Another week, another update! As always, click the link for more info about each book!
It’s the first week of the library’s summer reading program, so I have gone a bit crazy. But hey - I need to rack up those points so my library can win a pizza party for staff! So let’s get started.

Next up, I finally picked up Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. This book made me ugly cry. I have to say, I always feel really betrayed when a book makes me cry, because I expect a happily-ever-after every time. Real life is depressing enough - I want happy fiction! But my cousin recommended it to me, and I needed a book that was adapted into a movie for two separate reading challenges, so I went with it. However, I can’t imagine myself ever reading this again. And I’m definitely waiting until the movie comes out on DVD before I watch it. I’m so not seeing it (and crying!) in the movie theatre!

Next up was Freefall by Jill Sorenson. I reviewed a book by this author several months ago, and loved it. So I’m working my way through this series, which got some rave reviews. Book 1, Aftershock, was amazing. Freefall was just as exciting and suspenseful. I have to take breaks between each book, because otherwise I think Jill Sorenson might just give me a heart attack. That said, I’m super excited for the next book.
Lastly, I finished my week off with a graphic novel - Robin War by Tom King. This is the follow up to We Are Robin, which I thought was interesting.. But Robin War knocked it out of the park. I’m a fan of all the Batlings (my pet name for all the sidekicks), Nightwing (Dick Grayson) and Red Hood (Jason Todd) being my all-time favorites. I will admit that Red Robin (Tim Drake) really grew on me.
See you next week!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~