Hello all! I've been wanting to do this for a few years, so darnit, I'm doing it this year! I'm going to list my top books of this year.. in no particular order. I'll also link to my review on here or on Romance Reviews Today when applicable!
1. "Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones. LOVED this one. I'm so mad I never thought to pick this one up before this year! Reviewed on my blog, check that out HERE.
2. "The Guardian" by Sherrilyn Kenyon. More than a few of Kenyon's recent Dark-Hunter novels were a little, shall we say.. formulaic. But "The Guardian" blew me away! I absolutely loved it, and it's now my second favorite Dark-Hunter novel! Reviewed on Romance Reviews Today, go HERE for that review!
3. "A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man" by Celeste Bradley and Susan Donovan. One of those books where I very nearly cried at the end.. because I was just so darned happy! Reviewed on my blog, check it out HERE.
4. "Beg for Mercy" by Jami Alden. I was practically shaking the entire time I read this. I'm not usually one for suspense, but this book was FANTASTIC! Reviewed for Romance Reviews Today, but the review hasn't been archived on the new server yet, alas.
5. "The Restorer" by Amanda Stevens. This one was so good, I picked it as my next book club choice for the Positively Paranormal Book Club at my library. I can't wait to hear what our patrons think about it! And darn, this is another one that hasn't been archived. Hopefully soon!
6. "Credo's Hope" by Alison Holt. I'll admit it, I wasn't sure about this book when I agreed to review it. But the author really blew me away. I was lucky to review the sequel to this, "Credo's Legacy," as well, and it was just as good.. but since "Credo's Hope" was the first one, I chose that one to be on the list. Excited for the third in the series, which I hope will release soon! Reviewed on my blog, see my review HERE!
Well, those are my choices for the top books I've read this year. There were tons on my original list.. but I wanted to limit it to 6 or 7. And don't you dare ask me to pick an absolute favorite out of those, I could never! Ha.
So you've heard my choices, what are yours? Comment below with your list, or a link to your list!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
A home for this book addict to review or share any recent reads. Feel free to stick around and comment.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
REVIEW: "The House of Many Ways" by Diana Wynne Jones
Why this book?: I read book one in this series, "Howl's Moving Castle" and just HAD to get more of Howl and Sophie.
Type: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic, Witches/Wizards, Series, Demons
About the book: When Charmain Baker agreed to look after her great-uncle's house, she thought she was getting blissful, parent-free time to read. She didn't realize that the house bent space and time, and she did not expect to become responsible for an extremely magical stray dog and a muddled young apprentice wizard. Now, somehow, she's been targeted by a terrifying creature called a lubbock, too, and become central to the king's urgent search for the fabled Elfgift that will save the country. The king is so desperate to find the Elfgift, he's called in an intimidating sorceress named Sophie to help. And where Sophie is, the great Wizard Howl and fire demon Calcifer won't be far behind. How did respectable Charmain end up in such a mess, and how will she get herself out of it?
Review: Immediately after finishing "Howl's Moving Castle" I looked to see if there were sequels. I *needed* sequels. Lucky for me, there were two! One is still on my To Be Read list, and "The House of Many Ways" was checked in at work, and waiting for me.. so it got to go first.
I will say I didn't like this as much as the first book. I loved "Howl's Moving Castle" so much.. but I still really enjoyed this book - mostly Waif (the dog).. as well as Howl and Sophie's role in the story. Charmain was a tough character to like, at least for me. I felt some relation to her, since we are both clearly obsessed with books, but her Attitude (with a capital A) is tough to get past.
Howl shows up in this novel as Twinkle, a 7-or-so year old boy. Howl's reasoning is that he wants to investigate and go unnoticed... as well as to relive his childhood. His lisp is just one small part of the overall hilarity, and I certainly don't envy Sophie having to take care of him. I know Charmain was the main character... but I loved the side characters way more, and therefore paid more attention to them than the main character.
The mystery and adventure in this novel is well done, though it seems a lot happens in the end, all at once, while there is plenty of time in the middle where little happens. Pacing could have been better, but this book was still excellent and entertaining, just not as much as its predecessor. So if you want an excellent book, read "Howl's Moving Castle".. and read this one if you need more magic and Howl.
Cover Lovin': Works well with the story. Definitely a good cover choice for this book.
Recommendation: For young adults and adults alike that enjoy a really good fantasy story. Something to suggest to younger teens. Definitely recommended to read book one, "Howl's Moving Castle," first!
Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE (4/5). Good, definitely not as good as the first, but it was still an engaging read.
Have you read "The House of Many Ways" by Diana Wynne Jones? Share your thoughts in the comments! Want a copy? Get it from Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Type: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic, Witches/Wizards, Series, Demons
About the book: When Charmain Baker agreed to look after her great-uncle's house, she thought she was getting blissful, parent-free time to read. She didn't realize that the house bent space and time, and she did not expect to become responsible for an extremely magical stray dog and a muddled young apprentice wizard. Now, somehow, she's been targeted by a terrifying creature called a lubbock, too, and become central to the king's urgent search for the fabled Elfgift that will save the country. The king is so desperate to find the Elfgift, he's called in an intimidating sorceress named Sophie to help. And where Sophie is, the great Wizard Howl and fire demon Calcifer won't be far behind. How did respectable Charmain end up in such a mess, and how will she get herself out of it?
Review: Immediately after finishing "Howl's Moving Castle" I looked to see if there were sequels. I *needed* sequels. Lucky for me, there were two! One is still on my To Be Read list, and "The House of Many Ways" was checked in at work, and waiting for me.. so it got to go first.
I will say I didn't like this as much as the first book. I loved "Howl's Moving Castle" so much.. but I still really enjoyed this book - mostly Waif (the dog).. as well as Howl and Sophie's role in the story. Charmain was a tough character to like, at least for me. I felt some relation to her, since we are both clearly obsessed with books, but her Attitude (with a capital A) is tough to get past.
Howl shows up in this novel as Twinkle, a 7-or-so year old boy. Howl's reasoning is that he wants to investigate and go unnoticed... as well as to relive his childhood. His lisp is just one small part of the overall hilarity, and I certainly don't envy Sophie having to take care of him. I know Charmain was the main character... but I loved the side characters way more, and therefore paid more attention to them than the main character.
The mystery and adventure in this novel is well done, though it seems a lot happens in the end, all at once, while there is plenty of time in the middle where little happens. Pacing could have been better, but this book was still excellent and entertaining, just not as much as its predecessor. So if you want an excellent book, read "Howl's Moving Castle".. and read this one if you need more magic and Howl.
Cover Lovin': Works well with the story. Definitely a good cover choice for this book.
Recommendation: For young adults and adults alike that enjoy a really good fantasy story. Something to suggest to younger teens. Definitely recommended to read book one, "Howl's Moving Castle," first!
Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE (4/5). Good, definitely not as good as the first, but it was still an engaging read.
Have you read "The House of Many Ways" by Diana Wynne Jones? Share your thoughts in the comments! Want a copy? Get it from Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Thursday, December 15, 2011
REVIEW: "Howl's Moving Castle" by Diana Wynne Jones
Why this book?: I was reading an article and this was mentioned as one of their favorite books of all time. I wanted to know why.
Type: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic, Witches, and Wizards, oh my!, Demons
About the book: Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.
Review: After reading this... I can definitely see why this book would be listed as one of someone's all-time favorites. It really was an excellent story, I have no clue why it took me this long to pick this book up and read it. But "Howl's Moving Castle" came at a great time for me. I was reading the emotional roller coaster known as "The Hunger Games" yet again, this time for a book club at work, and I needed something fantastical, something lighter, like this. There is great adventure to be had in this book, and it was just what I, and maybe even you!, needed.
Sophie is fascinating. She's sure she won't get a happy ending because she's the oldest daughter, and in fairy tales, the oldest never gets a Happily Ever After. So when the Witch turns her into an old woman, she decides to screw the stories and head out for adventure. Well, that, and she's hoping the crazy, mad, possibly evil wizard in the moving castle will be able to change her back.
The moving castle was one of my favorite parts. I love the idea that one door could open to so many different places. In my copy of the book, there was an interview with the author, and she mentioned her idea behind this door. She said just because the door to your bedroom has always opened into your bedroom before, doesn't mean you can't suddenly open it, and be facing something entirely different. She even mentioned leaving most of the doors in her home slightly ajar so the room doesn't disappear on her.
The characters were truly charming, even the grumpy ones. Michael, Howl's apprentice, was adorable.. and really felt his age - even the way he dutifully cared for Howl and Calcifer. And oh, Calcifer. Despite the fact that he was a demon and played up his grumpiness, you could tell he truly cared for Sophie.. and indeed everyone else as well. He was one of my chief comic amusements in this story.. well, him and Howl. There aren't enough words to properly describe Howl. Fantasy novels have certain conventions - an old wizard, wise beyond his years, bearded and fierce, yet gentle and kindly when they need to be. And then Howl comes along... he's young, vain, a coward.. at least 2 plus hours of his day are spent in the bathroom making himself look handsome. Despite Howl's many, many faults, his sense of humor and slitheriness (Sophie's word) is classic, and even lovable.
The anime movie based on this novel won several awards, and I'm eager to see how the two compare. Usually I try not to watch a movie too soon after I've read a book, because I will automatically dislike the movie.. so I'm trying to hold off as long as possible. But my love for this story is so great, I'm not sure I can hold it off much longer!
