I know I should run and never look back. But his dark haunted eyes and razor blade smile speak to my soul. His touch sets my body on fire. And we all know what happens when you light gasoline. Someone is bound to get burned.

A second chance might destroy us both.

Because everyone knows two wrongs don’t make a Wright.


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        KylaK.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of more than fifteen novels including the Avoiding series and the Record series. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was the head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, geeking out over Star Wars, binge-watching Supernatural, and dancing in her spare time. She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband and two super adorable puppies.

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. 

Release Day Blitz: BRUTAL SIN by Eden Summers!

AUGUST 7, 2017

Falling in love will be brutal.

Bryan is ruthless, heartless, and more than a little proud of his notorious reputation, until his bad attitude threatens to strip him of the one place he can’t live without. His sanctuary. The Vault. The exclusive club is the only place he feels at home, and he’ll do whatever it takes to reclaim what is his. Even if it means asking for help from the woman who landed him in trouble in the first place.

Pamela may have become weak-kneed over Bryan’s talented hands once before, but this self-empowered widow isn’t stupid enough to want more from the sanctimonious ass. Nope. At least that’s what she tells herself before he turns up at her café, offering to refresh her memory on his skilled fingers and filthy words in exchange for a favor.

He needs her to set things straight in the Vault. She needs him to satisfy the cravings of fulfillment she’s been missing. It’s a match made in hedonistic heaven, until hostility turns to lust, and lust into passion, capturing them both in an emotional web neither one of them want to be ensnared in.

Warning: This is an exhibitionist’s playfield and a voyeur’s delight, but dominance always rules. Throw in teasing, torture, and a gag or two, and you’ve got yourself another night of debauchery within the carnal walls of the Vault of Sin.







a Rafflecopter Giveaway


Eden Summers is a bestselling author of contemporary romance with a side of sizzle and sarcasm.

She lives in Australia with a young family who are well aware she's circling the drain of insanity. Eden can't resist alpha dominance, dark features and sarcasm in her fictional heroes and loves a strong heroine who knows when to bite her tongue but also serves retribution with a feminine smile on her face.