Thursday, May 14, 2015

On Vacation 5/15 - 5/26! What I'm taking for the car ride...

Hello all! I shall be on vacation this upcoming week (5/15-5/26), so posts will most likely not appear - unless I gain access to a computer to type up a review. 

Want to see what I'll be taking with me?

First up: Broken Juliet by Leisa Rayven! I'm almost done with this, so it might not even make it to vacation, but we'll see!
Next!: Come to me Recklessly by A.L. Jackson. I received an ARC of this to review, so it's about time I get to it.
Thirdly: Low volume 1, The Delirium of Hope by Rick Remender. Got this one from Netgalley, and it looks great. Can't wait!
And finally, but by no means less important: Grayson volume 1: Agents of Spyral by Tim Seeley. I was surprised to get this one, since I usually don't get stuff from DC, but I do love Dick Grayson so I'm looking forward to it.
I will see you all upon my triumphant return!

Happy reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

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