Cover Lovin': I loved it! There are several different covers for this book.. the original, later reprints, and even movie tie-in covers, and every one that I've seen looks wonderful.
Recommendation: For readers young and old, this is a fantasy tale that quickly moved to the top of my all time favorites list, and I'm sure it will for you as well!
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5)! I loved it, I practically inhaled it, reading it all in one sitting.. it was wonderful. Great story, great characters... and hopefully great movie, I'll see soon enough!
Have you read "Howl's Moving Castle"? Share your thoughts in the comments! Want to purchase a copy of your own? Get it from Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Type: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic, Witches, and Wizards, oh my!, Demons
About the book: Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.
Review: After reading this... I can definitely see why this book would be listed as one of someone's all-time favorites. It really was an excellent story, I have no clue why it took me this long to pick this book up and read it. But "Howl's Moving Castle" came at a great time for me. I was reading the emotional roller coaster known as "The Hunger Games" yet again, this time for a book club at work, and I needed something fantastical, something lighter, like this. There is great adventure to be had in this book, and it was just what I, and maybe even you!, needed.
Sophie is fascinating. She's sure she won't get a happy ending because she's the oldest daughter, and in fairy tales, the oldest never gets a Happily Ever After. So when the Witch turns her into an old woman, she decides to screw the stories and head out for adventure. Well, that, and she's hoping the crazy, mad, possibly evil wizard in the moving castle will be able to change her back.
The moving castle was one of my favorite parts. I love the idea that one door could open to so many different places. In my copy of the book, there was an interview with the author, and she mentioned her idea behind this door. She said just because the door to your bedroom has always opened into your bedroom before, doesn't mean you can't suddenly open it, and be facing something entirely different. She even mentioned leaving most of the doors in her home slightly ajar so the room doesn't disappear on her.
The characters were truly charming, even the grumpy ones. Michael, Howl's apprentice, was adorable.. and really felt his age - even the way he dutifully cared for Howl and Calcifer. And oh, Calcifer. Despite the fact that he was a demon and played up his grumpiness, you could tell he truly cared for Sophie.. and indeed everyone else as well. He was one of my chief comic amusements in this story.. well, him and Howl. There aren't enough words to properly describe Howl. Fantasy novels have certain conventions - an old wizard, wise beyond his years, bearded and fierce, yet gentle and kindly when they need to be. And then Howl comes along... he's young, vain, a coward.. at least 2 plus hours of his day are spent in the bathroom making himself look handsome. Despite Howl's many, many faults, his sense of humor and slitheriness (Sophie's word) is classic, and even lovable.
The anime movie based on this novel won several awards, and I'm eager to see how the two compare. Usually I try not to watch a movie too soon after I've read a book, because I will automatically dislike the movie.. so I'm trying to hold off as long as possible. But my love for this story is so great, I'm not sure I can hold it off much longer!
Cover Lovin': I loved it! There are several different covers for this book.. the original, later reprints, and even movie tie-in covers, and every one that I've seen looks wonderful.
Recommendation: For readers young and old, this is a fantasy tale that quickly moved to the top of my all time favorites list, and I'm sure it will for you as well!
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5)! I loved it, I practically inhaled it, reading it all in one sitting.. it was wonderful. Great story, great characters... and hopefully great movie, I'll see soon enough!
Have you read "Howl's Moving Castle"? Share your thoughts in the comments! Want to purchase a copy of your own? Get it from Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
REVIEW: "A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man" by Celeste Bradley and Susan Donovan
Why this book?: I heard some rave reviews, and wanted to see what all the commotion was about!
Disclaimer: This book was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Type: Romance (Contemporary and Historical), Steamy (not for readers under 18 years old).
About the book: Regency London’s most celebrated courtesan, The Blackbird, was a woman before her time—uninhibited, financially independent, and free to live by her own rules. Schooled in the sensual arts by the one man she loved the most, she recorded every wicked detail in her diaries…
When Boston museum curator Piper Chase-Pierpont unearths The Blackbird’s steamy memoirs, she’s aroused and challenged by what she finds. Could the courtesan’s diaries be used as a modern girl’s guide to finding love and empowerment? One curious curator—and one very lucky man—are about to find out…
Review: This is an example of a well done story featuring characters in booth the past and the present. Other books have attempted it, but this is the best one I've seen/read so far.
"A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man" has a cast of truly excellent characters. I actually love all of the main characters. I was originally worried I wouldn't connect with everyone, afraid the characters in one time period would outshine the others and I would be bored with half the story, but there was an amazing balance. And all the main characters were appropriately fleshed out - which is a truly great thing to see. Some novels with more than one or two main characters seem to be lacking in the character development/realness.
It's not often I want to cry at the end of a book (especially when the book has a happy ending!) but I wanted to for this one! This is one of those books I want to immediate thrust into other people's hands and make them read it. In fact, I did. I gave this book to my mother to read, with the caveat that we not discuss the steamy scenes.. well, other than saying they were quite dishy.
Review: This is an example of a well done story featuring characters in booth the past and the present. Other books have attempted it, but this is the best one I've seen/read so far.
"A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man" has a cast of truly excellent characters. I actually love all of the main characters. I was originally worried I wouldn't connect with everyone, afraid the characters in one time period would outshine the others and I would be bored with half the story, but there was an amazing balance. And all the main characters were appropriately fleshed out - which is a truly great thing to see. Some novels with more than one or two main characters seem to be lacking in the character development/realness.
It's not often I want to cry at the end of a book (especially when the book has a happy ending!) but I wanted to for this one! This is one of those books I want to immediate thrust into other people's hands and make them read it. In fact, I did. I gave this book to my mother to read, with the caveat that we not discuss the steamy scenes.. well, other than saying they were quite dishy.
And speaking of steamy scenes, this book is choc full of them! I didn't feel that the scenes were over the top, after all.. she's going through training to be a Courtesan. This was not smut for smut's sake, it was erotic, beautiful, and enough to make me want to fan myself. That said, if sex scenes aren't your thing, this book may not be for you. If you don't mind scenes that will fog up your mirror, go get your copy ASAP!
Cover Lovin': Not the best cover in the world, but it does alright, I'd say.
Recommendation: Excellent novel, for fans of both (or either) Contemporary and Historical Romance. Due to some of the more graphic love scenes, not suggested for readers under 18.
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). This is one of those books I immediately started passing out to people, telling them they just HAD to read it because it was something I wanted to discuss. Excellent!
Have you read "A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man?" by Celeste Bradley and Susan Donovan? If so, share your thoughts in the comments! If not, CLICK HERE to get your copy from Amazon.com today!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Monday, December 12, 2011
I'm back, baby!
Hello all!
I know it's been ages, but I finally feel ready to return. I had surgery in the beginning of November.. and there was a lot of prep involved beforehand.. and I'm still not fully recovered from it. BUT.. I have decided I will make my official triumphant return today, a MONDAY of all days. If I wanted it to be a truly happy return to reviewing.. I should have done it on a Friday, when everyone is celebrating the weekend, right? Pft.
I have really missed blogging, as well as reading everyone else's blog. I had these grand plans for when I was off work after my surgery.. I figured since I was off, I would have tons of time to read and relax, catch up on my favorite blogs, etc. Well, clearly I have never had major surgery before - I was tired all the time! Even sitting up and concentrating long enough to read a chapter was killer. So instead, I napped a lot. Finally I'm to the point where reading isn't such a difficult task, and I'm so excited!
I probably won't be back to my old speed for some time, alas, but I will do the best I can, and maybe add in some filler posts and things go along. I have a review coming up tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that.
Again, I've missed everyone and I'm so glad to be back!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
I know it's been ages, but I finally feel ready to return. I had surgery in the beginning of November.. and there was a lot of prep involved beforehand.. and I'm still not fully recovered from it. BUT.. I have decided I will make my official triumphant return today, a MONDAY of all days. If I wanted it to be a truly happy return to reviewing.. I should have done it on a Friday, when everyone is celebrating the weekend, right? Pft.
I have really missed blogging, as well as reading everyone else's blog. I had these grand plans for when I was off work after my surgery.. I figured since I was off, I would have tons of time to read and relax, catch up on my favorite blogs, etc. Well, clearly I have never had major surgery before - I was tired all the time! Even sitting up and concentrating long enough to read a chapter was killer. So instead, I napped a lot. Finally I'm to the point where reading isn't such a difficult task, and I'm so excited!
I probably won't be back to my old speed for some time, alas, but I will do the best I can, and maybe add in some filler posts and things go along. I have a review coming up tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that.
Again, I've missed everyone and I'm so glad to be back!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
GUEST POST: Author Jus Accardo talks about writing quirks!
Hello readers! Please welcome author Jus Accardo, who joins us to chat about her writing quirks. Be sure to check out her website, and check out her new release (coming out November 2011), "Touch"!
Without further ado... Jus!
5 Quirks About My Writing Process…
Quirks. Strange little rituals. We all have em. Some people have to check
the stove before bed—even if they haven’t used it. Others need to tie
their shoes in a specific order. A friend of mine will only drink soda on
Like everyone else, I have my quirks. Little things I need to do or have
while working. Here are a few of them…
1. I need to be barefoot. Yes. I’m serious. I cannot work with shoes
on. Socks—yes. In the cooler temps, nice fluffy socks are a must
(preferably dry and untouched by doggie drool). Why? I have no clue. It’s
just one of those things. Like leftover pizza being eaten cold for
breakfast (Ick, by the way).
