Friday, May 20, 2011

Hop, Hop, Hippity Hop(s)!

Hello all, and welcome to Novel Addiction, my own little corner of Bloglandia. My name is Amanda, I'm 23, and work in a library in Southwestern Ohio. I'm quite the book nut, and I love almost anything, though romance (especially paranormal romance) and young adult (most kinds) are my favorite. I'm currently in a musical with my local community theatre group ("Urinetown, the musical"), and it ends Sunday, so.. I'll be a little while returning follows (since I have to do it between shows) but I will get back, promise! That also explains why my posts have been a bit spotty the past couple days, and might be so until at least the middle of next week - I'll be playing catch-up with reviews and posts.

Anywhoodles! If you'd like to follow me (Novel Addiction) on Twitter, you can find the button on the left side bar. My Goodreads profile page is there as well. And should you be so inclined..  my blog button is on the right sidebar.

So, on to the hops!

Tell us FIVE quirky habits or things you do:1. When nervous or doing some deep thinking, I tend to twist and pull on my lower lip. No, I'm not sure why.
2. I can't have the radio playing when I have a friend in the car with me, because I'll automatically pay attention to the song playing instead of what said friend is saying.
3. I obsessively catalog and organize my DVDs. Books are always my series, but DVDs MUST be in alphabetical order, and every since DVD in my house is listed on a spreadsheet (also in alphabetical order).
4. I much prefer the freezing cold temperatures of winter to the hotness of summer. So it's a good thing I don't live on my own, or else my house would constantly be a chilly temperature (and therefore I'd have a HUGE heating/cooling bill).
5. I have weird visions of myself. For example, when I had to take some articles home from work and read them, I envisioned myself curled up on my couch, studiously reading and highlighting (like a good worker!) while drinking a steaming mug of tea. In reality, I was drinking a soda (for the caffeine), and quickly skimming the articles because I procrastinated and was sleepy. Ha! XD

Book Blogger Hop
If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fiction world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?Oooh, great question! Also, a tough one.. Hmm... I think it would have to be the Night Huntress world.. so I could seduce Ian or Vlad for myself. Oh, Bones is my favorite - but he and Cat are so good together that I wouldn't want to come between them. But Mm mm Vlad is just as good!

Did you set a reading goal this year?I did not... I don't think I could keep track of it anyways. Though now that I've starting using Goodreads, it's a little easier! I like being able to organize the books I've read in a year (but I only started at the end of February, so I missed a bunch of bookies).

That's it this week. Thanks so much for visiting! And as I said, I will return follows, just give me a couple days!

Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~


Francesca said...

Hey, new follower hopping by! I do the same thing about having to lower the radio when someone's in the car. ;)

Stop by ours
Under The Covers

Julia Rachel Barrett said...

Interesting! I can't listen the the radio or a CD if I'm driving to a new place because I'll be singing so loud I'll miss my turn off!

Sidne said...

I too catalog my books, DVd's, heck almost anything, my clothes are color coordinated and box food is sized up in the pantry. Ghez let me stop, starting to sound crazy, lol. have a wonderful week end. oh, got two book giveaways, click the book tour tabs.

Loren Chase said...

I am exactly the same way about my DVDs, it drives everyone around me crazy! My books are an entirely different matter. I organize my DVDs by genre and then alphabetically. I'm totally obsessive about it! Happy Friday! New follower!


BLHmistress said...

There is a couple worlds I would love to be in Dark Hunter and BDB.

18 and over Tag Along

Unknown said...

Hopping by! I also love the cold weather over the hot summer! I love coats, scarves, hats and gloves and being bundled up. Happy blog hop! Read about my quirks:

Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I'm so used to the radio that it's more distracting to have it off than on.
My Hop

AsianCocoa said...

Hopping through.
I'm a new follower.
My reading goal is 75 books.

Here's my Follow Friday

Kristi The Book Faery said...

I'm the same with the radio, sometimes it's all I can do to tell a friend to hush so I can either listen or sing along, LOL!

New follower! Great blog!
