Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Excerpt: THE RIVER HOUSE by Carla Neggers!


From New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers comes the next standalone novel in her Swift River Valley Series, THE RIVER HOUSE! In this charming novel about the search for love, home and family, THE RIVER HOUSE takes readers on a journey to an irresistible town they’ll want to return to over and over again. Order your copy today!

They walked down the hall to the sunroom and went out that way through sliding glass doors to a trim lawn and garden bursting with summer flowers. It was hot, but they edged onto a shaded, paved walk­way, suitable for canes, walkers and wheelchairs. Gabe noticed his grandfather moved well, if more slowly than just a year ago. “How was California?” he asked.
“Sunny,” Gabe said with a grin.
“You moving out there?”
“I toyed with the idea of relocating there.”
They passed through pine-scented shade. “You could move me out with you. Sun shines all the time. I don’t mind assisted living, but I knew every old lady in this place when we were kids. One more reminds me I wet my pants in first grade and I’m packing up and living in my car.”
Gabe grinned at the old man. “Mark says you have a crush on Daisy Farrell.”
“Wouldn’t do me any good if I did. Daisy was and always will be Tom Farrell’s gal.”
Gabe remembered Tom Farrell, a longtime Knights Bridge fire chief who’d died a couple of years ago. “At least you have friends here.”
“A few old cranks, too, but not many. I’m not as hard on people as I was as a younger man. Getting old isn’t for the faint-hearted, that’s for sure. Thought I’d be in an urn by now.”
Gabe wasn’t surprised by his grandfather’s blunt manner, but he hadn’t had a dose of it in a while. “In­stead you’re here talking to me. Imagine that.”
“Yeah. My hotshot grandson.” He slowed his pace, then paused by a patch of daisies. “You’re going to be an uncle. That change things for you?”
“It’s a factor.”
His grandfather peered at him. “A factor? It’s not like you’re buying a used car and its mileage is a ‘fac­tor.’”
“Well, it would be,” Gabe said lightly. “I didn’t get much sleep last night. Cut me some slack.”
“Ha. You stayed with Felicity MacGregor.” He waved a hand. “Not asking.”
“I sat out by the fire in your old fireplace. Alone.”
His grandfather raised an eyebrow, skeptical.
Gabe grinned. “Mostly alone, but it’s not what you think.” Time to change the subject. “I should stop and see Dad on the way out of town.”
“He’s on his way here. He got wind of a Jane Aus­ten tea party this afternoon and wants to talk me into dressing up as a Regency guy. He doesn’t fit into any of the tights or I swear he’d do it. Say what you will about your father, he’s game for anything.”
“Do you fit into the tights?” Gabe asked, amused.
“It doesn’t matter. I’d never get them off and I’m not asking one of the aides to help me.”
“The sight of you in tights would get all the old la­dies excited.”
“The sight of you in tights would.”
Gabe let that comment slide past him. They re­sumed their walk, the path looping past empty bird­feeders, ready to be filled for winter, back toward the sunroom.

Felicity MacGregor loves organizing social events for others but her own personal life is a different story. After a brief but failed attempt at a career as a financial analyst, she returned to Knights Bridge where she enjoys running a thriving party-planning business.

Then Felicity’s life gets a shake-up when her childhood friend Gabriel Flanagan returns unexpectedly to their tiny hometown. Now a high-flying businessman, Gabe always vowed to get out of Knights Bridge, but he is back for the local entrepreneurial boot camp Felicity’s been hired to organize. Together again, they’ll finally have to face each other—and their complicated past.

Gabe and Felicity soon realize their reunion is stirring up long-buried emotions. While Gabe has big plans for his future, Felicity is discovering that hers doesn’t depend on fate—she must choose what’s right for her. But if they can find a bridge between their diverging paths, they may just discover that their enduring connection is what matters most.



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And don’t miss the first standalone titles in the Swift River Valley series!