2. I must have music and doggie snores. I know, I know. Odd combo.
But I can’t concentrate without the right tunes blasting and the subtle
duet of soft snores from the Narcoleptic Akita and the Duck beneath my
feet. The GSD doesn’t snore. It’s beneath her.
3. Lights out. Yes, this is probably not the best thing for my eyes,
but I can’t write with the light on. Day light is okay, but once the sun
goes down, I need the light off. It’s distracting—which is funny because
during the holidays, I can’t write without the xmas lights on.
4. CHEESE! It’s my snack of choice. I need fresh, (none of that
processed crap) salted Mozzarella while I write. Who among you can dispute
the awesomeness that is cheese? I dare you!
5. I cannot plot. TOUCH was born without planning. It started with a
picture in my head and two characters whose voices would not be silenced
(which is pretty much how my brain works). I began writing and the story
unfolded as I went. All those funky twists and turns were unplanned. When
I started writing, I had no idea what was going to happen. Don’t get me
wrong. I envy the plotters. I ever tried to be one. I can sometimes get
away with a very rough outline, but anything more screws me up.
So what about you? Do you have any special rituals or funky quirks in your
daily routine?
Thanks so much for sharing, Jus! Personally, I find that sort of thing fascinating. We all have our little quirks and "must dos," and it's so cool to learn about other peoples'. Again, make sure to visit Jus at her website (link above), and learn more about her new book "Touch"!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Monday, October 24, 2011
REVIEW: "The Queen of Attolia" by Megan Whalen Turner
"The Queen of Attolia" by Megan Whalen Turner
Why this book?: I really enjoyed "The Thief" by Megan Whalen Turner, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on the second book and see how Gen's life continues.
Type: Series, Young Adult/Juvenile fiction, Fantasy (sorta!), Historical (sorta!), Thieves, Queens, War, I love it when a plan comes together
Recommendation: At my library/work, this book was classified as Juvenile (up to age 12), but I would more likely place this book in the Young Adult section. In book 1 ("The Thief"), Gen is a teenager, and he grows up fast in book two. Nothing too "adult" happens, but the subject matter is probably easier on older readers.
Disclaimer: This book was borrowed from my local library. I am not being compensated in any way for this review.
About the book: When Eugenides, the Thief of Eddis, stole Hamiathes's Gift, the Queen of Attolia lost more than a mythical relic. She lost face. Everyone knew that Eudenides had outwitted and escaped her. To restore her reputation and reassert her power, the Queen of Attolia will go to any length and accept any help that is offered...she will risk her country to execute the perfect revenge.
My Review: I loved book one, and this one was even better, I think. As mentioned in my "recommendation" section, I think I would definitely give this book to teens rather than juveniles, due to the amount of war planning, and just.. Gen is older. He acts more grown up, and I think it would just suit young adults/teens better than juveniles.
Gen was so amusing in the first book, "The Thief," and I figured I would see more of that. But Turner shows us a different side to Gen. After a tragedy that strikes early on in the book (It was shocking and a big plot point, so I won't give it away), we see Gen in a different light. He's morose, he barely cracks a smile, he honestly believes his life is over. It was heartbreaking so see a character so full of spunk in the first book so reduced to depression in the sequel. I will say this - there is hope for Gen.. indeed, there is a third book in the series.
I think people could get a lot out of this book. Not only is Eugenides (Gen) incredibly clever, but he's one of those heroes that overcomes adversity - that really rises above what happens to him early on in the novel. Turner is excellent at making you really feel for Gen, for making this characters real. I couldn't put the book down because I so needed to know what would happen, and how Eugenides would manage to get out of yet another sticky situation. If you love books where a complicated plan or con comes together.. definitely check out "The Queen's Thief" series by Megan Whalen Turner!
Cover Loving: The cover of the copy I read was different than the one above, but both are incredibly powerful - and make much more sense once you've read the book.
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). Another excellent book. I really loved book one, and this one was equally as good. Gen's story just keeps getting better, and throwing me for a loop with every page.
If you haven't already, be sure to check out The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. Use the link above to go directly to "The Queen of Attolia"'s Amazon.com page!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Why this book?: I really enjoyed "The Thief" by Megan Whalen Turner, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on the second book and see how Gen's life continues.
Type: Series, Young Adult/Juvenile fiction, Fantasy (sorta!), Historical (sorta!), Thieves, Queens, War, I love it when a plan comes together
Recommendation: At my library/work, this book was classified as Juvenile (up to age 12), but I would more likely place this book in the Young Adult section. In book 1 ("The Thief"), Gen is a teenager, and he grows up fast in book two. Nothing too "adult" happens, but the subject matter is probably easier on older readers.
Disclaimer: This book was borrowed from my local library. I am not being compensated in any way for this review.
About the book: When Eugenides, the Thief of Eddis, stole Hamiathes's Gift, the Queen of Attolia lost more than a mythical relic. She lost face. Everyone knew that Eudenides had outwitted and escaped her. To restore her reputation and reassert her power, the Queen of Attolia will go to any length and accept any help that is offered...she will risk her country to execute the perfect revenge.
Eugenides can steal anything. And he taunts the Queen of Attolia, moving through her strongholds seemingly at will. So Attolia waits, secure in the knowledge that the Thief will slip, that he will haunt her palace one too many times.
When Eugenides finds his small mountain country at war with Attolia, he must steal a man, he must steal a queen, he must steal peace. But his greatest triumph--and his greatest loss--comes in capturing something that the Queen of Attolia thought she had sacrificed long ago...
My Review: I loved book one, and this one was even better, I think. As mentioned in my "recommendation" section, I think I would definitely give this book to teens rather than juveniles, due to the amount of war planning, and just.. Gen is older. He acts more grown up, and I think it would just suit young adults/teens better than juveniles.
Gen was so amusing in the first book, "The Thief," and I figured I would see more of that. But Turner shows us a different side to Gen. After a tragedy that strikes early on in the book (It was shocking and a big plot point, so I won't give it away), we see Gen in a different light. He's morose, he barely cracks a smile, he honestly believes his life is over. It was heartbreaking so see a character so full of spunk in the first book so reduced to depression in the sequel. I will say this - there is hope for Gen.. indeed, there is a third book in the series.
I think people could get a lot out of this book. Not only is Eugenides (Gen) incredibly clever, but he's one of those heroes that overcomes adversity - that really rises above what happens to him early on in the novel. Turner is excellent at making you really feel for Gen, for making this characters real. I couldn't put the book down because I so needed to know what would happen, and how Eugenides would manage to get out of yet another sticky situation. If you love books where a complicated plan or con comes together.. definitely check out "The Queen's Thief" series by Megan Whalen Turner!
Cover Loving: The cover of the copy I read was different than the one above, but both are incredibly powerful - and make much more sense once you've read the book.
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). Another excellent book. I really loved book one, and this one was equally as good. Gen's story just keeps getting better, and throwing me for a loop with every page.
If you haven't already, be sure to check out The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. Use the link above to go directly to "The Queen of Attolia"'s Amazon.com page!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
REVIEW: "Much Ado About Vampires" Katie MacAlister
Amazon - "Much Ado About Vampires" by Katie MacAlister
Why this book?: I'm a big fan of Katie MacAlister, and her Dark Ones series is truly superb.
Type: Vampires, Series, Soulmate/Beloved, zombies, past lives, paranormal romance, humor
Recommendation: Definitely for older readers! Cora and Alec have their share of steamy scenes, 18+
Disclaimer: This book was purchased by me for my own entertainment. I am reviewing it here because I wanna!
About the book: Corazon Ferreira is a jaded woman. Turns out she was a vampire's mate in a past life. And no matter how distractingly gorgeous he is, she just can't get the image of him killing someone out of her head. But when her life depends on him, Corazon's going to have to stop overthinking things-and start trusting her heart...
My review: I really, really enjoy this author. And as with any prolific author, die hard fans will start to notice some similarities in each book, especially if the author has several different series running at once. And, well.. I really started to notice it in some of Katie's books. I still laughed out loud while reading them, and enjoyed the stories, but.. I was losing a little of the magic. And then "Much Ado About Vampires" came strolling onto the scene. Yes, Katie's signatures are still there, but she's thrown some interesting new things in as well - such as scenes from the hero, Alec's perspective. Katie MacAlister has done this before, but usually when the heroine was not there - for the most part, the heroine is the main character, and it's all from her point of view. I thought it was incredibly refreshing to hear how Alec was feeling about the whole situation, and not just from his thoughts that the heroine picks up now and again (Beloveds, if you don't know, can sometimes hear their Dark One's thoughts). I hope Katie keeps up the different points of view. Her heroes are just too amazing for us never to get their side of things!
I'm a big sucker for soul mates, especially the kind that find each other in later reincarnations - and that's (sorta) what we get here. Corazon is Alec's Beloved reincarnated, complete with some (read: about two minutes of it.. and she was dead at the time) knowledge about their former life together. They really are adorable together, and Corazon's change from vampire hater/being afraid of Alec to not able to keep her hands off him, well.. it's an amusing journey.
I can't wait for the next Dark One book, and I especially can't wait for Katie MacAlister's next release, "It's All Greek To Me," a contemporary releasing within the next few months. If you think Katie's paranormals are good, be sure to check out her contemporaries! "Men in Kilts" is still one of my favorite romances of all time.
