Disclaimer: I received a galley of this book via Netgalley in exchange for a review.
Type: Young Adult, Series, Cutting, Book Two, War, Apocalypse, Four Horseman, Death is one rad dead dude
About the book: Missy is a cutter. She doesn't want to die, she just needs to bleed out the anger, hurt, and pain until she can breathe again. Sure, she thought it was odd when a rocker dude showed up at her door and gave her a sword, but she was able to put it out of her mind. But after Missy ends up being the brunt of a cruel joke, she takes her cutting habit too far - and too deep. Now Death has come calling, and he says she only needs to accept the sword and become War, one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But Missy never imagined that being War meant she would constantly be at war with herself.
My Review: Another excellent novel in the Horsemen of the Apocalypse series. Ms. Kessler featured Famine in the first novel, "Hunger," (click the title to see my review) which was a teenaged girl dealing with anorexia. And now "Rage" features another equally tough subject - cutting. As much as some people would like to ignore the existance of these two afflictions, they ARE out there, and teens deal with these subjects and more all the time. Stories like these, where teens deal with these issues and overcome them, are exactly what young adults should be reading. And it doesn't hurt that there is an excellent story to go with it.
I love Missy as a character - and her reason for cutting seems real and genuine. You can really tell that the author did her research - also proven by the author's note at the end of the book. As with the previous novel, the characters of the other horsemen are compelling - as in I am incredibly compelled to learn more about them, and I eagerly anticipate more Horsemen stories. Another riveting read by an author that has once again proved herself invaluable to the YA community!
Cover Loving: Excellent cover! And goes with the first book in the series - Hunger (Riders of the Apocalypse).
Recommendation: Fans of paranormal Young Adult Fiction will love this series. And anyone that enjoys a good read that deals with tough subjects should pick up "Rage" and "Hunger."
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). Another excellent book in the series. Wonderful story, excellent portrayal of painful events and touchy subjects. Definitely something to pick up!
Have you read "Hunger" or "Rage" by Jackie Morse Kessler? Does this sound like something you would want to try? Share your thoughts in the comments! Want to pre-order "Rage"? Get it at Amazon.com! "Rage" by Jackie Morse Kessler releases April 4!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
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