“Mixing humor, nostalgia, a dose of regret, plus just enough drama to keep things interesting, Neggers’ eighth Swift River Valley novel is a potent friends to lovers story.” ~RT Book Reviews

THE RIVER HOUSE Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
March 19th
Reads All the Books – Excerpt
March 20th
March 21st
Novel Addiction – Excerpt
March 22nd
Hearts & Scribbles – Excerpt
March 23rd
Books n Wine – Excerpt
Cathy Reads Books – Review & Excerpt
Ficwishes – Excerpt
Reading Reality – Review
White Hot Reads – Review & Excerpt
March 24th
Shannon’s Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Tfaulcbookreviews – Excerpt
March 25th
Evermore Books – Excerpt
Ripe For Reader – Excerpt
TBR Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
March 26th
A Literary Perusal – Review & Excerpt
Have Words Will Scribble – Review & Excerpt
March 27th
Book Nook Nuts – Excerpt
Kick Back & Review – Excerpt
Literary Misfit – Excerpt
The Bookish Sisters – Review & Excerpt
March 28th
JordansBookReviews – Excerpt
Read-Love-Blog – Review & Excerpt
Two Book Pushers – Excerpt
March 29th
Blushing babes are up all night – Review & Excerpt
Sip Read Love – Review
Words We Love By – Review & Excerpt
March 30th
Bobo's Book Bank – Excerpt
Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt
Kindle Friends Forever – Review & Excerpt
Scandalous Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
March 31st
Books are love – Review & Excerpt
G & T's Indie Café – Excerpt
    About Carla Neggers: Carla Neggers is the New York Times bestselling author of the Sharpe & Donovan series featuring Boston-based FBI agents Emma Sharpe and Colin Donovan, and the popular Swift River Valley series set in the small, fictional New England town of Knights Bridge. With many bestsellers to her credit, Carla loves to write now as much as she did when she climbed a tree at age eleven with pad and pen. A native New Englander, Carla and her husband divide their time between their hilltop home in Vermont, a sofa bed at their kids' places in Boston and various inns, hotels and hideaways on their travels, frequently to Ireland. Learn more and sign up for Carla's newsletter at Follow Carla at and   Photo Credit: Julie Ireland

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Review: DEVIL SIDE by Lacey Dailey!

Today we have the blog tour for Lacey Dailey’s DEVIL SIDE. Check it out and grab your copy today!

My Review:  I can't believe there's not been more talk about this book. And that I have never heard of this author! This seems exactly like the type of book that should be rocketing up the romance charts. I was pretty much sold the second I read that a girl was going on a road trip with a sexy musician.. but this was so, so much more than that. 

I can be picky when it comes to romance novels with super drama. I generally like my books funny, happy, with some misunderstandings here and there to keep things interesting. But some authors make me forget about my aversion to pain and heartbreak, and make me want to thank them for hurting me. Colleen Hoover is one. And it looks like this author is on that list too. I'll definitely be checking out the previous books in this series ASAP!!

Cover Lovin': Very pretty and eye catching.

Recommendation: Fourth book in a loosely connected series, so it can be read as a stand alone.

Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE stars (4/5)!! Absolutely engrossing - I didn't want it to end!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Title: Devil Side

Author: Lacey Dailey

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Devil Side:

Unable to continue living on the path her father created for her, Gigi Moretti does something she’s never done before. She takes a risk. When musician Maxwell Mitchell waltzes into an old diner in the early morning up to his elbows in secrets, he offers Gigi the perfect escape from the future she’s never wanted. It takes an over the top demand from her father and a shocking revelation from her fake fiancé to get her to pack her bags and ride shotgun on Max’s spontaneous tour across the country. As she and Max grow closer, Gigi learns what it’s like to throw out her overbearing workload and be an actual 21-year-old. She quits her job, eats too many Cheetos, tosses out her pink wardrobe, and takes a job as Max’s manager. She’s finally free, living her life free of her dad’s grip and falling in deep with the musician whose songs hold stories no one will ever uncover and whose past includes a secret hero named Aiden he credits for his survival. The more time they spend together, the deeper they fall and the closer she gets to the truth. Despite the unknown, she’s happy. She has a job she enjoys, she’s making plans for a future she’s actually excited about, and she’s living with a boyfriend who adores her. Everything is perfect. And then she meets Aiden. And it all changes.

Grab Your Copy Now!