Cover Loving: Definitely a good one. Not quite sure that's how I picture Alec, but.. well, the man is quite hunky.
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). I chuckled out loud, I smiled like a big goof, and I loved loved loved the scenes from Alec's perspective - a great read that is (of course) going on the Keeper Shelf/Bookcase.
If you haven't already, get your copy of "Much Ado About Vampires" by Katie MacAlister from Amazon.com asap! And use the handy dandy link at the top.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Why this book?: I'm a big fan of Katie MacAlister, and her Dark Ones series is truly superb.
Type: Vampires, Series, Soulmate/Beloved, zombies, past lives, paranormal romance, humor
Recommendation: Definitely for older readers! Cora and Alec have their share of steamy scenes, 18+
Disclaimer: This book was purchased by me for my own entertainment. I am reviewing it here because I wanna!
About the book: Corazon Ferreira is a jaded woman. Turns out she was a vampire's mate in a past life. And no matter how distractingly gorgeous he is, she just can't get the image of him killing someone out of her head. But when her life depends on him, Corazon's going to have to stop overthinking things-and start trusting her heart...
I'm a big sucker for soul mates, especially the kind that find each other in later reincarnations - and that's (sorta) what we get here. Corazon is Alec's Beloved reincarnated, complete with some (read: about two minutes of it.. and she was dead at the time) knowledge about their former life together. They really are adorable together, and Corazon's change from vampire hater/being afraid of Alec to not able to keep her hands off him, well.. it's an amusing journey.
I can't wait for the next Dark One book, and I especially can't wait for Katie MacAlister's next release, "It's All Greek To Me," a contemporary releasing within the next few months. If you think Katie's paranormals are good, be sure to check out her contemporaries! "Men in Kilts" is still one of my favorite romances of all time.
Cover Loving: Definitely a good one. Not quite sure that's how I picture Alec, but.. well, the man is quite hunky.
Final Rating: FIVE out of FIVE (5/5). I chuckled out loud, I smiled like a big goof, and I loved loved loved the scenes from Alec's perspective - a great read that is (of course) going on the Keeper Shelf/Bookcase.
If you haven't already, get your copy of "Much Ado About Vampires" by Katie MacAlister from Amazon.com asap! And use the handy dandy link at the top.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Monday, October 3, 2011
REVIEW: "Up A Dry Creek" by Avery Flynn
Why this book?: I've had this in my review queue for some time, and I thought it was a perfect vacation book, so I took it with me to FL.
Disclaimer: I was given this book in exchange for a review.
Type: Romantic Suspense, Dry Creek series book one
About the book: Claire Layton expects the usual busy Saturday night at Harvest Bistro to be killer on her stilletto shod feet. She never imagines there’d be an actual murderer on the loose at her restaurant in rural Dry Creek, Nebraska. But when she discovers a customer dead in a dumpster, the killer demands she find the victim’s phone and flash drive or face fatal consequenses.
Disclaimer: I was given this book in exchange for a review.
Type: Romantic Suspense, Dry Creek series book one
About the book: Claire Layton expects the usual busy Saturday night at Harvest Bistro to be killer on her stilletto shod feet. She never imagines there’d be an actual murderer on the loose at her restaurant in rural Dry Creek, Nebraska. But when she discovers a customer dead in a dumpster, the killer demands she find the victim’s phone and flash drive or face fatal consequenses.
Jake Warrick, a cocky and mind-numbingly hot private investigator, becomes Claire’s unlikely ally in the search. Jake just wants to solve the case and get out of this hick town, but the diminutive and curvaceous Claire turns his plan upside down as they uncover a more complex crime than they ever imagined. The two bicker and banter like Tracy and Hepburn caught in a whirlwind of intense sexual attraction as they try to find the killer before it’s too late.
Review: This isn't a particularly long book, but man does "Up a Dry Creek" pack quite the punch. So much happens to poor Jake and Claire, and it was certainly a joy watching these two argue with each other, battle their attraction, and yet band together to defeat the killer that is targeting Claire.
Long time readers of my blog will know how much I love an alpha hero, and Jake is a great example of one. And what makes this book even better, is that Claire has quite a bit of alpha in her as well, and when these two clash, sparks fly. Claire did have a moment or two where I feared she would succumb to the Too Stupid To Live Heroine syndrome, but she pulled out of it just in time.
Avery Flynn has a way with words, and her imagery is something that will stick with me for some time. I cannot wait to see more from this author, and the little teaser at the end of "Up a Dry Creek" left me salivating for the next story in the Dry Creek series.
Cover Lovin': I really like this cover. I think this suits Claire and Jake's story.
Recommendation: Great, quick read for fans of romantic suspense. Definitely for older readers (18+) and those that don't mind the steamier scenes.
Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE (4/5). Excellent story, and it kept me glued to my kindle from page one.
Have you read "Up a Dry Creek" by Avery Flynn? What were your thoughts - share them in the comments! Want to read it? Pick up a copy from Amazon.com today via the link at the top!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Novel Addiction was featured on Avery Flynn's blog!
Hello everyone! I've been busy working 10 hour days because I get to leave for Florida on Saturday! That's right, I'm going to Disney World and Universal Studios - oh yeah, I'm going to the Harry Potter park!!
But I did take some time out to answer some interview questions - go check out my answers to Avery's questions on her blog. And then go play around on her site, she has some great content, and I know I'm eager to check out her book, "Up a Dry Creek"!
I'll be posting pictures as soon as possible when I return from vacation (or maybe even during!), and I'll probably do a trip wrap-up post, since Disney and Universal are some of my favorite vacay spots.
Don't forget to visit me at Avery's blog. Learn a little bit more about me (if you dare!). =)
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
But I did take some time out to answer some interview questions - go check out my answers to Avery's questions on her blog. And then go play around on her site, she has some great content, and I know I'm eager to check out her book, "Up a Dry Creek"!
I'll be posting pictures as soon as possible when I return from vacation (or maybe even during!), and I'll probably do a trip wrap-up post, since Disney and Universal are some of my favorite vacay spots.
Don't forget to visit me at Avery's blog. Learn a little bit more about me (if you dare!). =)
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Monday, September 19, 2011
Reviewing: When the review doesn't write itself..
Anyone who has reviewed a product or a book will know that sometimes the review just writes itself. Maybe this was one of the best books you've ever read, and all the great things about it just organize themselves into a beautiful review. Or maybe it was a book you absolutely hated, and again, all those bad things come forward into a cohesive and constructive review.
But then there are books that just leave you going "Well..." - it's not that the book was bad, good, or in between, but it just doesn't leave you with that "gotta talk about this now!" feeling. I've run into this type of book more often than not in the past few months, and sometimes it takes all I have just to write up a description of the book. I've started taking steps to avoid this - usually by making notes while reading the book. You should see the pile of books I have with a sheet of paper tucked in it, with more than a few scribbles.
And then what? Just because I have notes, sometimes quite detailed notes, doesn't mean I can make that into a constructive and beneficial review. Writers talk about writers block, but what about the reviewer? I guess that means we have reviewers block. We all know what to say about DNF (did not finish) books.. but what about ones that are just incredibly difficult to review? CNR [Can Not Review]? Maybe WRLWICAWI [Will Review Later When I Can Actually Write It]?
Or am I the only one that has this problem.
If not, reviewers - please feel free to leave your help tips and tricks in the comment section! If I get some good ones, I'll write a part 2 post, mentioning your helpful hints, so other reviewers can benefit from your knowledge.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
But then there are books that just leave you going "Well..." - it's not that the book was bad, good, or in between, but it just doesn't leave you with that "gotta talk about this now!" feeling. I've run into this type of book more often than not in the past few months, and sometimes it takes all I have just to write up a description of the book. I've started taking steps to avoid this - usually by making notes while reading the book. You should see the pile of books I have with a sheet of paper tucked in it, with more than a few scribbles.
And then what? Just because I have notes, sometimes quite detailed notes, doesn't mean I can make that into a constructive and beneficial review. Writers talk about writers block, but what about the reviewer? I guess that means we have reviewers block. We all know what to say about DNF (did not finish) books.. but what about ones that are just incredibly difficult to review? CNR [Can Not Review]? Maybe WRLWICAWI [Will Review Later When I Can Actually Write It]?
Or am I the only one that has this problem.
If not, reviewers - please feel free to leave your help tips and tricks in the comment section! If I get some good ones, I'll write a part 2 post, mentioning your helpful hints, so other reviewers can benefit from your knowledge.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Friday, September 16, 2011
What I got this week
This was a really good week for me! I got some excellent books that I'm very excited to read and review.
These books are a mix of pleasure, reviewing in general, and reviewing for Romance Reviews Today. I think I'm going to start posting links to my Romance Reviews Today reviews, along with a short commentary on my thoughts, so you guys can see what I've been reading and loved! Or didn't love, as the case may be...
: "The Six Crowns : Fair Wind to Widdershins" by Allan Jones and Gary Chalk. Juvenile. October release.
: "The Secret Zoo : Riddles and Danger" by Bryan Chick. Juvenile. October release.
: "Darkness Rising" by Keri Arthur. Urban Fantasy. October release.
: "Drink Deep" by Chloe Neill. Urban Fantasy. November release. - I'm holding off on reading this until closer to its due date. And it's *killing* me! I HAVE to know what happens. Fans of this series will know what I'm talking about. Eeeeek!
