Monday, October 10, 2016

Review: LOVE ME CRAZY by Camden Leigh!

Release Date: September 27th, 2016

Type: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult, Stand-Alone, Southern Gentleman

My Review: This was another one of those books that I chose randomly to be a part of the blog tour, so I could try a new author. And I'm very glad I did. This author hasn't moved herself to the insta-buy list yet, but I liked what I read, so definitely an author to keep an eye on. If someone asked me to describe this book in only a few words, I would probably go with Sweet But Spicy. Overall, the story itself is adorably sweet, but those steamy scenes mixed in add plenty of spice. 

I had a few issues that held me back from giving this a high rating, however. The timing felt a little off to me. I was never sure just how much time had passed between scenes, and this made the pacing a little off as well. A bunch of stuff had happened, but I was only 30% in, then it would drag a bit, and then was back to being heavy. It just felt uneven. I noticed it far more in the beginning, so by halfway through, the author got into a groove. I also was a bit thrown by how easily Quinn decided to stay. He was dead set on leaving, until he watched Cassidy for a couple minutes. I would have liked to see more familial reasons to stay - not that attraction isn't important. But clearly Quinn's family was important to him, yet it felt like they had little to no part in his desire to stay - at least at first.

But don't take my word for it - get a copy and try it out yourself! If you like new adult contemporary romance, this should definitely be added to your TBR.

Cover Lovin': So sweet!

Recommendation: Nada!

Final Rating: THREE out of FIVE stars! This was a very enjoyable read, but a few things held me back from pushing for that extra star.

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy for review.


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