Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for an honest review. Type: Series, Vampires, Witches, Weres, And More!, Epic Battle, Book Two, I don't think I can wait until the next book, Sexy Accents, Paranormal Romance
About the book: Jolie Wilkins is preparing for war. Or she would be if she could move, and if her boss-slash-boyfriend Rand would let her. While she rests to regain her strength, Rand and his army train for the upcoming battle. But after being attacked in her own room, and then saved thanks to the vampire Sinjin, Jolie is perfectly healed and begins to plan her own way to join in on the fight. Filled with plenty of action and even more drama, Toil and Trouble is the tale of a woman who just wants to get her own fight on, no matter what the boys say.
My Review: Toil and Trouble is the second book in the Jolie Wilkins series, follwing Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble, and certainly doesn't let up on the action. Most of the book takes place on the training ground, where Rand's forces practice their technique in the hopes that they might actually be able to defeat their enemy, Bella. I am always a fan of big training and battle scenes, because you can feel the desperation and hope of the characters. This book is certainly chock full of emotional rides, from the frustration of Jolie in being told she is not allowed to participate, as well as her anger for Rand for holding himself back from her, to the fear the characters and audience feel when the opposing side lists their demands should they win the war. Jolie is frightened of being made into someone's pet to use as they will, and I felt that right along with her.
My biggest upset with the book was with the battle itself. After all the build up, the talk of how much training everyone went through, including Jolie - even if it was in secret, the end of the battle was so shockingly abrupt. It wasn't a terrible ending, mind you, just a little startling. That said, it was still a very good resolution to the conflict, and after finishing the book, I eagerly anticipate the release of the third.
And I won't go into details so as to prevent spoilers, but readers finally get to see details about who Rand bonded with in the past that nearly killed him - and it's pretty dang heart breaking! Now I definitely need book three to see how Rand and Jolie deal with this new bit of information!
Cover Lovin: Good cover. Definitely goes well with the cover of Book 1: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble, a Paranormal Romance (Jolie Wilkins Series, Book #1)
Recommendation: Fans of
Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE (4/5). Definitely liked it. Can't wait for more.
Have you read "Toil and Trouble" by HP Mallory? Tell me your thoughts in the comments! Want to read it? Get your copy at Amazon.com via the link to the left!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
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