: "Envy" by J.R. Ward. Urban Fantasy. - I still didn't read the second in this series, but I had a giftcard that was burning a hole in my pocket...
: "The Bride and the Beast" by Teresa Medeiros. Historical Romance. - I originally picked this up as something to read during lunch when I forgot to bring a book (shocker).. and ended up loving it.
: "Soul Thief" by Jana Oliver. Young Adult Fantasy.
: "The Fallen 3 : End of Days" by Thomas Sniegoski. Young Adult. THANK YOU THANK YOU Mr. Sniegoski for continuing this series!!! I have been a huge fan of The Fallen series since I was a teen. I love your Remy Chandler series too.. but Aaron's journey has a special place in my heart. I cannot wait to dive into this. Also.. I totally re-bought the Fallen books (in their new omnibus form!) so they would match this one!
Ahem. Sorry for Fangirl-ing out there. I'm just.. well, I'm just so darned excited.
What I just finished reading:
"Blood Ties" by Mari Mancusi - another quick, fun, action packed book in the Blood Coven series.
"Temptation of a Highland Scoundrel" by Sue-Ellen Welfonder - good, cute historical romance with the teensiest hint of paranormal.
"Queen of Kings" by Maria Dahvana Headley - Still... working on this one. Hit a snag a third of the way through. It was for the Positively Paranormal Book Club that I and a few coworkers run for our library patrons.
That's it for me this week. I can't wait to see what everyone else got!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
These books are a mix of pleasure, reviewing in general, and reviewing for Romance Reviews Today. I think I'm going to start posting links to my Romance Reviews Today reviews, along with a short commentary on my thoughts, so you guys can see what I've been reading and loved! Or didn't love, as the case may be...
: "The Six Crowns : Fair Wind to Widdershins" by Allan Jones and Gary Chalk. Juvenile. October release.
: "The Secret Zoo : Riddles and Danger" by Bryan Chick. Juvenile. October release.
: "Darkness Rising" by Keri Arthur. Urban Fantasy. October release.
: "Drink Deep" by Chloe Neill. Urban Fantasy. November release. - I'm holding off on reading this until closer to its due date. And it's *killing* me! I HAVE to know what happens. Fans of this series will know what I'm talking about. Eeeeek!
: "Envy" by J.R. Ward. Urban Fantasy. - I still didn't read the second in this series, but I had a giftcard that was burning a hole in my pocket...
: "The Bride and the Beast" by Teresa Medeiros. Historical Romance. - I originally picked this up as something to read during lunch when I forgot to bring a book (shocker).. and ended up loving it.
: "Soul Thief" by Jana Oliver. Young Adult Fantasy.
: "The Fallen 3 : End of Days" by Thomas Sniegoski. Young Adult. THANK YOU THANK YOU Mr. Sniegoski for continuing this series!!! I have been a huge fan of The Fallen series since I was a teen. I love your Remy Chandler series too.. but Aaron's journey has a special place in my heart. I cannot wait to dive into this. Also.. I totally re-bought the Fallen books (in their new omnibus form!) so they would match this one!
Ahem. Sorry for Fangirl-ing out there. I'm just.. well, I'm just so darned excited.
What I just finished reading:
"Blood Ties" by Mari Mancusi - another quick, fun, action packed book in the Blood Coven series.
"Temptation of a Highland Scoundrel" by Sue-Ellen Welfonder - good, cute historical romance with the teensiest hint of paranormal.
"Queen of Kings" by Maria Dahvana Headley - Still... working on this one. Hit a snag a third of the way through. It was for the Positively Paranormal Book Club that I and a few coworkers run for our library patrons.
That's it for me this week. I can't wait to see what everyone else got!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Monday, September 12, 2011
Guess who's back, finally!
I know, it's been ages! But I promised I would be back, and here I am. =) A lot of stuff happened at home, hence my need for a hiatus, but I'll be back pretty regularly now.
Reasons why I left for a while:
My Grandfather had to have his gallbladder removed.
My Dad had surgery.
I got promoted to full time (yay!).
I just.. needed a break, I guess.
I think it got to the point where all the reading and reviewing felt more like a job than a joy. I love books, I love discovering new authors, books, and series... I thought it was better to stop for a bit, relax, and then come back with a fresh new outlook. Well I have it!
Again, for all the authors that sent me their books, I *WILL* review them, just give me some more time to get back into the swing of things. I'm currently working through some books I need to read for work - like "Queen of Kings" by Maria Dahvana Headly for the next Positively Paranormal book club! - and my RRT books, but I'm hoping to come up with a proper reading schedule, so I can do everything at once. Plus.. you know, throw in some pleasure reading books at some point!
Some exciting news (at least for me!)... My new job means I get to process all the best seller books that come into my branch of the library. I can't help but drool over these books, that I get to handle and process.. all before their release date! I'm just a big nerd, huh?
Well, that's it for my update! I'm so glad to be back amongst my booky friends. I hope you all have a fantastic day!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Reasons why I left for a while:
My Grandfather had to have his gallbladder removed.
My Dad had surgery.
I got promoted to full time (yay!).
I just.. needed a break, I guess.
I think it got to the point where all the reading and reviewing felt more like a job than a joy. I love books, I love discovering new authors, books, and series... I thought it was better to stop for a bit, relax, and then come back with a fresh new outlook. Well I have it!
Again, for all the authors that sent me their books, I *WILL* review them, just give me some more time to get back into the swing of things. I'm currently working through some books I need to read for work - like "Queen of Kings" by Maria Dahvana Headly for the next Positively Paranormal book club! - and my RRT books, but I'm hoping to come up with a proper reading schedule, so I can do everything at once. Plus.. you know, throw in some pleasure reading books at some point!
Some exciting news (at least for me!)... My new job means I get to process all the best seller books that come into my branch of the library. I can't help but drool over these books, that I get to handle and process.. all before their release date! I'm just a big nerd, huh?
Well, that's it for my update! I'm so glad to be back amongst my booky friends. I hope you all have a fantastic day!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Saturday, September 10, 2011
WINNERS of "Boyfriend from Hell"!!
Please help me congratulate the two lucky winners of "Boyfriend from Hell!"
PRINT winner is.....
****** JANE ******
EBOOK winner is.....
****** TINA ******
Congratulations you two! I'll be sending your information (address or email) to E. Van Lowe later today, so hopefully you'll be getting your prizes asap. =)
Didn't win? Get your copy at Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
PRINT winner is.....
****** JANE ******
EBOOK winner is.....
****** TINA ******
Congratulations you two! I'll be sending your information (address or email) to E. Van Lowe later today, so hopefully you'll be getting your prizes asap. =)
Didn't win? Get your copy at Amazon.com!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Thursday, September 8, 2011
CONTEST REMINDER! : "Boyfriend from Hell" TWO copy giveaway!
Today is the last day to enter my contest for one of TWO copies of "Boyfriend from Hell!"
Print copy is open to US/Canada.
Ebook copy is open to international entrants.
Enter one or both (as long as you're able!).
Go HERE to enter. This contest ends TONIGHT, Thursday September 8th at 11:59 PM EST.
Winners announced tomorrow morning!
Happy Reading - and stay tuned, Novel Addiction will be back Monday with mostly regularly scheduled posts!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Print copy is open to US/Canada.
Ebook copy is open to international entrants.
Enter one or both (as long as you're able!).
Go HERE to enter. This contest ends TONIGHT, Thursday September 8th at 11:59 PM EST.
Winners announced tomorrow morning!
Happy Reading - and stay tuned, Novel Addiction will be back Monday with mostly regularly scheduled posts!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Review of "Boyfriend from Hell" by E. Van Lowe
*** Enter my GIVEAWAY for two copies of "Boyfriend from Hell"! Go HERE to enter!"
**** This post did not go up as scheduled, my apologies to the author ****

Why this book?: Reviewing this book as part of the author's Book Lovin' Bitches ebook tour!**** This post did not go up as scheduled, my apologies to the author ****

Disclaimer: The author provided me with a copy of "Boyfriend from Hell" in exchange for a fair and honest review.
About the book: Fifteen year-old Megan Barnett and her single mom, Suze, have a special relationship—they are friends, close friends, who do almost everything together.
“But come on, guys, she’s my mother… Can I really tell her that while we’re snuggled up on the sofa watching Spider Man Three, I’m secretly undressing James Franco with my eyes? Of course not…”
The special bond takes a turn for the worse when Suze decides to start dating again. She hasn’t had a man in her life since Megan’s father left ten years ago.
Enter two mysterious young men, Megan’s new classmate, sinfully attractive bad boy, Guy Matson, and the dangerously handsome art dealer, Armando. Before long Megan and Suze both wind up in steamy relationships. But neither of the handsome pair is quite what he seems. In fact, one of them is Satan, with his sights set on a new bride. Megan has precious little time to figure out how to stop him. If she doesn’t, either Megan or Suze are quite literally going to HELL.
"Boyfriend From Hell" is the first book in the Falling Angels Saga from the author of the gruesomely hilarious, "Never Slow Dance With A Zombie."
Review: I really enjoyed "Boyfriend from Hell" by E. Van Lowe. An interesting story with an equally interesting narrator, Megan, "Boyfriend from Hell" features a fresh story line that left me groaning or chuckling at all the right parts. The lengths Megan would go to try and keep her mother from dating felt dead on, not to mention creative. Alas, all that work is for naught, and Suze ends
up in a whirlwind romance with Armando.
There was a time or two when Megan felt and acted a little too old for her teenage years, but they were easily overshadowed by the actions and plans that only a fifteen year old could pull off. The characters in "Boyfriend from Hell" really made the novel for me, and I was really excited to see that this novel is the first in a saga. I'll definitely be checking out the rest in the series as they release, as should you! Be sure to check out E. Van Lowe's "Boyfriend from Hell!" Or maybe try to win a copy in my two copy giveaway! Go HERE for the details and entry form!
Cover Loving: I really enjoy this cover. I think it's excellent and fits the novel.
Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5). Good story, interesting premise, definitely something to check out.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
GIVEAWAY: "Boyfriend From Hell" by E. Van Lowe!
Hello everyone! Author E. Van Lowe has generously donated TWO copies of "Boyfriend From Hell" for me to giveaway. There will be one print winner (US/Canada ONLY) and one ebook winner (open internationally!). See below for the entry form and more details.
About the book: Fifteen year-old Megan Barnett and her single mom, Suze, have a special relationship—they are friends, close friends, who do almost everything together.
“But come on, guys, she’s my mother… Can I really tell her that while we’re snuggled up on the sofa watching Spider Man Three, I’m secretly undressing James Franco with my eyes? Of course not…”
The special bond takes a turn for the worse when Suze decides to start dating again. She hasn’t had a man in her life since Megan’s father left ten years ago.
Enter two mysterious young men, Megan’s new classmate, sinfully attractive bad boy, Guy Matson, and the dangerously handsome art dealer, Armando. Before long Megan and Suze both wind up in steamy relationships. But neither of the handsome pair is quite what he seems. In fact, one of them is Satan, with his sights set on a new bride. Megan has precious little time to figure out how to stop him. If she doesn’t, either Megan or Suze are quite literally going to HELL.
"Boyfriend From Hell" is the first book in the Falling Angels Saga from the author of the gruesomely hilarious, "Never Slow Dance With A Zombie."
~ Fill out the form below to enter. Comments are lovely but do not count as an entry.
~ Contest ENDS Thursday, 9/8 at 11:59 PM EST. Winners will be announced Friday, 9/9.
~ Print copy open US/ Canada, ebook open Internationally!
~ There will be TWO winners.
~ You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
~ Disclaimer: Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail or authors/publishers failing to deliver prizes.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Saturday, August 27, 2011
WINNERS of "Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny" by Pepper O'Neal!
Please help me congratulate the two winners of "BLOOD FEST: CHASING DESTINY" by Pepper O'Neal!
The lucky ducks are....
******JUNE M******
CONGRATS! I'll be sending the author your contact information as soon as possible!
Didn't win? Check HERE for buying information.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
The lucky ducks are....
******JUNE M******
CONGRATS! I'll be sending the author your contact information as soon as possible!
Didn't win? Check HERE for buying information.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Friday, August 19, 2011
Giveaway Reminder!
Be sure to check out my review HERE.. and then venture over to the contest post to enter!
Have a wonderful weekend, all!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Monday, August 15, 2011
GIVEAWAY: "Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny" by Pepper O'Neal
About the book: She didn’t know what she was—or that what she was could get her killed...
A struggling private detective in Los Angeles, Chase Alcott has no idea about her unique genetic makeup. So when she takes on a new client—an old man with ulterior motives—she’s unaware of the danger she’ll soon face. Traveling to England to solve a mysterious murder at the request of her new client, Chase encounters terrifying creatures she thought only existed in her nightmares—only to find out she’s one of them. Caught in a web of evil and deception after learning some terrifying truths about her long dead parents, Chase doesn’t know who to believe. Does she dare trust the enigmatic Roman, a man with dark secrets of his own?
He knew what she was—he just had no idea what to do about her…
English nobleman, Roman Fernwood, half-werewolf/half-vampire, doesn’t want a mate, especially not a half human/ half-weretiger with no knowledge of what she is. But there’s something about Chase, Roman can’t resist in spite of his determination not to fall in love. Is it her fascinating American spunk and courage, or her stunning cinnamon eyes? Or could it be the passion he senses just beneath her calm, unruffled demeanor? Whatever it is, Roman must keep her safe from those who want to kill her while finding a way to show her what she is without driving her into the arms of the other were who also want her for a mate.
Fate should have considered the consequences before messing with Mother Nature.
Author's website: Pepper O'Neal
Buy it from the publisher: Black Opal Books
Buy it from Amazon: Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny
B&N: Store
~ Fill out the form below to enter. Comments are nice but do not count as an entry.
~ Contest ENDS Thursday, 8/25 at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be announced Friday 8/26.
~ Open Internationally
~ Two copy giveaway, so there will be TWO winners.
~ You must be at least 13 years old to enter. Please keep in mind this book has adult content.
~ Disclaimer: Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail, and authors/publishers failing to deliver prizes.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Sunday, August 14, 2011
[BLB] REVIEW of "Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny" by Pepper O'Neal
Disclaimer: This book was given to me in exchange for a review.
Type: Paranormal Romance, weres/lycans, vampires, urban fantasy, mating.
About the book: She didn’t know what she was—or that what she was could get her killed...
A struggling private detective in Los Angeles, Chase Alcott has no idea about her unique genetic makeup. So when she takes on a new client—an old man with ulterior motives—she’s unaware of the danger she’ll soon face. Traveling to England to solve a mysterious murder at the request of her new client, Chase encounters terrifying creatures she thought only existed in her nightmares—only to find out she’s one of them. Caught in a web of evil and deception after learning some terrifying truths about her long dead parents, Chase doesn’t know who to believe. Does she dare trust the enigmatic Roman, a man with dark secrets of his own?
He knew what she was—he just had no idea what to do about her…
English nobleman, Roman Fernwood, half-werewolf/half-vampire, doesn’t want a mate, especially not a half human/ half-weretiger with no knowledge of what she is. But there’s something about Chase, Roman can’t resist in spite of his determination not to fall in love. Is it her fascinating American spunk and courage, or her stunning cinnamon eyes? Or could it be the passion he senses just beneath her calm, unruffled demeanor? Whatever it is, Roman must keep her safe from those who want to kill her while finding a way to show her what she is without driving her into the arms of the other were who also want her for a mate.
Fate should have considered the consequences before messing with Mother Nature.
Review: I'd like to start off with the things I had trouble with, so I can get to the good parts near the end. I thought the main character, Chase, accepted the idea of weres, vampires, and more just a little too quickly. Yes, I know the character can see auras, but that doesn't mean she will be totally okay with supposedly mythical creatures running around - and that she's one of them. I'm sure there are people that are more likely to believe that sort of thing, but I think, as a P.I., that Chase would be a little more skeptical about the whole issue.
That said, I did enjoy the characters and the setting. I'm a big fan of private investigators, and I enjoyed a lead character that was a private eye, and a strong female one at that. I thought our two main characters going undercover as decorators was a good choice, and fit with the storyline, as well as added and interesting little side bit to the main plot. "Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny" had some seriously good pacing. This sort of thing is generally underrated, in my opinion - not something you really notice unless it's incredibly bad. But "Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny" did well, mixing the high action or sensual scenes with enough little breaks in between to give the audience a chance to process and relax before moving onto another tense situation.
All in all, a very enjoyable read. A great book to add to your electronic reader (I believe a paperback edition is also available) and take on vacation or for a long car ride - if you're not driving, that is. =)
Recommendation: Fans of a quick paced paranormal romance/urban fantasy should check out "Blood Fest: Chasing Destiny."
Cover Lovin: Very good cover. I'd say it definitely suits the book.
Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5). Good, enjoyable read. Definitely something to check out.
**** Be sure to return tomorrow for a GIVEAWAY of this book, as part of the author's book tour!****
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Friday, August 5, 2011
WINNER of "Nether" by Jason Beymer!
And the lucky duck is.......
******* MICHELLE *********
Congratulations Michelle! I'll be emailing the author with your contact information, and you'll hear from him soon about receiving your book. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you to everyone that entered, and a big thank you to Jason for donating a copy of his book to giveaway.
Happy Reading!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Temporary break.
Hello readers!
I'm sad to say Novel Addiction will be going on hiatus for a short while. I'm sure you've noticed the lack of posts recently, but life has gotten in the way of blogging.. and even reading. I don't want to post filler content and make everyone sick of me, so until I can get back into the swing of things, and everyone in my family is all settled, Novel Addiction will be taking a break.
Authors, if I have your book to review, I *WILL* still review it. And already scheduled blog tours will continue to pop up, as well as giveaways and winner announcements.
***NOTE:*** My AOL account has been hacked, so **DO NOT** try to contact me there. Please update any contact information you have for me or Novel Addiction to my blog's email address, glowsnoveladdiction AT gmail DOT com, Thank you.
I will be back! Hopefully soon. I do miss everyone, and I can't wait to return to such a wonderful blogging community.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
I'm sad to say Novel Addiction will be going on hiatus for a short while. I'm sure you've noticed the lack of posts recently, but life has gotten in the way of blogging.. and even reading. I don't want to post filler content and make everyone sick of me, so until I can get back into the swing of things, and everyone in my family is all settled, Novel Addiction will be taking a break.
Authors, if I have your book to review, I *WILL* still review it. And already scheduled blog tours will continue to pop up, as well as giveaways and winner announcements.
***NOTE:*** My AOL account has been hacked, so **DO NOT** try to contact me there. Please update any contact information you have for me or Novel Addiction to my blog's email address, glowsnoveladdiction AT gmail DOT com, Thank you.
I will be back! Hopefully soon. I do miss everyone, and I can't wait to return to such a wonderful blogging community.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Friday, July 29, 2011
GIVEAWAY: "Nether" by Jason Beymer!
Let's learn a little about the book: One suburban night. One stubborn corpse. One golden opportunity.
Burklin had it all: a spacious two-story house, a shapeshifting wife, a wide open future. That is, until his father ripped out his soul and trapped it inside an opinionated dachshund. Now he's lost everything, leaving him a slave on mop-up duty for a homicidal teenage demon. His father is sleeping with his ex, the possessed dachshund won't stop talking, and the cleanup jobs keep getting messier. Burklin would give anything to have his life back--even if it means turning against his manipulative father and destroying their chance of winning the Nether's Demon Lord Sweepstakes.
Opportunity knocks with a dead woman's hand. When the demon's latest victim won't stay dead, the rules of life and death change. Freedom lies within Burklin's reach, but to get it he'll have to defy his father, the ex-wife he still loves, and the Nether itself.
Just how far is he willing to go?
About Jason: A permanent fixture at his local coffeehouse, Jason Beymer hunches over his laptop in a caffeine-induced frenzy, jowls slick with muse. He injects comedy into the urban and traditional fantasy genres like a squeeze of lemon into ice water: tart, yet refreshing. When not pounding on his keyboard, Jason worships at the feet of Ray Bradbury, and engages in an unhealthy obsession with Grace Park and Tricia Helfer.
Find Jason around the net:
Website: Beer and TV
Twitter: @beerandtv
Facebook: Jason Beymer
Email: jason@beerandtv.com
: Fill out the form below to enter. Comments are lovely but DO NOT count as an entry.
: Contest ENDS Thursday 8/04 at 11:59 PM EST. Winners will be announced Friday, 8/05.
: Open Internationally.
: You must be at least 13 years old to enter. And please keep in mind that this book has adult content.
: Disclaimer: Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail or authors failing to deliver prizes.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Thursday, July 28, 2011
REVIEW: "Nether" by Jason Beymer
***** Stop by tomorrow, 7/29, to win an ebook copy of "Nether" by Jason Beymer! *****

Why this book?: Reviewing this book as part of the author's BLB ebook tour.
Disclaimer: This book was given to me in exchange for a review by the author.
Type: Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Violence, Men will enjoy this as well, quirky humor.
About the book: One suburban night. One stubborn corpse. One golden opportunity.
Burklin had it all: a spacious two-story house, a shapeshifting wife, a wide open future. That is, until his father ripped out his soul and trapped it inside an opinionated dachshund. Now he's lost everything, leaving him a slave on mop-up duty for a homicidal teenage demon. His father is sleeping with his ex, the possessed dachshund won't stop talking, and the cleanup jobs keep getting messier. Burklin would give anything to have his life back--even if it means turning against his manipulative father and destroying their chance of winning the Nether's Demon Lord Sweepstakes.
Opportunity knocks with a dead woman's hand. When the demon's latest victim won't stay dead, the rules of life and death change. Freedom lies within Burklin's reach, but to get it he'll have to defy his father, the ex-wife he still loves, and the Nether itself.
Just how far is he willing to go?
Review: "Nether" isn't exactly my regular type of read, but I chose to participate in this tour because I wanted something darker, something different. I think the best way I could describe this book is.. Unique. Which in this day and age, where the same plot line or love triangle is repeated over and over in countless novels, unique is something special. I will say that it took me a while to decide whether or not I liked this main character. Burklin is.. different. He'd probably be considered a loser, but.. well, a loser that used to be a scary bada**. He's the type of good guy/hero that is definitely not heroic. An anti-hero, if you will. And for that reason, I had to keep reading. Even while I was sure I didn't like him, I had to see what he would do and what would happen to him.
There are some seriously great descriptions in this book, my favorites were pretty much all Pearl-centered. Pearl is one fascinating character, a dog with a human soul, and the ability to talk. And a rather crude dog at that. She definitely left me hoping my dogs aren't thinking along similar lines.. I suppose I'll have to watch them more closely in the future. There were some great funny moments, and some icky ( as in literally disgusting ) moments, but however you look at it, "Nether" is one wickedly interesting read!
Cover Loving: Cover definitely fits the book.
Recommendation: Definitely for mature adults only, fans of darker urban fantasy and science fiction/fantasy will enjoy this book.
Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5). Good, entertaining. A grittier look at urban fantasy.
*** Come back tomorrow, 7/29, for a chance to win an ebook copy of "Nether" by Jason Beymer! ****
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Disclaimer: This book was given to me in exchange for a review by the author.
Type: Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Violence, Men will enjoy this as well, quirky humor.
About the book: One suburban night. One stubborn corpse. One golden opportunity.
Burklin had it all: a spacious two-story house, a shapeshifting wife, a wide open future. That is, until his father ripped out his soul and trapped it inside an opinionated dachshund. Now he's lost everything, leaving him a slave on mop-up duty for a homicidal teenage demon. His father is sleeping with his ex, the possessed dachshund won't stop talking, and the cleanup jobs keep getting messier. Burklin would give anything to have his life back--even if it means turning against his manipulative father and destroying their chance of winning the Nether's Demon Lord Sweepstakes.
Opportunity knocks with a dead woman's hand. When the demon's latest victim won't stay dead, the rules of life and death change. Freedom lies within Burklin's reach, but to get it he'll have to defy his father, the ex-wife he still loves, and the Nether itself.
Just how far is he willing to go?
Review: "Nether" isn't exactly my regular type of read, but I chose to participate in this tour because I wanted something darker, something different. I think the best way I could describe this book is.. Unique. Which in this day and age, where the same plot line or love triangle is repeated over and over in countless novels, unique is something special. I will say that it took me a while to decide whether or not I liked this main character. Burklin is.. different. He'd probably be considered a loser, but.. well, a loser that used to be a scary bada**. He's the type of good guy/hero that is definitely not heroic. An anti-hero, if you will. And for that reason, I had to keep reading. Even while I was sure I didn't like him, I had to see what he would do and what would happen to him.
There are some seriously great descriptions in this book, my favorites were pretty much all Pearl-centered. Pearl is one fascinating character, a dog with a human soul, and the ability to talk. And a rather crude dog at that. She definitely left me hoping my dogs aren't thinking along similar lines.. I suppose I'll have to watch them more closely in the future. There were some great funny moments, and some icky ( as in literally disgusting ) moments, but however you look at it, "Nether" is one wickedly interesting read!
Cover Loving: Cover definitely fits the book.
Recommendation: Definitely for mature adults only, fans of darker urban fantasy and science fiction/fantasy will enjoy this book.
Final Rating: THREE POINT FIVE out of FIVE (3.5/5). Good, entertaining. A grittier look at urban fantasy.
*** Come back tomorrow, 7/29, for a chance to win an ebook copy of "Nether" by Jason Beymer! ****
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Whatcha Got Wednesday - 2 week edition

So on with the updates and Wednesday funsies. Winners of my blogoversary celebration - Emails have gone out to either the authors (if you won an ebook) or to you (if you won a print book and your mailing address is needed), so please be on the lookout for those!
Now onto my received goodies!
"Temptation of a Highland Scoundrel" by Sue-Ellen Welfonder
"Sweet Kiss of Summer" by Sophie Gunn
** These will be posted on Romance Reviews Today, so look for the reviews there. **
Author swag and goodies - thanks to Anna!
"Stronger than Sin" - Caridad Pineiro
"Ripe for Pleasure" - Isobel Carr
"If He's Dangerous" - Hannah Howell
Various Amazon.com gift cards - these will come in handy when I get my NEW KINDLE!! That's right, I bought a kindle! The 3G Kindle with Special Offers is only 139! Hurry and get yours if you've been holding off.
"Unearthly" - Cynthia Hand (love this book)
"Original Sin" - Lisa Desrochers
That's it for me this week. Be sure to share what you got!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Anyone having trouble with AOL mail?
Hey guys, to anyone that uses AOL mail... are you having problems with it? While I use Time Warner Cable for internet connection, I still use AOL and AOL.com for mail (along with gmail).. but I cannot sign onto AOL. We've tried contacted tech support, but it hung up on us when we were finally getting to the point of talking to a real person.
I'm not sure if my account has been hacked, or if AOL is just having technical problems... so just in case, I apologize if you get any spam from me. And please let me know via comment or email (at glowsnoveladdiction DOT gmail DOT com) if you're having problems with AOL as well.
Again, thanks guys!
I'm not sure if my account has been hacked, or if AOL is just having technical problems... so just in case, I apologize if you get any spam from me. And please let me know via comment or email (at glowsnoveladdiction DOT gmail DOT com) if you're having problems with AOL as well.
Again, thanks guys!
Monday, July 18, 2011

Again, I just want to thank everyone that joined in to help me celebrate not only my 2nd Blogoversary, but my birthday. Authors and readers alike made this special occasion even more so, and I can't express just how truly thankful I am!
But I can announce the winners of last weeks festivities! If your name is announced below, expect to hear from either myself or the author that offered the giveaway within the next few days.
