Monday, January 18, 2016

Interview: IVY SINCLAIR author of "Protect Her"!!

I enjoyed part 1 of "Protect Her" by Ivy Sinclair so much that I invited her around for an interview. Be sure to check out what she has to say, and check the bottom of the post for info about "Protect Her" and how to find Ivy!

1. Plotter or Pantser? 
I started out as a pantser, but over the years I've gained an appreciation for how helpful it can be do some plotting ahead of time. I use Pomodoro sprints to maximize the time I have to write. I recently had a guest post where I outlined how I wrote 28,000 words in 2 days that really gives the in-depth view into my writing process. (I don't do that all the time, but I the foundational pieces are always the same whether I'm writing 2000 words or 10,000 words. 

2. Go-to author for a good read?
I've been reading Stephen King since I was a kid. Although I write romance now, my first love was horror/paranormal. That's probably why I enjoy writing PNR now- it combines my love of both genres.

3. What draws you to the genre you write? 
There are a lot of things about real life that are scary and hard to understand. (Just watching the nightly news these days proves that.) I think that when you crack open a book, you want to be transported to another world where you can lose yourself in a story that tugs on your emotions, gets you invested in the characters, and provides a satisfying resolution to whatever problem has been presented. Everything is understood and gets wrapped up in a bow. Adding another layer to that- the paranormal angle are things that don't exist in the real world. I like exploring all the mythology that wrappers those kinds of experiences and being able to create my own rules for those worlds.

4. Do you write full-time or part-time? 
I write part-time. I still have a day job, but it's one that I enjoy.

5. How do you write - typing, by hand, etc? 
I write on a Surface Pro 3- so a tablet that's also a laptop. I outline/plot and journal daily by hand, though.

6. What's the hardest thing for you when it comes to writing? 
It's a toss-up between finding enough time and getting my butt in the seat. (I fall victim to procrastination far too often.)

7. Standalones or series? 
Series! I love reading them as much as I like writing them. I know a lot of readers hate cliffhangers, but they are a useful storytelling tool for a reason, and I write them all the time. When I become invested in a set of characters, I just want as much of them as I can get. (Which is also why I am a Netflix-binge junkie.)

8. What are you reading right now? 
I'm doing a lot of research in the 'bad boy' genre for some potential projects. I do review them as a write them as well (and post on Goodreads). Although I'm a writer, I was a reader first. That won't ever go away.

9. How important are covers to you as a reader and a writer? 
Important enough that I don't attempt to do my own. :)  I do research what the covers of popular/bestselling books in the genre look like and use those as a basis for feedback when I work with my cover designer. I think it's important to stick to what readers want/expect to see for the genre.

10. What advice would you give to aspiring writers? 
Get to the words "The End" however you can. Don't worry about anything else until you've typed those words because the process of writing is going to be the hardest part until you start getting some finished stories under your belt. Be ready to be vulnerable because you are exposed when you give your work to anyone else to read (critique partners, beta readers, people who buy your work, etc.). Be thoughtful about what feedback you use for tweaks and what you put to the side. (You don't need to take every bit of feedback as truth.) Keep persisting even when it gets hard- because it will get hard.

Find Ivy Sinclair online now!

About "Protect Her"
Her name has been Paige Matthews for the last three years. Before that, it was Jane Doe. Before that is nothing more than black hole after a mysterious accident wiped her memories away. Her dreams are filled with blurred images of terror. Something was after her and tried to kill her.
Riley Stone doesn’t care about anything but getting the job done and getting paid. There are few people who willingly associate with a Necromancer. Humans don’t even know that the demon world exists, and, on the other side of the veil, the angels and demons in charge consider someone like him a lower life form.
When Riley saves Paige from a demon bounty hunter, both are faced with an uncertain path before them. With no memory of the supernatural world that parallels her own, Paige is vulnerable and alone. Despite Riley’s natural inclination to leave, he knows that unless he helps her Paige will wind up dead.
Now Paige has a guardian who is far from an angel looking after her. Only one thing is certain. The way to save her life is first by finding out who she really is.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda, Novel Addiction ~!~

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