Saturday, July 29, 2017

Review: BULLETS AND BONFIRES by Autumn Jones Lake!

My Review: Have you ever wanted to grab people in movies or books and make them kiss? Like, you know it's coming, it's going to happen no matter how hard they fight... you just want to push them together and make it happen sooner rather than later. That was me during the first half of this book. C'mon! You two were clearly meant to be, you just need to kiss and everything will be perfect! Except not because Bree is dealing with some intense stuff. It's like these two were just circling each other.. bit when they finally pounced - whew! Hot.

I have to applaud the author for how well she wrote a woman coming out of an abusive relationship. Bree is caught between being proud for deciding to leave, and feeling awful because she thinks all this is her fault. And just because it's the hero touching her, it doesn't make everything suddenly okay - she still got freaked out by certain touches or positions. The author didn't skimp on the gritty, real life details, and I greatly appreciate that. It all added to the suspense element, and also made Bree's fight to overcome that much more inspiring.

Cover Lovin': Oh my, yes!

Recommendation: Stand-alone, no prior knowledge necessary.

Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE stars (4/5)! A great read, with a perfect mix of sweet and suspenseful. 

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Today we have the blog tour for Bullets & Bonfires by Autumn Jones Lake! Check it out and grab your copy today!

Title: Bullets & Bonfires

Author: Autumn Jones Lake

About Bullets & Bonfires:

The one man she’s always wanted is now the sexy sheriff of their hometown. Battered but not broken, grad student Brianna Avery returns to the childhood home she abandoned four years ago. With her abusive ex behind bars, Bree needs the summer to relax and recover before returning to school. But her overprotective brother decides she needs someone to babysit her in his absence, and he picks the one person guaranteed to drive her nuts. She’s the one woman he can’t have. Telling Bree no has never been easy. Four years ago, Liam Hollister did it to preserve his friendship with his best friend—Brianna’s brother. Now, no matter how she tempts him, he’s determined to do the right thing. As deputy sheriff of their rural area, Liam is torn between protecting Brianna and wanting her for himself. Take a risk or lose the chance. Spending so much time alone together challenges them both. Old feelings and hurts resurface immediately. With each hot, sweaty day it’s harder to deny their attraction. It’s going to be a long, hot summer.


Bullets & Bonfires is a complete stand-alone, but if you’re familiar with my Lost Kings MC series, Teller and Murphy make brief appearances throughout.

Get Your Copy Today

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About Autumn Jones Lake:

Autumn believes true love stories never end. She’s easily amused, a procrastinator and loves romances with true alpha heroes who cherish the sassy women they fall in love with. Her past lives include baking cookies, slinging shoes, and practicing law. Playing with her imaginary friends is her favorite job so far. Autumn prefers to write her romances on the classy side of dirty, and she’s a sucker for a filthy-talking, demanding alpha male hero. The bigger the better.   Connect with Autumn! Website | Facebook | Twitter | IG | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page | Newsletter | Bookbub | Personal Facebook Group

  Enter Autumn’s Giveaway:

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Review: DEAD AND BURIED by Jennifer Rebecca!

My Review: I am going to be completely honest here... I did not finish this book. I could not finish this book. I tried so hard. I was really sold on the synopsis, and I was looking forward to reading this... Then I read the beginning, and felt a little let down. But hey. Some books take a little while to get their stride. Unfortunately, I'm not sure this book could do anything other than stumble.

These characters were like.. I'm not sure I can find the right word. Parodies? Caricatures? Every single character was over the top. The hero growled just about once per page. He even got in a fight with his friend/partner over Shelby the second day they ever hung out. I think it was supposed to be a play fight, but it just felt weird. He was telling people she was the one after ONE DATE! And when Shelby ran into one of his exes at the hospital... the woman was an outrageous, unbelievable beeyotch. There is no way that situation would happen in real life. 

I saw several reviews talking about how funny this was... but it actually just made me angry. I kept going as long as I could, because I actually wanted to like it. I love romantic comedies, and my enjoyment of Janet Evanovich books proves my love of ridiculous situations.. But this book was not the fun kind of ridiculous. It almost felt like this book was making fun of fun romances.

I'm also going to throw out a quick complaint about the pacing and time jumps. This book did not make time clear when it came to a new scene - is it the same day, just later? Days later? Etc. There's a lot of confusion there.

But hey, your mileage may vary. I might try and pick this up again in the future, but for now.. I would rather spend my time reading things that don't make me upset.

Cover Lovin': A promising cover.

Recommendation: Book one, no prior knowledge necessary. You will need to like your books over the top to enjoy this one.

Final Rating: DNF. I'm not rating this since I didn't actually finish it.

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction~!~

Today we have the blog tour for Dead & Buried by Jennifer Rebecca! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today:

Title: Dead & Buried

Author: Rebecca Jennifer

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Dead & Buried:

You ever hear the phrase, about as successful as a soup sandwich? Well, that's me, I’m the soup sandwich, but instead of a soggy mess, you have a twenty five year old with a Bachelor’s degree in nothing useful who just quit her job at the local home improvement store where there were definitely no tortured billionaires looking to tie anyone up--and that's not a bad thing. I know, it's looking pretty sad right about now, but at least I don't still live with my parents…   So, here I am, embarking on a new journey covering the Funerals and Obituaries section of the local paper, the San Diego Metro News, for the editor--brace yourself--my uncle, Sal. Unfortunately, while my parents are on vacation, my Granny and her friends are determined to stir up some trouble--but this time, they may have bitten off more than they can chew--especially when some of the residents of the local retirement community are turning up unnaturally dead.   There is nothing that will keep me from protecting the people that I love, no matter how crazy they may be--not even the sexy, I mean stubborn, homicide detective, Trent Foyle, can stop me.   My name is Shelby Whitmore and I'm kind of the newest reporter for the San Diego Metro News, but hey, I'm a hit with the blue hairs.  

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About the Author:

Jennifer is a thirty something lover of words, all words: the written, the spoken, the sung (even poorly), the sweet, the funny, and even the four letter variety. She is a native of San Diego, California where she grew up reading the Brownings and Rebecca with her mother and Clifford and the Dog who Glowed in the Dark with her dad, much to her mother’s dismay.   Jennifer is a graduate of California State University San Marcos where she studied Criminology and Justice Studies. She is also an Alpha Xi Delta.   10 years ago, she was swept off her feet by her very own sailor. Today, they are happily married and the parents of a 8 year old and 6 year old twins. She can often be found in East Texas on the soccer fields, drawing with her children, or reading. Jennifer is convinced that if she puts her fitbit on one of the dogs, she might finally make her step goals. She loves a great romance, an alpha hero, and lots and lots of laughter.

Twitter: @JenniRLreads

Instagram: @JenniRLreads

Enter Jennifer’s Giveaway:


Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.