WINNER of the Lori Foster 3-copy giveaway is......
WINNER of "The Heart of War" by Lisa Beth Darling is......
WINNER of "Rabbits in the Garden" (limited edition) by Jessica McHugh is.....
WINNERS of an ebook (one per person) by Alison Holt are....
****C. Hope****
WINNER of "1080 Kiss" by Angela Steed is.....
****Christine D****
Congratulations to all the winners! I hope you enjoy your prizes, I'm a huge fan of each of the participating authors, so you're getting some quality reading material.
And again, thank you to everyone that participating. I will be having more giveaways in the future.
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
PROMO: JK Coi's "Falling Hard"!
by J.K. Coi
July 18, 2011 from Carina Press
Available today! Get your copy now from Carina Press!
“Totally different and totally enthralling…Fantastically good book…” Wendy, You Gotta Read Reviews
After a life filled with tragedy, rocker Gabriel Gunn thinks he's finally getting the better of his personal demons. Then he's attacked after a concert—and rescued by a warrior goddess brandishing a sword and white wings. As hard as it is to believe in an angelic bodyguard, Gabriel must face an even more impossible truth: he carries the devil's soul within him.
Amelia has been watching over Gabriel for years, using her angelic powers to prevent Lucifer's return. Now she must also protect him from warring angel factions with their own agendas. Amelia would do anything to avert another angelic war, even sacrifice her own emotions to avoid temptation. Yet with Gabriel she feels things she no longer wants to deny, and pleasure she never imagined.
But the closer Gabriel and Amelia get, the stronger Lucifer becomes. Will Amelia be forced to kill the man she's come to love to stop the war she's always feared?
About the Author:
J.K. Coi is a multi-published, award winning author of contemporary and paranormal romance and urban fantasy. She makes her home in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and son and a feisty black cat who is the uncontested head of the household. While she spends her days immersed in the litigious world of insurance law, she is very happy to spend her nights writing dark and sexy characters who leap off the page and into readers’ hearts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Giveaways end TONIGHT!!
Hey all! Yesterday was my birthday, eeek! I'm now 24! I got some great things from wonderful people, and I'll share some of my gifts on my regularly scheduled Whatcha Got Wednesday post. While my birthday celebrations are over (Unless you wanna be nice and get me something from my RAK Wishlist *wink wink*), my giveaways aren't over YET! You have until 7 PM EST TONIGHT to enter all my great giveaways! Make sure you go and enter enter enter! Not sure which ones you've entered, and which you haven't? Fill out the form again - I will delete the duplicates. I'm so nice to you guys, right? =)
Winners will be announced tomorrow. Here's all the links!
Giveaway for three print books ("When You Dare," "Trace of Fever," "Savor the Danger") by Lori Foster. ONE winner. Details and form HERE.
Giveaway for one ebook copy of "The Heart of War" by Lisa Beth Darling. ONE winner. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Giveaway for one print copy of "Rabbits in the Garden" by Jessica McHugh. Book is a limited edition print run (the cover has since been changed!) ONE winner. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Giveaway for three ecopies of books by Alison Holt. Winners will choose which of her books they want. THREE winners. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Giveaway for one ebook copy of "1080 Kiss" by Angela Steed. ONE winner. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Good luck to everyone entering the contests! There are some excellent books up for grabs!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Winners will be announced tomorrow. Here's all the links!
Giveaway for three print books ("When You Dare," "Trace of Fever," "Savor the Danger") by Lori Foster. ONE winner. Details and form HERE.
Giveaway for one ebook copy of "The Heart of War" by Lisa Beth Darling. ONE winner. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Giveaway for one print copy of "Rabbits in the Garden" by Jessica McHugh. Book is a limited edition print run (the cover has since been changed!) ONE winner. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Giveaway for three ecopies of books by Alison Holt. Winners will choose which of her books they want. THREE winners. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Giveaway for one ebook copy of "1080 Kiss" by Angela Steed. ONE winner. Guest post, details, and form HERE.
Good luck to everyone entering the contests! There are some excellent books up for grabs!
Happy Reading!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Friday, July 15, 2011
BLOGOVERSARY: GIVEAWAY and GUESTPOST with author Angela Steed!

Welcome everyone! This week, Novel Addiction is celebrating its SECOND BLOGOVERSARY! I'm also celebrating my birthday, so it's a super fun week! Today is the last day, but there's still fun content. Today, I'm lucky to offer you a guest post from Angela Steed, author of "1080 Kiss", and "Betrayal: The Awakening"! And Angela has kindly provided an ecopy of her book "1080 Kiss" to giveaway - there will be ONE winners! See below for details.
Birthdays and Gift Giving
by: Angela Steed
I've always loved gift giving. Whether it's for Christmas, a wedding, anniversary, or a birthday, I get excited about shopping for the perfect gift. I've never really been that great at picking gifts out, but I've always been told it's the thought that counts. (Tell that to the girl that I gave my old pink fuzzy sweater to. )
I was only seven years old at the time. I had no money to buy anything. But I knew I had to give my friend something for her birthday! She definitely looked like she could use a warm fuzzy turtle-neck sweater. So I wrapped the garment up in some Christmas paper that I found in my mother's closet then gave it to her at her birthday party. I wonder why she never invited me to any more parties after that?
All crappy gifts aside, have you ever received a gift so wonderful that you wonder what you did to deserve such a thing? I suppose I've received a few things that made me feel all squishy inside, like the guitar and amp my parents gave me on my sixteenth birthday. Then there was the tornado lamp that my boyfriend bought me for Christmas one year. I loved that thing. But there was one present that stood out above any other, one present that meant so much to me that it actually made me cry, and that was my first published novel 1080 Kiss.
1080 Kiss just happened to come out on my birthday. Talk about an amazing feeling! To hold something that I worked hard for in my hands was a special kind of gift that I'll never forget.
Now here I am at Novel Addiction during a birthday bash and anniversary. I'm so excited that I get to celebrate with everyone that I feel the need to give. I don't own any pink fuzzy sweaters to give away or any used twirling tornado laps (the thing broke after a year of continuous use). But I do have an e-copy of 1080 Kiss to give away to someone in hopes it'll brighten their day.
Thanks for inviting me Amanda! Happy Birthday and anniversary!
Be sure to check out Angela's website!

Now for the GIVEAWAY! Angela is offering ONE ecopy of her book "1080 Kiss," so there will be ONE lucky winner!
~ Fill out the form below to enter. Comments do not count as an entry.
~ There will be ONE winner.
~ Contest ENDS Sunday, July 17th at 7 PM EST. Winners will be announced Monday, July 18th.
~ You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
~ Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail, or authors/publishers failing to deliver prizes.
+1 For following Novel Addiction.
+1 For commenting on the Guest Post.
Be sure to check out Day 1 of my Blogoversary! Lisa Beth Darling, author of "The Heart of War," stopped to talk about anniversaries, and offers up an ecopy of her book to one lucky winner! Go HERE to enter.
Check out Day 2, author Jessica McHugh stops by to talk about the ending of her epic fantasy series, and is offering a LIMITED EDITION PRINT copy of "Rabbits in the Garden!" Go HERE to check it out.
Day 3, author Alison Holt visits to talk about realistic cops in fiction, and is offering THREE winners their choice of her ebooks! Go HERE To read the post and enter the contest.
Day 4, author Sonnet O'Dell stops by to talk about how little things can help with characterization. Be sure to visit HERE and read the post!
And don't forget my giveaway for THREE print books by Lori Foster. One winner will get all THREE of Lori's new releases! Visit THIS POST to read the rules and enter!
Want to get me a present for my birthday? *Wink wink* Here's my RAK Wishlist!
Happy Reading! And thank you to everyone that helped me celebrate my Blogoversary and Birthday!!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
Be sure to check out Angela's website!
Now for the GIVEAWAY! Angela is offering ONE ecopy of her book "1080 Kiss," so there will be ONE lucky winner!
~ Fill out the form below to enter. Comments do not count as an entry.
~ There will be ONE winner.
~ Contest ENDS Sunday, July 17th at 7 PM EST. Winners will be announced Monday, July 18th.
~ You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
~ Novel Addiction is not responsible for items lost in the mail, or authors/publishers failing to deliver prizes.
+1 For following Novel Addiction.
+1 For commenting on the Guest Post.
Be sure to check out Day 1 of my Blogoversary! Lisa Beth Darling, author of "The Heart of War," stopped to talk about anniversaries, and offers up an ecopy of her book to one lucky winner! Go HERE to enter.
Check out Day 2, author Jessica McHugh stops by to talk about the ending of her epic fantasy series, and is offering a LIMITED EDITION PRINT copy of "Rabbits in the Garden!" Go HERE to check it out.
Day 3, author Alison Holt visits to talk about realistic cops in fiction, and is offering THREE winners their choice of her ebooks! Go HERE To read the post and enter the contest.
Day 4, author Sonnet O'Dell stops by to talk about how little things can help with characterization. Be sure to visit HERE and read the post!
And don't forget my giveaway for THREE print books by Lori Foster. One winner will get all THREE of Lori's new releases! Visit THIS POST to read the rules and enter!
Want to get me a present for my birthday? *Wink wink* Here's my RAK Wishlist!
Happy Reading! And thank you to everyone that helped me celebrate my Blogoversary and Birthday!!
~!~ Amanda ~!~
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