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Grab the whole series!

Extraordinary You

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Tattoos On My Mind

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You First

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About Lacey Dailey:

Lacey Dailey is a full-time college student at Central Michigan University. She lives in Farwell, Michigan surrounded by her family. When she isn't in class, she is most likely teaching dance classes at the small dance studio she grew up in or making pizzas at her mother's pizzeria. Lacey has been an avid reader since elementary school and will read a book any chance she can get. While she loves all types of books, romance will always be her favorite genre citing she is, "a sucker for a good love story." Lacey's love for reading and romance was what inspired her to embark on the crazy adventure that was writing Extraordinary You, her debut novel released in 2017. She loves feedback from all readers who took a chance on her novel. You can find her on Facebook or email her at  

Connect with Lacey:

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Review: DATING IN THE DARK by Alexandria Bishop!

Today we have the release blitz for DATING IN THE DARK by Alexandria Bishop! Check it out and grab your copy today!

My Review: I think I'm going to have a tough time rating this one because of that ending. To be honest, I wasn't feeling this too much. It was a cool idea, and the general story was interesting, but I wasn't really connecting with it. It felt cliched and easy to predict, and I honestly didn't feel like these two characters clicked well together.

But as the book went on, I got a little more into it. I actually wanted to know what was going to happen. And then we get that ending! Ah, man. No spoilers, of course, but I will say there's a cliffhanger, and you'll be desperate for the next book. I know I am. 

Cover Lovin': Yum!

Recommendation: Book one! So dive right in.

Final Rating: I'm going to to with THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5)! There's some good bones to this story, it just needs a little something more to make it special.

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~


Speed dating. With a stranger. In the dark. As if dating isn't hard enough already, why not add in a whole new challenge. According to Tinley's very pregnant sister, and best friend, binging on Netflix, wine, and cupcakes won't lead to her happily ever after. What do they know? Four courses. Four dates. Four very unwelcome, and unwanted courses. An appetizer, salad, dinner, and dessert. Every last one ends in disaster. Except date number four. Dessert has always been Tinley's favorite. He's a complete mystery, and she can't seem to stop thinking about him. Whoever he is. Falling in love wasn't on her radar but that might be what's happening between her and mystery date number four.

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"Whatever, just hand me what you have, and I'll try it all on." She reaches for the huge pile from Tara's hands. "Happy now?" "Yep. Now get your cute butt into that fitting room and model everything for me." With a huff, Tinley throws the pile of clothes over her shoulder and trudges her way over. She doesn't see an employee in sight when the rooms come into view and hopes she doesn't need a key to get in. She'd rather not have to drag herself all over the store with this ridiculous pile of clothing. She tries the first door in front of her, and of course, it's locked. The doors go all the way to the floor, so there's no way she can slide her body underneath even if she wanted to. She starts to walk back out into the store when she spots a door slightly ajar at the end of the hallway. She shuffles past all the other rooms and pushes the door wide open. For a split second, she has that awkward panic moment-her feet glued to their spot on the floor and a look of horror on her face. She can't look away, but what's in front of her is absolutely terrifying. The woman screams, which finally pulls Tinley out of her daze. She slams the door shut, the clothes tumble from her hands, and she hightails it out of there. She doesn't even stop to tell Tara she's leaving as she speed walks by her. The only thing on her mind is getting out of this store as fast as humanly possible without making a scene. As soon as Tinley steps foot out of the store, someone pulls on her arm and whips her around. "What just happened? Why did you leave?"

Pre-Order the other books in the DATING TRILOGY


LOVING IN THE LIGHT Coming July 16th!

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About Alexandria Bishop

Born on a small southeastern island in Alaska and raised in southern Oregon, Alexandria Bishop is a PNW girl at heart. By day, she goes to battle with a tiny dictator aka her toddler and by night, she can be found typing ALL the words of her contemporary romance novels accompanied by a glass of wine or two ;) When she's not in mommy or author mode, she can be found drinking copious amounts of cold brew coffee, bingeing her latest obsession on Netflix, or attending concerts of her favorite pop-punk bands. She loves hearing from her readers and you can find her on social media here: